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Posts posted by serveratze88

  1. hi ty for update. i have a warning message in my  rpt.log

    Warning Message: Script \q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Functions\GMS_fnc_deleteFromArray.sqf not found

    and a error

    14:23:41 Error in expression <];

    _count = 0;

    waitUntil { count crew _veh > 0};

    uiSleep 60;
    while { (getDamm>
    14:23:41   Error position: <_veh > 0};

    uiSleep 60;
    while { (getDamm>
    14:23:41   Error Undefined variable in expression: _veh
    14:23:41 File q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Vehicles\GMS_fnc_vehicleMonitor.sqf, line 16
    14:23:41 Error in expression <];

  2. SERVER:
        01. Open the .zip file you have gotten from the store and go into the subfolder "SERVER_ARMA3_FOLDER"
        02. Copy & Paste the folder "@infiSTAR_A3" (and all the DLL files from DLLs.rar) into your Arma3 server folder (not in any sub folder of the Arma3 server folder)
        03. Go into "SERVER_ARMA3_FOLDER\@infiSTAR_A3\addons\a3_infiSTAR" and modify the "infiSTAR_config.sqf" to your needs.
        04. Once you are done, make a PBO file out of the "a3_infiSTAR" folder (You can use PBO Manager or similar tools) and remove the Folder after doing that (so only the pbo is left here: "@infiSTAR_A3\addons")
        05. Modify your start .bat file or server init line so it has this "-servermod=@infiSTAR_A3;"
            Example from my test-server:
            -enableHT -autoinit "-servermod=@EpochHive;@infiSTAR_A3" "-mod=@Epoch"
        06. Open the "infiSTAR_config.sqf" and add your AdminUID(s), then check if the different settings are fine for you :) - do not edit the other files.
            It is the most important thing that you read carefully through the "infiSTAR_config.sqf" and set all settings correctly for your server.
        07. Default Open Menu Key is F1

    MPMission - the hpp file (infiSTAR_AdminMenu):
        To use the infiSTAR_AdminMenu Dialog you will need to edit your current MPMission.
        Go into your servers MPMissions folder and unpack the mission pbo file you want to run.
        Now open the "description.ext" and add (just at the very bottom should work fine) this:
        #include "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp"
        Now you need to copy the "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp" from "MPMission Addition(s)" into the MPMission (so it is right next to your "description.ext").
        Repack the mission to a pbo again.
        You have to do this, or you will not be able to open the AdminMenu..!


    add your UID in the infistar_config.sqf

    and do not forget your passwordAdmin write

    - _serverCommandPassword = 'Enter_serverCommandPassword_FromYourConfigHere';

    - _passwordAdmin = 'Enter_passwordAdmin_FromYourConfigHere';


    I hope i could help them



  3. the new infistar version this function not more: Check CTRLs on D46 */_C46 = false;    /* true or false */ 

    they must if they are kicked indeed possess infistar on the server

    all upgrade for free

    or they have infisatr concerned on illegal routes .................................................................................

  4. hi, ich hoffe damit ihr mir weiterhelfen könnt. infistar blockt das trader menü für normale spieler. hat jemand eine idee wie ich das ändern kann?

    danke im voraus für eure hilfe

    hi, I hope that you can help me. infistar makes the trader menu for normal players.  has someone like me can change that idea?

    Thank you in advance for your help

  5. hi ich glaube ich habe einen bug gefunden.

    ich habe meinen server auf vanilla und ich kann das interaction system nicht benutzen. es ploppt ab und an auf bei den händlern aber es funktioniert nicht.

    vielleicht könnt ihr mir ja weiterhelfen

    hi, I think I found a bug.

    I have my server on vanilla and I can not use the Interaction System. it now and then pops up at the traders but it does not.

    maybe you can help me yes


    ich musste meine tastenbelegung ändern xD

    I had to change my key assignment xD

    close pls

  6. @dennis behalte deine geistesblitze bitte für dich danke

    damit hilfst du mir nicht weiter und auch keinen anderen

    der server ist auch schon tage lang auf vanilla gelaufen und der server lief genauso schlecht

    aber das muss ich dir ja nicht schreiben du weißt es ja eh besser

    und was ich an script auf meinen server einbinde ist meine entscheidung

    @dennis Keep your brainstorms please thank you for you

    so you do not help me further and no other

    the server is also running on vanilla for days and the server is running as bad

    but I have to tell you not even write you know it anyway better

    and what I add to script to my server's my decision

  7. @richie

    hi, das ist auch gut so das sich epoch weiterentwickelt.

    ich finde es schade dass epoch für den kleinen mann der einen game server betreibt nicht mehr nutzbar ist.

    ich habe mich damit abgefunden und werde mir eine andere mod suchen müssen.

    ich hatte diese epoch immer sehr gerne gespielt ich wünsche euch weiterhin viel erfolg mit epoch.

    google translate

    Hi, this is a good thing that evolved Epoch.

    I find it a pity that epoch for the little man of a game server no longer operates is available.

    I have resigned myself to and'm going to find another mod must.

    I had always enjoyed playing this epoch I wish you continued success with Epoch.

  8. danke für das feedback

    ich betreibe seit ca. 6 monaten einen epoch server bei G Portal und der server ist immer sehr gut gelaufen seit der letzten epoch mod version 3.4 habe ich das problem das der server frezze....

    das kann es doch nicht sein damit ich mir jetzt einen root server mieten soll das sehr hohe kosten mit sich führt nur damit diese mod wieder spielbar ist ohne frezze....


    google translate

    Thanks for the feedback

    I run for about 6 months a epoch server at G portal and the server is always went very well since the last epoch mod version 3.4 I have the problem that the server Frezze...

    it can not be true that I now leads me to a root server rent the very high costs just to mod this again is playable without Frezze...


  9. This error is not the problem...
    16:00:10 Error in expression <mmob = _pAmmo select 0;
    _AI addMagazine _ammob;
    _AI addWeapon _gun;
    _AI addWe>
    16:00:10   Error position: <_ammob;
    _AI addWeapon _gun;
    _AI addWe>
    16:00:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ammob
    16:00:10 File x\addons\a3_epoch_sector\scripts\SUP_AI_settings.sqf, line 51
    16:00:10 Error in expression <mmob = _pAmmo select 0;
    _AI addMagazine _ammob;
    _AI addWeapon _gun;
    _AI addWe>
    16:00:10   Error position: <_ammob;
    _AI addWeapon _gun;
    _AI addWe>
    16:00:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ammob
    16:00:10 File x\addons\a3_epoch_sector\scripts\SUP_AI_settings.sqf, line 51
    16:00:10 Error in expression <mmob = _pAmmo select 0;
    _AI addMagazine _ammob;
    _AI addWeapon _gun;
    _AI addWe>
    16:00:10   Error position: <_ammob;
    _AI addWeapon _gun;
    _AI addWe>
    16:00:10   Error Undefined variable in expression: _ammob
    16:00:10 File x\addons\a3_epoch_sector\scripts\SUP_AI_settings.sqf, line 51

    I installed a test server with a mission script SEM and get the same errors (server freeze)

    my server runing fine with all scripts on epoch version 0.3.3.x

     how can that be that the server with the epoch mod version Build 050 (freeze)

  10. my server is freezing randomly on both windows (epoch altis)...

    epoch mod version Build 050

    arma3 version 1.52

    provider: g-portal

    NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1300911562): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled (freeze)

    No player found for channel 1350156800 - message ignored (freeze and log spam)

    if missions AI spawning occurs server-freeze

    Server freeze and it is unplayable

    my scripts and missions

    Easy Kill feed/messages
    Color Corrections
    HS Blackmarket 1.6
    Custom Spawn Dialog with Gear & HALO Selection
    Status Bar With Icons & Server FPS display v1.36
    Extended Safezone Script - Working!
    Deploy Bike

    ScarCode Scripts
    Server Restart Warnings
    ArmA 3 Anti-PvP
    Server Intro Credits
    Simple Epoch Missions 0.8.3 test
    blckeagls' AI Mission - Build 3.5
    Helicopter Parachute Supply Drop
    Sector Addon 0.5.0


    help pls

    P.S. without AI mission I have no freeze and no log spam

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