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Posts posted by wokkelwakker

  1. Thanks for the quick reply xoleum.


    How could i not have seen this!! :D


    I think you're right about the _dir, it's set a little earlier in that file like this:

    _dir = round(random 360);

    So it seems the direction is set randomly.


    I'm gonna try editing this to a static number and get back here to let interested people know if it worked.

  2. Hello,


    I was wondering if anyone knows how to change the direction the vehicle is facing when you buy one at a vehicle trader.


    I checked the trade_any_vehicle.sqf, but i can't find anything that seems to set the direction.


    It's either set on 0 by default (which makes it hard to determine which 0 within trade_any_vehicle it represents), or it isn't set at all.


    Tried setting the _this setDir of the "helihcivil/helihempty", but that doesn't change anything.

  3. I don't think that if you comment out the whole file, that the script will still work :P


    You can comment out/delete every one of these:


    Under "Definition of area markers for static spawns", everything that looks like this:

    //KI HQ
    _this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_DEBUG_devilscastle", [6880.48,11488.8,392.898]];
    _this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
    _this setMarkeralpha 0;
    _this setMarkerType "Flag";
    _this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
    _this setMarkerSize [150, 150];
    SAR_marker_DEBUG_devilscastle = _this;

    and under "define your static infantry patrols here", every line that looks like this:

    [SAR_marker_DEBUG_devilscastle,3,3,6,"patrol",true,600] call SAR_AI;

    Some lines are already commented out.



    And yes, you can change the time so it will only spawn 1 mission every x time.

    //Created by Falcyn [QF]
    _wait = [2000,650] call fnc_hTime;
    sleep _wait;
    MissionGo = 1;

    2000 = max time to wait until next mission starts

    650 = min time to wait until next mission starts.


    I assume these numbers represent seconds.

  4. Hi is it possible to just use the Missions without patrols in any grid?


    I set the:


    // -----------------------------------------------

    // enable or disable dynamic grid spawning

    // -----------------------------------------------

    SAR_dynamic_spawning = false;


    but there are still patrols by foot.


    Yes it's possible. The setting you changed applies only on the dynamic spawns.


    This version has also setup a number of static spawns, which you can edit/delete in the "SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf" file.


    You will need to delete the marker & static infantry patrol entry's

  5. Thanks to Fuchs edited Sarge AI i got my static spawns working as well.


    For people who are interested in this mission extension & sarge ai, i got it up and running perfectly on my server and i'll try to help in this thread as well.


    Maybe as a suggestion on the missions:


    - Make the loot rewards more dynamic (for example, use chance rates on items) <- that way you'll have to put some effort in it to get a DMR for example (or could be lucky). Also, the rewards would never be the same which to me seems nicer, and more real. Could maybe also depend on the mission difficulty or something.


    - Would be cool to see them use an armored vehicle that would spawn within the mission to make things more interesting.


    - Anything that would make the missions a little more difficult (it's pretty easy to shoot the AI from 400-500m with a sniper without getting shot, i've also seen people just drive them over with a truck without getting killed lol!)

  6. As i got no thx or great job for this over dayzcc.tk ,so i thought the epoch community would be the right place to release this !


    Today i decided to release my merged Mission System with Sarge AI !


    So i merged TheSzerdis and lazyinks version together ,now the mission system runs 26 Missions !

    Got the Permissions already from TheSzerdi and also the permission from lazyink !


    THX to these guys ,they did a great job!


    Next Step for me is to bring up new Missions with DayZ Bandit AI ... help and or ideas for missions would be great  !!!!





    Hello Fuchs,


    Thanks for this contribution :D


    I'm gonna install this mission edition today, and will get back to this thread when i get it running to give some backup where needed.



    Maybe this is a little offtopic, but does someone have experience with getting Sarge AI Static placements to work?


    Current mission system with sarge ai works on my server perfectly, but static AI (configured in the "SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf") spawn without weapons. They do spawn, and on the right location. Just without any weapons.




    For my first backup on this thread:


    I just checked a few of the "SM.sqf" files, and saw this:

    _chopper = ["UH1H_DZ","Mi17_DZ"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

    Since epoch these classnames aren't used anymore (as far as i know, might be different on other servers). They should be called "UH1H_DZE" and "Mi17_DZE".


    If they don't end with DZE you will be unable to sell them at traders. I'm not 100% sure, but i think it only applies on the armored vehicles.

  7. I installed this again after patch, but it seems to screw up the "fn_selfactions.sqf". People can't access locked vehicles anymore (just doesn't show up in the action menu anymore) same goes for name tag yes/no -> option doesn't show anymore.


    I also noticed with the new patch, that "remove.sqf" is now also being called within compiles.sqf. I changed it to point at the right file, but it had no effect.


    Anyone else having these issues?

  8. Since new patch this line has been made like this:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    // DONT KNOW  FOR SURE IF THIS WORKS, FOUND HERE: http://phoenixmods.freeforums.org/epoch-admin-tools-install-guide-works-100-t95.html \\


    change it to this:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x) && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n
  9. I'm just about to install Sarge AI on the new patch, but it seems the following line has been changed by epoch development team:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n

    So the tutorial on how to install Sarge AI doesn't compute with this new line ^ i think. Anyone knows how to legit change this line to work with sargeAI?



    Edit: Alright, i found this:


    // DONT KNOW  FOR SURE IF THIS WORKS, FOUND HERE: http://phoenixmods.freeforums.org/epoch-admin-tools-install-guide-works-100-t95.html \\


    // FOR SARGE AI //


    change it to this:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in _safety) && (isPlayer _x) && (vehicle _x getVariable [""Sarge"",0] != 1) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {" \n
  10. No, the PlayerUID mus be varchar; the CharacterID is just a relational record, and must be INT.


    In all relations, the CharacterID is linked to all other tables. If you make that a varchar you're screwing them up.


    How would that screw up the other tables? It only changes the Datatype from the CharacterID column, nothing more.


    This is with a custom script -> it doesn't rely on CharacterID when building, but on the PlayerUID (writes playerUID instead of characterID to object_data). And it works too, except for players who have a playerUID containing letters.

  11. Same problem here. Also made a topic about it.


    What you need to do is change the "CharacterID" datatype from INT to VARCHAR, because INT doesn't allow letters (only numbers, 11 digits max) VARCHAR however, allows any character.


    I tested if it worked by changing a CharacterID field in mysql with a playerUID that contains letters, and it worked.


    However, the player was still unable to build.? So i'm confused.

  12. Hi,


    A few players and myself noticed that the animation of the actual fire on a woodpile isn't showing.


    Another player also noticed that there's a difference between matchboxes in game. "The old matchbox" (on which you would rightclick, and make a fire) appears to give the woodpile a fire animation, but the "new matchbox" (where you need to click on the woodpile for building a fire modular style) doesn't (problem stated above).


    Also, it appears to function as a fire (for crafting) on normal ground level, but not on e.g. a metal floor, or building.


    Anyone else has/had this problem or can confirm it?

  13. I'm very curious why the epoch development team decided to log the CharacterID in the object_data table instead of logging the PlayerUID or GUID.


    In the last case, plot poles (or every built element) would stay linked to the player who placed them, even after death. That would also unlock the option for players to remove something they've build.



    It's possible with the current database layout as well, but a little more hassle. Something like this:


    Scenario: Player has build plot pole near base, dies, goes back to base to build near plot pole again.


    - Compare characterID from object_data table with characterID from character_data table

    - If it's the same, it let's you build.

    - If it's not the same:


    1. check the OLD characterID linked to the plot pole within the object_data table.

    2. find characterID within character_data table using the OLD characterID which has been found in the object_data table.

    3. compare the playerUID which is linked to the OLD characterID with the playerUID from the NEW characterID.

    4. Same playerUID? Let's you build. Not the same playerUID? too bad.

  14. You can find several addons for weapons here: http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma2_oa_files_addons_weapons


    Correct me if i'm wrong, but i think the problem with adding complete new content is, that when you would add one or a few of these addons, DayZ Commander/Six will say your version of epoch is corrupt. Your server will then not show in the server list if people have bad version filter on. People would also need to download the same addons that you've installed on your server, through the same source you got them from.


    That's why it's important that new weapons would be included in a patch. Your server would not show up as corrupt and people wouldn't have to download external stuff to enter your server.

  15. Got that from the... 



    Most people would understand I meant this part...



    Not only is it poorly written but it is vague. 


    It is indeed, kinda.


    As far as i know, there are multiple "versions" of alot of vehicles, for example the chinook classnames:






    So if i'm reading the statement correctly, the first and second class as seen above, should still have ammo spawning in them every restart etc (the old way), and the CH-47_DZE shouldn't spawn ammo within it anymore.


    Next, how to change it?





    I think you should edit the file called "dynamic_vehicle.sqf" within your missions folder. In this file you will see a list of all vehicle class names that will be spawned in your server. If i understand the statement correctly, you should edit the vehicles ending with _DZE, and replace it with classname vehicles ending with _DZ and with nothing (or something else perhaps, i don't know all class names).


    I hope i have it the right way, and you will now understand it a little bit better.

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