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Posts posted by phm

  1. That I know of currently:

    • Rangefinder
    • .338 suppressor (both black and tan)
    • 9.3 suppressor (both black and tan)
    • SR-25 suppressor
    • Ammo for the armed Offroad (after the clips are expended, a new vehicle must be spawned if you want to keep shooting)
    • AMS and Kahila scopes all colors/configurations
    • bipods (none available in admin menu)
    • meatballs
    • scam
    • goldenseal
    • poppy
    • pumpkin
    • animal carcasses (to feed the dog)

    The absence of the rangefinder is especially noticeable as binoculars are useless at night.


    EDIT: Updated the list

  2. Many thanks for the blue tarp looting fix.  It's much easier to loot blue tarps now.

    But it seems that fix came at the expense of being able to loot all corpses, especially snake corpses as they reanimate after 2 seconds or so.  I'm not saying corpses can't be looted, but it takes much more fiddling with the angle and the "i" key.

    I'd almost like the blue tarp bug to be regressed if it restores the rest of the corpse looting to how it was before the blue tarp fix.

  3. Seeing this on 0.3.3 server startup with an empty redis database.  My test environment is 100% vanilla.


    Here's the context in the log file output:


    19:41:53 Error in expression <};
    if (_getRandomPos) then{
    _isShip = _vehClass isKindOf "Ship";
    if (_isShip |>
    19:41:53   Error position: <_vehClass isKindOf "Ship";
    if (_isShip |>
    19:41:53   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehclass
    19:41:53 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_vehicle\EPOCH_spawn_vehicles.sqf, line 93
    19:41:53 Error in expression <worldname >> "whitelistedVehiclePos" >> _vehClass);
    if !(_preferedPos isEqualTo >
    19:41:53   Error position: <_vehClass);
    if !(_preferedPos isEqualTo >
    19:41:53   Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehclass
    19:41:53 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\compile\epoch_vehicle\EPOCH_spawn_vehicles.sqf, line 81


    EDIT: Just to follow up, this doesn't always happen on a new redis database.  Sometimes, the vehicle spawns (where this issue is happening I assume) work fine with no errors.

  4. See this script for how to download the client files from steam workshop and the server files from github on linux:

    Thanks for this.

    I think the relevant bit is here:

    ./steamcmd.sh +login $steamuser $steampass +force_install_dir /home/steam/epoch +workshop_download_item 107410 421839251 +quit


  5. A Greek island in the Mediterranean wouldn't get as much rain as Altis gets in Epoch.  Assuming the rain can be "fixed", wouldn't it make sense to use existing weather statistics for Lemnos?

    The probability that precipitation will be observed at this location varies throughout the year. Precipitation is most likely around January 6, occurring in 38% of days. Precipitation is least likely around August 1, occurring in 6% of days.


  6. Are your headset drivers up to date?

    Teamspeak or TS is an audio server utility that allows communication between groups of players in same channel. You cannot communicate with anyone in game not in that channel using voice. It is a good alternative to group chat in game and most server hosts also provide a TS server alongside their game server.


    I have found the TS set up wizard useful in checking out my headset functionality outside of windows.

    Hope some of this helps?


    A "universal plug and play audio device" does not need custom drivers.  Windows just installs generic drivers and they just work (except with Arma 3 for me and many others apparently).

    Thanks for the Teamspeak tip.  Perhaps this is why not many are complaining about the VON issue in Arma 3.  The game is fairly useless as a multiplayer platform if headsets don't work.

  7. Not experienced an issue using an USB connected headset in game myself. I am sure you have made sure VON in audio configuration is on and volume up sufficiently? Does it work in Teamspeak?

    Regarding audio configuration, I did not see an on/off software switch for VON, but the volume level is more than adequate.  I even tried turning the volume down for all other sources (effects, music, radio, etc) with VON all the way up.  Nothing. Nada.

    This is rather mystifying.  Others seem to be using headsets without issues.  But there is a good bit of traffic in other forums relating the precise issue I'm having: No one can hear me when I'm talking in the Group, Vehicle, "Direct Communication" or any of the Radio channels (tried Quartz with others who had a Quartz radio).


    I'm sorry, I don't know what "Teamspeak" is.

    Thanks for your reply!


  8. Hi

    I know this is an Arma 3 issue and not an Epoch issue, but I was just looking for some insight.  I've tried three different "universal plug and play audio device" headsets with Arma 3 Epoch and while Windows works just fine with them, no one can hear my mic in game.

    Are there still unresolved issues regarding USB headset functionality in game?  How are people actually playing this without headsets?

    Thanks in advance

  9. Hi everyone


    First time poster here.


    The server won't start when I put what I think are valid values in the "adminMenu_Owner[]" variable.  This is the error message:



    16:58:51 "Loading config..."
    16:58:51 Error in expression <  = [];
    _skn_adminUIDArray pushBack(_x select 0);
    _skn_adminNAMEArray pushBack(>
    16:58:51   Error position: <select 0);
    _skn_adminNAMEArray pushBack(>
    16:58:51   Error Generic error in expression
    16:58:51 File x\addons\a3_epoch_server\init\server_securityfunctions.sqf, line 346


    What am I missing?


    EDIT: Figured it out.  If inserting just a single person to the file, it needs two squiggly braces:

    adminMenu_Owner[] = {{"STEAMID64","playername"}};

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