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Posts posted by MadMartyr

  1. So, one of our players returned as a zombie today, and we couldn't figure out how to get him back without one of us killing him (which appears to decrease the humanity of the player pulling the trigger).  What's the easiest way to suicide as a zombie so that you come back as an uninfected player?

  2. I've played Origins, and even setup an Origins server using the files that were provided in one of the threads on OpenDayZ.  There's just so much about Origins that I DON'T like, and the housing being the only obvious plus that I can see.  The issue I really have with cracking open Origins and extracting the housing code is that I would want it in my Epoch server.  I love everything else about Epoch, and I don't want to fork the project and create a new derivative work from what these guys have put so much time and effort in to.


    I've read quite a lot about the Origins guys, and I think it's fair to say that everything in their "all-new custom awesome mod ohemgee" was taken from the community they essentially shun now, whether that be in the form of feedback and ideas, or directly by using scripts developed by the community.


    At any rate, back on topic, if I can get some instructions for and Base Building since some of you have it working, that'd make it easier.  If not, I'll be tossing my hat in next week when I have time to work on it.

  3. Here's the thing...I'd much rather have housing like that from Origins on my Epoch server.  Epoch is an amazing mod, I'm just really not a fan of the limitations of and how easy it is to destroy the currently constructed items.  I've looked around a bit, and Base Building 1.2 seems to be the only other script for base building, and there don't seem to be any "player housing" scripts like you would see in an MMO (specifically: customization with a standard set of starting points, as little military theme as possible, ability to lock oneself inside the structure and be safe unless shot through windows, etc).

  4. Does the BaseBuilding mod work with 1.0.1?  I worked through part of the link above for adding it to Epoch (using the "other mods" instructions, since I'm running 1.0.1), but the file contents don't appear to be the same.

  5. While I do agree about detracting from the realism factor, the Gyrocopters already do a damn good job of that.  Near impossible maneuverability, slamming in to a tree results in a smoking (yet still fully operational) vehicle, and if they do blow up they look exactly the same as they did previously.


    Plus, you know, I've heard that a big thing overseas in the last couple of decades has been to buy blue light bars and make American looking police cars.  Not for official use, mind you, but for fun.  This may be entirely invalid as I have no source other than a friend from England and another from Germany.

  6. I found a few interesting vehicle packs that I thought might be nice to have in Epoch, though totally at the team's discretion.


    American Law Enforcement: Would give a nice US alternative to the current style of police Interceptor already in.



    Sigma Vehicle Pack: Purely to provide a bit more variety to the current vehicles available.




    Go-Kart: Seems interesting enough, and given that we already have the Gyro copters which have a been a constant source of hilarity on our server, this would be nice.



  7. What are the instructions for successfully supplying power to a light pole?  I've build it, placed a generator directly beside it, fueled and started the generator, but the light didn't appear to come on.  Is the effect only noticeable at night?

  8. Issue addressed.  To reenable auto-refuel from fuel trucks, as it was previously, just change all of the fuel trucks (in the database and spawn tables) to remove to "_DZ" from the classname.  Thanks, AWOL, for pointing that out.

  9. Yes, I saw that, but that still doesn't enable it for stations (if I remember correctly), which seemed to be a point of addition for this release judging by the conversation and notes.  Besides, setting this to true in my init.sqf doesn't appear to have had any effect on the V3S Refuel, at the very least.  I'm going to find another fuel truck in the database and try with one of those.


    EDIT: Also verified with a MTVR and a Ural.  This setting has no effect, unless its case is incorrect and should be "dayz_oldRefuel" which I'll be trying shortly.


    EDIT 2: Nope, changing the case didn't correct the issue.  Adding to GitHub.


    EDIT 3: https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/issues/393

  10. I'm running RC2 at the moment, but I can't seem to get fuel trucks to refuel my vehicles.  Has there been a change made to them?  Also, as a host, how do I enable auto-refuel?  I've not seen a variable in the init.sqf for it.

  11. Here's the link to it, and the instructions are there and fairly self-explanatory.  I corrected a couple of things in the thread and he updated the OP to reflect that.  On the fifth page, if I remember correctly, I also posted a listing of world coordinates for cities in Chernaurus that I found elsewhere on those same forums that some people may find useful.



  12. I've looked around the GitHub a bit, but nothing really stuck out.  I'd love to try the new features and test it on my server.  I've been planning a wipe anyway, so I could wipe DB and leave the missions relatively untouched to help in testing. If not, I completely understand, and I can't wait to try the next release.

  13. I've added AI patrols to my server, and I think they've added a whole new dimension to the server.  I think they would make a neat addition (perhaps as a configurable option) to the official release.  Currently, my AIs and the Zeds interact and fight, and my AI patrols are also set to attack players.  I have a couple of patrols that scour the entire map, and a few in high-value places.


    I won't post the link to the script that I use, as I'm unsure of how the forum rules apply in this instance, but I'm curious as to whether this might be something you guys might consider.


    EDIT:  That's what I get for not searching.  This has been suggested with Sarge's AI, but I use Morox & Sycosis AI mod, and it's been great thus far.  Not as much fine-tuning available as Sarge's I've heard, but it's a good quick addition.

  14. The easy way that I've done it previously is by using a vehicle in-game.  Move it to the location where you want the building, then change its classname in the object_data table of the database to that of the building you wish to place there (I generally toss painkillers in the back so that I can quickly identify the correct vehicle using a simple SQL query).  I also do some custom building in the editor, but this quick and dirty change works well when I'm not adding a great deal of items.

  15. Generally speaking, this seems to fall in to one of two categories (as far as I'm aware), both of which I've experienced: misconfiguration of the server, or lag between client and server.  I've become quite adept at breaking the excellent work that these gentlemen put out, and they've certainly done a great deal to get me back up and running.  I fixed my similar issue by deleting the SQL tables and re-importing the table structure and default data.

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