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Posts posted by Semezky

  1. All buy prices are actual sell prices when you buy something. Which one is wrong here.

    _priceToBuy = _priceToBuy + ((_x select 2)*(_x select 5));


    I approve this. If buy price is 200, and sell price is 100, you will buy and sell this item with the cost of 100 coins.



    Found a solution!

    You should find this

    _buy = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "CfgTraderCategory"  >> _cat  >> _y >> "sell");

    and replace "sell" with "buy". It should look like

    _buy = getArray(missionConfigFile >> "CfgTraderCategory"  >> _cat  >> _y >> "buy");
  2. If you want to use CfgServerTrader instead of Hive you should do this:
    Open TradeFromVehicle Version 2.0\system\functions.sqf and find this block of code:

    TFV_traderGetWeaponsMagazinesPrices =

    You should replace it completely with this:


    TFV_traderGetWeaponsMagazinesPrices =
    	private ["_trader","_traderData","_tids","_typeOfHumanityWeaponsMagazinesPrices","_typeOfHumanityWeaponsMagazinesPricesRAW","_physicalPrice","_intPrice","_currencyItem","_currencyItemWorth","_humanityNeed","_typeOfTrader","_badItems"];
    	_trader = _this select 0;
    	_intPrice = 0;
    	_traderData = call TFV_tradersGetTypeOfTIDSHumanity;
    	_badItems = ["USBasicBag","Tripod_Bag","M2StaticMG_US_Bag_EP1","M2HD_mini_TriPod_US_Bag_EP1","DSHKM_TK_GUE_Bag_EP1","DSHKM_TK_INS_Bag_EP1","DSHkM_Mini_TriPod_TK_GUE_Bag_EP1",
    	if (!isNil "TFV_ATIS") then {
    		if (!TFV_ATIS) then {
    			_badItems = (_badItems + ["ItemToolbox","ItemEtool","ItemMatchbox","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemFlashlight","ItemFlashlightRed","Binocular","NVGoggles","Laserdesignator","Kostey_photos","Kostey_map_case","Kostey_notebook","CDF_dogtags","Moscow_Bombing_File","Cobalt_File","ItemWatch","ItemCompass","ItemGPS","ItemRadio","ItemMap","EvPhoto","EvMap","EvMoscow","EvKobalt","EvMoney","EvDogTags","ItemMatchbox_DZE","ItemMachete","ItemHatchet_DZE","ItemCrowbar","ItemMap_Debug","ItemShovel","ItemFishingPole","ItemSledge","ItemKeyKit","Binocular_Vector"]);
    	    if ((_x select 0) == _trader) exitWith {
    		    _tids = _x select 1;
    			_typeOfTrader = _x select 0;
    			_humanityNeed = _x select 2;
    	} forEach _traderData;
    	_typeOfHumanityWeaponsMagazinesPrices = [_typeOfTrader,_humanityNeed,[]];	
    	_cfgTraderCategory = missionConfigFile >> "CfgTraderCategory" >> (format["Category_%1",_x]);	
    	PVDZE_plr_TradeMenuResult = [];
    	for "_i" from 0 to ((count _cfgTraderCategory) - 1) do {
    		_class = configName (_cfgTraderCategory select _i);
    		_type  = getText ((_cfgTraderCategory select _i) >> "type");	
    		_buy  = getArray ((_cfgTraderCategory select _i) >> "buy");	
    		_sell = getArray ((_cfgTraderCategory select _i) >> "sell");
    		_buy set [2,1];
    		_sell set [2,1];
    		_typeNum = 1;
    		if (_type == "trade_weapons") then {
    			_typeNum = 3;
    		} else { 
    			if (_type in ["trade_backpacks", "trade_any_vehicle", "trade_any_vehicle_free", "trade_any_boat", "trade_any_bicycle"]) then {
    				_typeNum = 2;
    		_data = [9999,[_class,_typeNum],99999,_buy,_sell,0,_trader_id,_type];
    		PVDZE_plr_TradeMenuResult set [count PVDZE_plr_TradeMenuResult, _data];
    		if ((count(PVDZE_plr_TradeMenuResult)) > 0) then {
    		    _typeOfHumanityWeaponsMagazinesPricesRAW = PVDZE_plr_TradeMenuResult;
    		    if (!(((_x select 1) select 0) isKindOf 'AllVehicles') && !(((_x select 1) select 0) in _badItems)) then {
    				_physicalPrice = [];
    				_intPrice = 0;
    				for "_i" from 0 to (((_x select 4) select 0) - 1) do {
    					_physicalPrice set [(count _physicalPrice),((_x select 4) select 1)];
    					_currencyItem = (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x);
    					_currencyItemWorth = (_currencyItem >> "worth");
    					if (isNumber _currencyItemWorth) then {
    						_intPrice = (_intPrice + getNumber(_currencyItemWorth));
    				} forEach _physicalPrice;
    				(_typeOfHumanityWeaponsMagazinesPrices select 2) set [(count (_typeOfHumanityWeaponsMagazinesPrices select 2)),[((_x select 1) select 0),((_x select 1) select 1),_intPrice]];
    		} forEach _typeOfHumanityWeaponsMagazinesPricesRaw;
    	} forEach _tids;

    And here it is - now script uses config data. Do not forget, that trading actionmenu appears only with "canbuild = false".

  3. Here is my solution:
    I am using Maca's remote messages. You should know what is it, if you dont - just google it.

    So, in remote_messages.sqf there is this codeblock:

    case "systemchat": {
    	systemChat (_message);

    Add my code just after it:

    case "radiochat": {
    	_RDQTY = {_x == "ItemRadio"} count weapons player;
    	if (_RDQTY > 0) then {
    		systemChat (_message);

    And then use this code to broadcast your messages to players, that have radio:

    customRemoteMessage = ["radiochat", "Hello, radiolovers!"];
    publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";

    That all, enjoy it:)

  4. If you people would stop coddling your players and just update your servers to a version after 1.63.112555, there wouldn't be a problem. Tell your users to allow Steam to update OA (no beta required anymore) and join via the in-game browser. The 1.63.112555 and earlier servers aren't getting BE updates anymore so you're more vulnerable to hackers. If all the servers were on 1.63, then there wouldn't be a problem because that would force all users to update.


    Problem solved. :)


    You should read all tread again. People are complaining about A LOT OF server working on 112555, and almost everybody are still playing on 112555 without any steam or smthng.

    Vilayer customers were hit harder, then anybody else - we were forced to use steam version.

    My server online was 30-40, now it is 3-5 max. Everybody are playing anywhere else but not on steam servers.

  5. So on the server I play, it isn't played by a lot of people (max like 15 on at any time, sometimes only me on), me and my buddy found this Armoured SUV, and it has 5000 spaces for guns, and 20000 item spaces? Is this admin spawned in or something? It had items in when we found it, but we have put a lot more inside of it as you can see, it has over 150 weapons and 350 items inside it.




    This is not bug, this is feature. You can use this SUV, but you should know that it can be spawned only by admins or cheaters, so you should better tell admin about the car.

  6. А я вот даже поправлю себя -  функция BIS_fnc_findSafePos работает отлично на Напфе. Так что у меня миссии появляются рандомно, без всяких проблем. 

    Little addition - Arma function BIS_fnc_findSafePos  working perfectly on Napf. You can just use this function to find a good place to start a mission.

  7. Для русских - сейфзоны отлично работают на Напфе, так же как и миссии. Если нужна помощь с установкой, скриптингом и т д - можете обращаться сюда: vk.com/rozideev

    Аналогично и с миссиями, но им нужны стационарные точки спавна. Которые вы сами можете найти и назначить.

    For english speaking people: Safezones are working perfectly on Napf, all types of them. I prefer "Even better safezones" by Maca. All types of missions are working ok too.

  8. Блин посоны, на русском напишу. У меня не спавняться боты. Подскажите в чем все таки проблема?


    Выложи файл arma2oa.rpt или как там он у тебя называется.

    И уточни все же, какие боты? WAI? У них нет динамического спавна. каждую точку спавна и количество ботов нужно описывать в файле WAI/customSpawns.sqf

  9. Я так понял, у тебя не спавнятся боты на миссиях? В этом случае, как и сказано, кинь файл .rpt (логи).

    Либо возможно ты думаешь что WAI поддерживает динамический спавн ботов, но увы - тут только статический спавн.


    Hi my name is Nikita. And I came to you for the aid. 
    The problem is that I have on the server spavnyatsya bots, which I did not put, they just do not poyavlyayutsya, tell me what the problem is. 
    This time I put these.




    Напиши по-русски тогда уже, что такое. Смогу - помогу.

    Is it ok to speak russian here? His english is not very good:)

  11. How can I disable the Mounted Gunner spawn in the missions, they are fucking annoying. 


    Hey, Turtle.

    In the folder "WAI\missions\missions" there are files of all the missions.


    You just need to find some code like 

    [[[(_position select 0), (_position select 1) + 10, 0]], //position(s) (can be multiple).
    "M2StaticMG",             //Classname of turret
    0.5,					  //Skill level 0-1. Has no effect if using custom skills
    "Bandit2_DZ",				          //Skin "" for random or classname here.
    1,						  //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    2,						  //Number of magazines. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    "",						  //Backpack "" for random or classname here. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    "Random",				  //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    ] call spawn_static;

    And delete it in EVERY mission file. Or you can change you mounted gun type to ZU_23 - let your player to feel the power of the bots ;)


    Delete "[ ] call spawn_static", not "[ ] call spawn_group"!

  12. I have added these in which missions should these appear?


    It will appear in every WAI mission. 1 man with RPG for a 1 group of bots (as you know, it could be 2, 3 or more groups spawned).


    Thanks Semezky,


    I noticed It was working before I posted that post, is there meant to be ammo boxes at all ai missions? most of the times its vehicles only the weapon missions have the ammo boxes


    You know, previously I used SAR AI missions, and my infistar antihack somehow deleted all weapons from the crates, but not the tools, medicine etc.

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