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Posts posted by Black_Sheep

  1. Hi Guys,


    A few of my players have been asking me to add a taser to the available weapons. From what I understand any addons need to be part of the epoch client files that each player downloads and therefore I cannot put the addons into the mission file instead. Is this correct?



    Black Sheep

  2. Ok well I apologise for my misunderstanding. Your generic title and content of your post was a bit misleading.


    Download the new server update files and use a bit of software called Beyond Compare. What you want to do is pull out every file you have made changes to from the new update and use this app to do a side by side comparison of what has changed. You can then add in your customised setups into the new files. You will need to do this for both the mission and server files.


    However, quite a bit has changed in 1.0.3 with a number of things being moved from the mission to the server end. To some degree, I ended up just adding my customisations from scratch as merging was causing to many errors due to the amount of changes.

  3. I can answer my own question by reading the Epoch Wiki...


    -30 Meter Plot Pole cost six 10oz Gold Bars.
    -Tagging someone gives you the ability to build on their plot. They also get the ability to build on your plot.
    -Plot poles are tied to your current player's life. If you die, you will need to take down(deconstruct) the existing plot pole and redeploy it to build again. Until this is done you or your -friends will be unable to build within the plot pole radius.
    -Plot poles do not disappear on death, but will need to be redeployed to be updated to the new owner. Anyone can 'claim' a plotpole by removing and replacing it.
    -Plot Poles can be placed anywhere in the world except near other plot poles.



  4. I haven't yet seen anything on it so I shall ask. Are the plot poles tied to the player ID in this release so we can avoid the issues with death and not being able to build again? My players would be frustrated if they had to destroy the old one and buy a new one each time they died so I would like to know more about the mechanic please.

  5. I had this problem recently and fixed it without even realising it initially. Its because the server time sync isn't working properly, and for me it was caused by a faulty line when working on the server_cleanup.fsm. Specifically the line you change for cleaning up a hacker, I had one I had copied that wasn't meant to be used for Epoch. So make sure you use

    " if(vehicle _x != _x && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Mission"",0] != 1) && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    for missions or

    " if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x) && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    for Sarge AI

  6. Axe Cop is a leader of the community with the work he does for it, he deserves more respect than what your last comment gave him. There is some expectation that people do a bit of their own research and ask when they are at a complete loss, but frequently this doesnt happen. Even I get asked some pretty dumb questions that could be resolved by people who if they had really tried to find the answer themselves they could have. There are far to many server admins who have too little technical nouse to run a server who dont bother to research their problems thoroughly enough before whining and hassling people who know what they are doing. Most people are happy to help, but it does get tiresome when poeple dont make an effort themselves. I am not saying this is specifcally the case for you, but when something gets pointed out right in front of your eyes and you dont see it, what kind of response do you expect?


    Either way, you should now be able to solve your problem with the information provided.

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