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Mr loops

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Posts posted by Mr loops

  1. My group, around 18 of us have been looking for an Epoch server to come back to. This server was ok only b/c it is the only one with a high pop. My .02 is that this server took a lot of good stuff I have seen on other servers and keeps stuff simple. Overall...not a bad place to play. The admins made some ?able calls and it is what it is....so the 18 of us are moving on for now. I wish epoch the best...too bad there are few servers left. With such a low pop overall, I hope the admins take the time to think about how they make calls and the grounds they do it on.... 


    In a nutshell, Epoch Pro is donkypuch lite with a high pop. 6/10.  

  2. I don't follow some of the thinking here re "carebear-servers".


    I have played Mels, Firecock, S7, CCG, Donkey Punch, and others. From my experience a lot less shit happened in "hardcore" servers and game play got old unless you like to grind loot. A shit load of stuff happens on  "carebear-servers". My group would mark a town as PVP only and we would talk a lot of crap to get ppl to come take us on. There was so much loot that you could just PVP for hours. The downside was that no one went past a few cities and any base was blown up within hours due to the crazy amount of C4.


    Then there came what some ppl are calling Wasteland Epoch. Here loot is not hard to come by, you can spwn in more that just 3 places, there are easier ways to get around, the AI mission are worth doing, and there are player driven events like cap the flag. On this kind of server you can still build a base, pvp, and have something to do other than take on AI or sit in your base holding onto the only night stalker scope on the "hardcore" server. 


    The truth is this: Epoch is missing mechanics that force players to interact and the AI filler is not all that interesting. 


    What I hope for in 4.0 is this missing mechanic. "Surviving" as a core thing to do is dull. I can go onto an empty server and survive for long as time. What is the point? 

  3. So basically we need a mod that is the best parts of other mods. :P

    The best parts of other mods = things that set the stage for players to interact. 


    Just think about it. A storm hits the server and you have to pick up and move to 1 of 2 areas for 10 mins. Once there you could be spotted by a drone and marked on the map. You could get chased by some Mad Max like car. Some one could kill you, revive you and arrest you. Next thing you know you are being held and you need help. You only got a few mates in your group but they can link up with another group to help out for just this mission. Then...


    That is not the game play in epoch right now. 


    Right now game play =  Loot, build, then take on AI, camp spwans, camp other bases, waste C4 aka raid, and take on AI aimbots. 

  4. Full Disclosure, I play on Donkey Punch.


    Me and about 16-20 guys all tried Epoch after Day-Z Standalone. It was great to have gear, to fly and drive, and to build a base. Back around 2.0 you could really raid a base and that was some of the fun. Now my guys are cut down by GTA, Rust, and other Arma servers like KoH and WL.  I still log on to Donkey Punch and will donate to it b/c the owner is putting a lot of work to fill the void of content. I still enjoy what is there but Epoch itself is not that interesting to most of my guys because of one main issue: lack of forced player interaction. The game depends too much on AI.


    What this game needs very very badly are not new AI but mechanisms that force players to a few places on the map so that risk, danger, and reward are more consistent.


    Some ideas:


    Radioactive Storms that make you ill...forcing players to move into a few safe zones on the map for 10-15 minutes. 

    Add interesting Events like Air Drops, Capture the City, Capture a flag... 

    Drones that mark players on the map...

    Requiring a jammer to be maintained by chips that are only found on player bodies or at key global events...

    Allow players to take heads or player tags and hang them on a wall outside their base....

    Allow players to revive and arrest other players to take them...sell them...or hold them for some period of time. 

    Allow players to craft cars/helis...let players mod them like the Get Wrecked Mod 

    Expand the group settings to perm and temp (a thing that you can do now on Donkey Punch) to allow for temporary groups... 

    Let players trigger events like the Admin Hunt...


    At this point in the game you could build a massive base, get $$$, gear, and all that w/o ever interacting with another player. 




  5. I have been looking for a Hunt the Player event and I hear that someone has it!  I loved the Admin hunts but always wanted to hunt a player or a clan who marked themselves on the map. 


    I am going to give this a try! Any servers out there have this up and running? So far I only know of 1 (donkey punch). 

  6. I think this games needs less AI overall and more mechanics that force players to come to core spots. The players themselves are the best monsters. 


    Making looting concentrated in one or two cities per restart, having only 2 places to go to get rid of Toxic levels that have real impact, making cars/Heli's show on the map when parked, let drones show the player on the map when set off...have ATMs or Gas Stations show use on the map or make a sound when in use....those kind of things will make this game. 


    Crafting is also big. Making your own heli or bike or upgrading them would be nice. 


    Once you have a base, $$$, and loot ...there is lil more to do. In a lot of servers it becomes a PVE thing most of the time. AI burn out is real.


    DayZ missed the boat b/c it lagged on getting out real base crafting and a way to get around the map. This game has that but is missing elements that force the players together.



  7. Nice idea. You could run something that adds additional loot on lootable objects as they are looted, within the radius. A server side add-on would suit.

    So much packed into so little words! 


    Can you share what the player would experience and where I would start to look for such an add-on?


    I am an avid player but new to this.



  8. you can spawn random crates using a number of different scripts, you can easily modify it to spawn in city locations with static of random loot and a marker when script starts up

    A crate does not have staying power. What I mean is that once a player loots it, the player tends to move on. It is also a fixed camp-able thing. I am looking for something that keeps the player in town looting random things and moving from house to house in one city. It would be addictive and risky. Its a prolonged loot, random reward, and risk setting that I am looking for. 

  9. Check out Zupas capture points, they'll suit your needs maybe.

    It spawns a camp that you can easily make yourself, players cap the area and get loot afterwards.

    We have it on the server. It is ok but I want something that is city based and makes the player move about. The cap points has its place but it can be a lot like fishing. 


    If you have ever gone into a Max Loot server you will see the PVP get really going but players don't move on from spawn areas much. I'd like to have that kind of play in one city and have the whole server want to come to that one city. I don't want the whole server to be a loot feast tho. 

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