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Posts posted by DarkRanger

  1. Launchers are fine, especially if they make playing the game easier. Anything Axeman does, is always going to be of class and of value. So if hes taking over the development of the original launcher, then that has to be a good thing.


    In saying that, I do dislike the fact that every launcher seems to want me to re download things (its always been this way it seems).. that I have downloaded many times over.. I can't just go from one mod to the next, or one server to the next as if its a different launcher, it thinks i dont have things installed.. like the terrain pack.. 

  2. I'm torn.  I think the imagination and creativity of the devs is epic and what they've done with such a small team is incredible......but what direction is this mod going?  On one hand you have pretty feasible environment with Arma 3 weapons/elements with other dev created ones, but then you have these fantasy MMO elements such as the cultist and now this huge rock monster.  It's like two genres in a tug of war.  How long is it before we get a laser gun or lightsabre?


    I don't know, my group hates playing at night with cultists...not because they scare us, but they just seem out of place.  Where is my fire mage to battle such a creature?

    Yeah this hits the nail on the head with me too.. I know its early and I will continue to play Epoch regardless, but I don't feel the same "addiction" with A3 Epoch as I did with DayZ Epoch.. I don't find its got as .. replay-ability right now. Again I know its early..

  3. The Physic building is cool, overall I like it. The only part I have had trouble, is when inside buildings where the item you are placing, might not have enough room to spawn properly.. thus resulting in some crazy mile high glitches.. ultimately sending me to my death on the roof... or attempting to rotate the object whilst being too close to it, resulting in some crazy inception hallway flying.. either way, results in death.. 

  4. Yeah about 1-2 hours of gameplay (hard to tell I was having so much fun with the loot spawn changes).. I encountered two drones (one spotted me and gave the dialup noise but I ran before I saw any AI spawn).. two sappers (two different towns) and an angry dog! I was looting/smashing trash piles..


    Must say, having to press I over loot piles is painful! Havent looked, but assuming I can rebind..

  5. I unfortunately died to a rock glitch (getting stuck inbetween a rock and the terrain) and was thrown into the air 200m out to sea.. ran the 8km run from spawn back.. managed to locate my body after a good 30minutes.. it was probably 20m from shore, but despite being right there.. above my body.. couldnt access the gear or anything.. was quite the.. :( moment..

  6. Usually I find quite a few with loot.  I would say make sure you check in every room and hallway because I have seen a house with nothing in it and opened a door on the second story to find dang near 5 lootables in one room.  I have even started checking the hallways in the windowed buildings because they have the chance of a peg board on the wall and I didnt even realize it.  One thing I do is I hit lootable trash spawns while doing houses so maybe that gives me a little more time for stuff to spawn in (i dont know how you loot so Im just trying to give a suggestion)

    Yep I loot everything.. trying to basically, hit every building, pile, lootable object on my way.. 

  7. im more concerned about how the loot spawns (in the sense of having to run up, then away, then back again) then worrying about the contents.. some buildings are fine, but normal residential buildings, seem to have to rely on that trick, especially if solo'ing..


    Ah and I see my other Topic about any official Australian Servers? Was Deleted. Tops.

    Yeah I dont get that.. what was wrong with it? Unless someone posted something I missed that was inappropriate? but then.. wouldnt you just delete those posts..

  9. Theres Vert01, although I dont know if it was just me.. but I ran around for 35mins and failed to find anything to loot.. or signs of things that had been looted already.. Not sure if its a restart thing? or just early alpha thing... 

  10. I get public variable restrictions relating to the usage logger for multiple things.. 31 for activating admin, 32 for spawning crates, 60 when showing code plus more. When they appear, I just fix them in this list but some are not as obvious as you would like.. if you could best advise how to add the exceptions rather than revert to logging instead of allowing BE to kick, would be best.


    Note: This is the unedited BE publicvariableval from the latest Epoch download. 



    1 "draw"
    1 "hint" !="hintC" !="hintS"
    1 "create"
    1 "add" !="ladder"
    1 "delete"
    1 "set"
    1 "clear"
    1 "disable"
    1 "copy"
    1 "switch" !="\"switchmove\"" !="\"remExField\" = \[,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_zevl\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_gear\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsnonwnondnon_player_idlesteady03\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsraswpstdnon_player_idlesteady02\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsraswpstdnon_player_idlesteady03\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aswmpercmstpsnonwnondnon\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove",\"aidlpercmstpslowwrfldnon_player_idlesteady04\"\]"
    1 "text" !"\"titleText\""
    1 "init"
    1 "hide" !"hideObject"
    1 "group"
    1 "icon"
    1 "marker"
    1 "server"
    5 "compile"
    5 "loadFile"
    5 "call" !="dog_callBack" !="remExField" = \[,,"say",\["dog_callBack",120\]\]"
    1 "move" !="\"switchmove\"" !="\"playmove\"" !"moveIn" !"remove" !="\"remExField\" = \[,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"ActsPercMrunSlowWrflDf_FlipFlopPara\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon_zevl\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_gear\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsnonwnondnon_player_idlesteady03\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsraswpstdnon_player_idlesteady02\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aidlpercmstpsraswpstdnon_player_idlesteady03\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove\",\"aswmpercmstpsnonwnondnon\"\]" !="\[<NULL-object>,<NULL-object>,\"switchmove",\"aidlpercmstpslowwrfldnon_player_idlesteady04\"\]"
    1 "chat"
    1 "fade"
    1 "action"
    1 "exec" !"execVM" !"execFSM" !"jipexec"
    5 "mission"
    1 "kb" !="FoodCanFrankBeans" !="\"FoodCanFrankBeans\"" !"kbTell" !"kbReact"
    1 "side"
    1 "show"
    1 "task" !"taskHint"
    1 "allow"
    5 "enable"
    5 "spawn"  !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;"
    1 "this"  !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;"
    5 "format"
    1 "skip" !"skipTime"
    1 "fail"
    1 "force"
    5 "parse"
    5 "terminate"
    1 "start"
    5 "eventhandler"
    5 "hintC"
    5 "hintS"
    5 "loading"
    5 "\"call\""
    5 "call compile"
    1 "jiprequest" !="<NULL-object>,,\"JIPrequest\"" !="\[<NULL-object>,,\"JIPrequest\"\]"
    1 "jipexec" //1 "rjipexec"
    5 "toString"
    5 "toArray"
    5 "ctrlset"
    5 "rsay"
    5 "rland"
    5 "rsetDir"
    5 "_YakB"
    1 "BIS_"
    5 "local_sefFuel"
    1 "object_delLocal"
    1 "fnc_vehicleEventHandler"
    1 "player_medInject"
    1 "fnc_usec_damageVehicle"
    1 "dayzplayermorph"
    1 "server_playerMorph"
    5 "getVariable"
    5 "hiveupdateresu"
    5 "isServer"
    5 "isDedicated"
    5 "cutText"
    5 "publicVariable"
    5 "code"
    5 "onPlayer"
    5 "select"
    5 "while"
    5 "count"
    5 "markerText"
    5 "BIS_fnc"
    5 "\+" //!"e+"
    5 "_bis"
    5 "markerType"
    5 "teamtype"
    5 "composeText"
    5 "teamName"
    5 "execVM"
    5 "fn_swapVars\.sqf"
    5 "processInitCommands"
    5 "promptRName\.sqf"
    5 "%"
    5 "\.sqf\"\]" !="init\.sqf\"\]"
    5 "rpcCodeVarName"
    5 "rpcDirectCall"
    5 "broadcastRpcCallAll"
    5 "broadcastRpcCallIfLocal"
    5 "norrnRACarUp"
    5 "norrnRAPicUp"
    5 "markerBrush"
    5 "hideObject"
    5 "deleteCollection"
    5 "forceEnd"
    5 "createAgent"
    5 "deleteVehicle"
    5 "deleteTeam"
    5 "getPlayerUID"
    5 "getVariable"
    5 "addAction"
    5 "AddM"
    5 "AddP"
    5 "AddS"
    5 "AddV"
    5 "AddW"
    5 "setAcc"
    5 "setAtt"
    5 "setC"
    5 "setD"
    5 "setF"
    5 "setG"
    5 "setH"
    5 "setM"
    5 "setObj"
    5 "setOver"
    5 "setP"
    5 "setR"
    5 "setS"
    5 "setT"
    5 "setUnit"
    5 "setV"
    5 "setW"
    5 "execFSM"
    5 "clearM"
    5 "clearV"
    5 "clearW"
    5 "createD"
    5 "createG"
    5 "createM"
    5 "createS"
    5 "createT"
    5 "createU"
    5 "createV"
    5 "debugLog"
    5 "debugFSM"
    5 "deleteM"
    5 "kbTell"
    5 "kbReact"
    5 "fadeSound"
    5 "fadeMusic"
    5 "showC"
    5 "skipTime"
    5 "taskHint"
    5 "titleCut"
    5 "titleText" !",\"titleText\","
    5 "getM"
    5 "getFSMvariable"
    5 "getG"
    5 "moveIn"
    5 "synchronizeO"
    5 "synchronizeT"
    5 "synchronizeW"
    5 "triggerA"
    5 "triggerS"
    5 "triggerT"
    5 "MarkerColor"
    5 "MarkerDir"
    5 "MarkerPos"
    5 "MarkerSize"
    5 "onEachFrame"
    5 "hasInterface"
    5 "onMapS"
    5 "OnGroup"
    5 "onDouble"
    5 "onPreload"
    5 "onTeamS"
    5 "onShowNew"
    5 "setUnconscious"
    5 " exec "
    5 " set "
    5 " str "
    5 "exec\("
    5 "set\("
    5 "str\("
    5 "exec\["
    5 "set\["
    5 "str\["
    5 "exec\{"
    5 "set\{"
    5 "str\{"
    5 "exec'"
    5 "set'"
    5 "str'"
    5 "exec\""
    5 "set\""
    5 "str\""
    5 "\)exec"
    5 "\)set"
    5 "\)str"
    5 "\]exec"
    5 "\]set"
    5 "\]str"
    5 "\}exec"
    5 "\}set"
    5 "\}str"
    5 "'exec"
    5 "'set"
    5 "'str"
    5 "str "
    5 " \nstr"
    5 "\nstr"
    5 "str\n"
    5 "str\n "
    5 ",str"
    5 "str,"
    5 "str "
    5 "set "
    5 " \nset"
    5 "\nset"
    5 "set\n"
    5 "set\n "
    5 ",set"
    5 "set,"
    5 "set "
    5 "exec "
    5 " \nexec"
    5 "\nexec"
    5 "exec\n"
    5 "exec\n "
    5 ",exec"
    5 "exec,"
    5 "exec "
    5 "isNil"
    5 "object_setFixServer"
    5 "allowConnection"
    5 "check_publishobject"
    5 "dayz_disco"
    5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
    5 "dayz_objectUID"
    5 "dayz_objectUID2"
    5 "dayz_players"
    5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
    5 "dayz_versionNo"
    5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
    5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
    5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
    5 "isSinglePlayer"
    5 "needUpdate_objects"
    5 "server_characterSync"
    5 "server_getDiff"
    5 "server_getDiff2"
    5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
    5 "server_hiveWrite"
    5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
    5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
    5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
    5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
    5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
    5 "allunits"
    5 "preprocess"
    5 "runinitscript"
    5 "createdialog"
    5 "modify"
    5 "BIS_Alice_fnc_CivilianHit"
    5 "BIS_Alice_mainscope"
    5 "BIS_fnc_getFactions"
    5 "allowConnection"
    5 "check_publishobject"
    5 "dayz_disco"
    5 "dayz_hiveVersionNo"
    5 "dayz_objectUID"
    5 "dayz_objectUID2"
    5 "dayz_players"
    5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor"
    5 "dayz_versionNo"
    5 "dayz_zombifiedTowns"
    5 "dayzPlayerLogin"
    5 "dayzPlayerLogin2"
    5 "isSinglePlayer"
    5 "needUpdate_objects"
    5 "server_characterSync"
    5 "server_getDiff"
    5 "server_getDiff2"
    5 "server_hiveReadWrite"
    5 "server_hiveWrite"
    5 "server_onPlayerDisconnect"
    5 "server_spawnCrashSite"
    5 "server_updateNearbyObjects"
    5 "vehicle_handleInteract"
    5 "vehicle_handleServerKilled"
    5 "allunits"
    5 "preprocess"
    5 "runinitscript"
    5 "createdialog"
    5 "\+" !"e\+00"
    5 ";"
    5 "\{"
    5 "\(" !"TELEPORT REVERT"
    5 "&"
    5 "%"
    5 "'"
    5 actionmonitor
    5 bis_
    5 building_spawnloot
    5 building_spawnzombies
    5 camp_spawnzombies
    5 dayz
    //5 dog_
    5 drn_
    5 eh_localcleanup
    5 fnc_
    5 fn_nicespot
    5 gear_ui_init
    5 horde_epeen_determine_humanity_fnc
    5 horde_epeen_fnc_fill_page
    5 infectedcamps
    5 local_eventkill
    5 local_gutobject
    5 local_setfuel
    5 local_zombiedamage
    5 object_
    5 player_alertzombies
    5 player_animalcheck
    5 player_checkstealth
    5 player_combatroll
    5 player_countmagazines
    5 player_crossbowbolt
    5 player_death
    5 player_fired
    5 player_firemonitor
    5 player_gearset
    5 player_gearsync
    5 player_guicontrolflash
    5 player_humanitychange
    5 player_humanitymorph
    5 player_medbandage
    5 player_medepi
    5 player_medmorphine
    5 player_medpainkiller
    5 player_medtransfuse
    5 player_music
    5 player_packtent
    5 player_projectilenear
    5 player_spawn_1
    5 player_spawn_2
    5 player_spawncheck
    5 player_summedical
    5 player_switchmodel
    5 player_temp_calculation
    5 player_throwobject
    5 player_updategui
    5 player_weaponfirednear
    5 player_zombieattack
    5 player_zombiecheck
    5 r_player_removeactions2
    5 PVDZ_
    5 server_
    5 stream_locationcheck
    5 stream_locationdel
    5 stream_locationfill
    5 ui_changedisplay
    5 ui_initdisplay
    5 vehicle_gethitpoints
    5 world_isday
    5 world_sunrise
    5 world_surfacenoise
    5 zombie_
    1 _this

  11. My servers show up on there without any issues, but the number 2 point is massive I think. My regulars who I had originally all told to download the launcher when I first made the change over, all couldn't join the server after using the launcher as they all redownloaded or renamed the epoch to include the version number. Since my server isnt running with the version in its name, they encountered a whole bunch of missing mods errors. We already have an issue with split players over multiple betas, epoch versions ( - why would you then go and split it even further by causing such a headache with players trying to join. 


    I took back my recommendation of this launcher to my players. We'll wait for DZC (hopefully).

  12. Because it's looking for @DayZ_Epoch1051 instead of @DayZ_Epoch. Maca did it for versioning, which I think was a bad approach.

    Yeah thats what I meant.. If the idea was to create an easy to use launcher instead of having people find it complicated with doing it all manually.. that part was certainly a mistake. Is that even documentated anywhere that people need to do that? I get thats what needs to be done, but does it even say anywhere that, you need to do this.

  13. Why does DayZ Launcher, never find the Epoch mod, forcing it to redownload it. Ends up being a different folder in your Arma OA as it includes the version number of epoch on the end, where as normally you'd just have @DayZ_Epoch.. had a few issues with players using this mod joining our server as my server runs the normal @DayZ_Epoch spelling, where the launcher downloads technically a different mod as far as the game sees it.. I changed the names on the server and those that use the launcher were connecting fine, but I dont see why I should change the server to fit the launcher, where as others just use the .bats floating around or the browser itself. Has this been fixed on later versions and I have just missed it?

  14. I'm trying to recreate this but unfortunately I don't have a compile.sqf anywhere that contains anything that references playerstats.sqf, any tips?

    The link to playerstats.sqf is actually located in the dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf. Which you will need to grab from your Epoch files and move into your custom folder and also update your compiles.sqf to reflect the new dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf path. Then update that file to where your custom playerstats.sqf is.

  15. Hi guys,


    I apologise if this isn't allowed (as its Overpoch related) but I figure this is still the best place to obtain some advice and help on a few issues or queries I'm having.


    Firstly I'm running Epoch with Overwatch 0.25 on the Steam Beta 125548 on napf. My server runs fine and everything works as it should for the most part. Theres only a few things I am noticing in the RPT that I'm sure is fixable and hoping to have a few people advise me how to fix it. Also, I'm experiencing an issue spawning certain vehicles in via my admin tools. If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated.


    RPT errors - Part 1


    Item STR_EQUIP_NAME_41 listed twice
    Item STR_EQUIP_DESC_41 listed twice
    Conflicting addon Monaro in 'holdenmonarocop\', previous definition in 'holdenmonaro\'
    There are numerious mentions ongoing in the RPT that refer to duplicates. Fixing the duplicates im assuming is as easy as finding them and deleting them, I'm assuming ill need to find them in the Overwatch pbos and not the epoch pbos in order for it to work correctly, but my biggest issue is understanding how to repack the .cpp files after unwrapping the config.bin? There are four files when I unrap the config.bin in the monaro pbos, how do I get them back into a single .bin file. Does anyone know how to fix that specific error regarding Monaros? What exactly is conflicting? I can only assume its because the same information is found in the VehicleClass in both the cop and the civ monaros? Does anyone know?
    Whilst these errors don't seem to impact my server at this point in time, id still like to be able to fix them or at least, understand how to properly navigate, edit and/or repack these files.
    RPT errors - Part 2
    The next is my vehicle spawning. I'm using Phoenix admin tools to spawn vehicles into the hive, for the most part, I've never had any issues with this until now. With the influx of vehicles/aircraft, I decided to split up my spawn list for admins (only ever used for comps and for events) into separate vehicles tab and aircraft tab. Its only now that I have realised there may be an issue, but I dont believe its related to the changes ive made in the admin tools, rather its because Im now using this more then I would normally of. If I try to spawn in a blackhawk or a chinook, I do not have any issues, it spawns and writes to the hive fine. If I try to spawn in a bell 206 as an example, the script errors (I receive a key and the hive is written to but no actual spawn). The following is what appears in the rpt.
    10:23:19 "PUBLISH: Attempt 3da54100# 983015: arrow_down_large_ep1.p3d REMOTE"
    10:23:19 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:308:24:UH60M_EP1_DZE:0:8310:[306,[17775.4,3327.95,0.134369]]:[]:[]:1:177754332791386:""
    10:23:19 Error in expression <erID,_class,_dir,_location,_donotusekey,_activatingPlayer] spawn {
    private ["_ob>
    10:23:19   Error position: <_activatingPlayer] spawn {
    private ["_ob>
    10:23:19   Error Undefined variable in expression: _activatingplayer
    10:23:19 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishVehicle2.sqf, line 39
    10:23:20 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:177754332791386:""
    10:23:20 "CUSTOM: Selected "1773""
    10:23:20 Error in expression <veh_Init";
    diag_log ("PUBLISH: " + str(_activatingPlayer) + " Bought " + (_clas>
    10:23:20   Error position: <_activatingPlayer) + " Bought " + (_clas>
    10:23:20   Error Undefined variable in expression: _activatingplayer
    10:23:20 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_publishVehicle2.sqf, line 272
    Note: Once I choose a vehicle it doesnt like, the script will no longer spawn the vehicles that were working. Ie: I can spawn a blackhawk, chinook.. then when I spawn a Bell 206 as an example, the next attempt to spawn another blackhawk will fail.
    From what I can see back in my files, the lines around 39 and 272 (in my edited file) have slightly changed. However It still confuses me as to why some will work and some wont.
     My version of publicVehicle2 - http://pastebin.com/hxeAvyT9
    The most I can see, is the changes I've made by adding the RemoveMagazine lines for my Overpoch vehicles. I'm not sure how I can fix this? 
    RPT errors - Part 3
    Lastly, its to do with the server spawning vehicles on startup, where I get a whole bunch of lines like..
    10:21:53 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_turret - unknown animation source FLIR_turret
    10:21:53 AH6X_DZ: FLIR_gun - unknown animation source FLIR_gun
    10:21:57 Cannot create non-ai vehicle JetSkiYanahui_Case_Red,
    10:21:58 Cannot create non-ai vehicle JetSkiYanahui_Case_Yellow,
    Where or how do I fix these exactly? 
    I appreciate that majority of these I'm sure have been answered before, but the common search for these lines will come up in dozens and dozens of RPT pastes, which I cannot for the life of me, find pages specific to fixing these exact issues. 
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