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Posts posted by Linux

  1. 20 minutes ago, Joshyy said:

    The 15 second wait is because it is running the starting scripts and it also waits for your character to fully be loaded with the server (Can take some time dependent on your player count and the amount of times you have respawned).
    I have noticed that using ESS slows down the loading time considerably. If you use ESS or ESSv2 then try disabling it and checking how fast it will load you in.

    this method creating a new character in DB, if use instant respawn - player gear and other parametrs at nil, i use this. But have a problems with AntiHack, is kiling player pn reSpawn all the time.

  2. 25 minutes ago, Joshyy said:

    In Donnovans player_death.sqf

    remove this 


    for  "_x" from 5 to 1 step -1 do {
        titleText [format["Reborn in %1 seconds.", _x], "PLAIN DOWN", 1];
        sleep 1;


    Then the 5 second countdown is gone.

    not this, is writing text while player watch to deatch screen. Then 15 seconds black screen and then reSpawn.

  3. 3 hours ago, Joshyy said:

    There is a similar script by Donnovan that works. Seems to be reports of not working with an anti-hack though, shouldn't be that hard to allow with antihacks.

    Donnovan make a good work, but this is another thing. This script allown reSpawn player after deatch with pause on 5 seconds. Is working nice without InfiStar. 

    With Donnovan's script working nice, but have a problem like black screen 15 second's on every reSpawn.

  4. On 01.01.2016 at 6:09 PM, getwastedgaming1 said:

    Still no luck. Been trying to get past this final lobby kick that takes place 10-15s after re-spawn. If your on as a admin it works perfectly but without it will still lobby kick 10-15s after you have spawned. This happens if you leave debug or sit in debug and don't choose a spawn or kit etc. I get the same issue without the ESS. 

    Will keep working on a solution. This would really help for my server as its high military and pvp so a lot of death and action. (lots of re-spawning) lol

    i find this theme with fast reSpawn players, without waiting


  5. On 05.05.2015 at 7:53 AM, Gr8 said:

    I have been busy lately, but i am getting back on this.


    I have checked in with ebay, who is helping me work this out. I will need to reset some global variables, and edit the ESS spawn script along the way.

    Thank you for answer, how I can find dami? 

  6. On 05.05.2015 at 7:53 AM, Gr8 said:

    I have been busy lately, but i am getting back on this.


    I have checked in with ebay, who is helping me work this out. I will need to reset some global variables, and edit the ESS spawn script along the way.

    So is it working?

  7. I will try this:

    		systemChat ('For cencel trading press ESC');
    		/*if(isNil "_oldPosition") then { _oldPosition = position player;};*/
    		_endTradeAction = (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == 1) then {"_finished = false;"};"]; 
    		sleep 2;
    		if (!_endTradeAction) then {
    			_finished = true;


  8. The original Taviana traders at Helfenburg were up high and they worked, was it the 2nd or 3rd floor of the castle tower ?

    I used the Napf Hotel Building for trader city, i was tryed this:

    _this setVehicleInit "this allowDammage false; this disableAI 'FSM'; this disableAI 'MOVE'; this disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; this disableAI 'TARGET'; this setBehaviour 'CARELESS'; this forceSpeed 0; this setpos [ getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 0.42];";

    it's currently working when traders near ground, but where higher - have problems

  9. I was add in variables dont update objects, and get my custom objects on trade city.

    For max FPS on server you need more events and less missions with AI, on pvp server it's work viry nice.

    Minimalize zombies count, you can balance that with high damage, from zombies, and killing only head.

    Minimalize custom objects, i have on all my buildings file only 88 kb

    Disable InfiStar debug, and put custom Big Egg's debug monitor on press insert. It will update player stats only on press key.

    Disable dynamic vehicle's on map.

    Do cleanUp non active vehicles and bases.

    Delete non used functions & configs.


  10. Run it on the server, at the end of the server file init\server_functions.sqf.

    Play with the configurations.

    It will spawn temporary vehicles all over the map, acordingly to your configuration.

    Any doubt, please ask.

    Thankyou, and sory for no more info, there is nothing else can i say, but if you want to know something, please ask.


    How i can define my own positions for vehicle's spawn, this is possible? 

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