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Posts posted by Tullerusk

  1. Hmm.




    Open description.ext and add these lines just after the line that contains: "enableItemsDropping = 0;"

    #include "loottables\CfgBuildingLoot.hpp"

    3. Add DZE_MissionLootTable = true; to your init.sqf near the "// DayZ Epoch config" section.


    I've done all this.
    Still get the error


    Managed to get rid of that error, but then the server had no loot and no zombies, and a different error.

    19:54:01 File z\addons\dayz_code\loot\spawn.sqf, line 32
    19:54:01 Error in expression <);

    _dir = random 360;
    _mag = random (_lootParams select 4);
    _lootPos = [((_lo>
    19:54:01   Error position: <_lootParams select 4);
    _lootPos = [((_lo>
    19:54:01   Error Undefined variable in expression: _lootparams

  2. Hey @juandayz. I got the traders and safezone working.

    Now my issue is with trying to add overpoch loot. I've added custom loot tables, but my game seems to try and read the old hpp.

    RPT files says:  File z\addons\dayz_code\Configs\CfgLoot\CfgLoot.hpp, line 114: .CfgLoot: Member already defined.

    I've gone through init, mission, description and changed every call from this line to the new one, but error still comes. Where else could it be called for?

  3. RPT file says:

    17:54:35 File mpmissions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\custom\safezone.sqf, line 1
    17:54:35 Error in expression <Epoch_11.Chernarus\custom\safezone.sqf"
    USE_CANBUILD = false;        
    17:54:35   Error position: <*/
    USE_CANBUILD = false;        
    17:54:35   Error Invalid number in expression


    EDIT: yeah, i just realized the mistake. Will try with proper start

    EDIT 2: WORKS! Thank you!

  4. Yep.

    Should they not be like this?

        [[12060,12640,0],200,true]//air dealear


  5. Thanks again, @juandayz, @lwbuk and @Tech_Support. I know its not too much fun trying to explain these things to a noob, but I do feel like I'm understanding most of it and learning a lot.

    Customer care from my host have tried the things you suggested for me, but I still can't access the traders, so we're gonna try a clean install.
    And this time I'll know better not to make changes where they dont belong (and backup files before I change them).

  6. @juandayzNo, like I said, I have removed all the files from the adv. trading guide. There is no fn_selfactions.sqf in any custom folder.
    Only thing in custom folder is cfgservertrader and chernarus11.sqf you just told me.

    EDIT: Sorry, my mistake. I tried adding Single Currency, not adv. trader! But still, all files removed

  7. @juandayz

    Hi again. I was trying out a few changes and now I cant talk to any of the traders anymore. I dont get the prompt when I scroll on them (not even zoomed in with scope like the old bug).

    I've tried restoring files back to the way they were, but the problem is still there. Which file is it most likely that something has been wrongly changed in?


  8. 1 minute ago, juandayz said:

    no its ok.. but forgot this line.. you never gonna use it to add mods/scripts...  sory my english is too bad and sometimes i cannot say what i want to say LOL

    Ah, I see.

    The only reason I included it was to ask if it means that my instance is "instance_1_Overpoch" and that is where I should place the configvariables.

    Thank you for all your help, and patience, I really am completely new to this.

  9. 16 minutes ago, juandayz said:

    and in your picture you only are showing the folder to use by your server... this is my .bat see:

    @echo off
    start "arma2" /min "D:\epoch_16\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

    where says: "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

    this means.. the server are using the @Dayz_Epoch folder and @Dayz_Epoch_server.

    if u gonna add more @ folders. then your players will need download it from an external location and install it before play your server.. so forgot this.

    Yes I know.

    The extra folder is Overwatch. Together with Epoch they make Overpoch, one of the most popular mods.

  10. 52 minutes ago, lwbuk said:

    It really doesnt help that for some reason you have several versions of epoch installed at the same time.


    What should I delete? Does it matter if the files are there when the command line doesn't tell the server to run them?

    Also, for my last question of the day:
    If I just want to adjust one value of something in, say, the configVariables, not add any new code, will I still need to move it into the instance folder?
    Like just change one value from true to false. Or can I just repack the pbo and upload it again with the changed value?

  11. Ok, I'm starting to get the picture! Thank you!


    When you say "Change by: #include "custom\config......", should I copy that word for word, or should I replace "custom" with the directory where I drop the files?

    I've added a picture of the command line, which one of staff at the company I rent from was nice enough to add for me(if its relevant to anything, @juandayz)


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