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Posts posted by Draxind

  1. -Lee

    Ok then I can't really see any errors in what you have posted. The fact its saying about a / is not a value would suggest to me that a comment is missing the double forward slash someplace, its all I can really suggest sorry.



    As far as I can see the backpacks for @mas are of 3 kinds, so you could;

    !=B_mas_AssualtPack_ !=B_mas_Bergen_ !=B_mas_Kitbag


    Optics and suppressors;

    !=muzzle_mas_ !=optic_mas_


    Hope that helps?




    Draxinds filters do work but be careful as not all the mas weapons start with that prefix, launchers do not

    This is correct, but my point was its a wayyyy simpler method of creating exceptions, for example you have assault rifles and sniper rifles already filtered like this:


    7 "" !=arifle_mas_ !=srifle_mas_


    That filters every mas sniper and assault rifle, but you want to add launchers...so just add to the end


    7 "" !=arifle_mas_ !=srifle_mas_ !=mas_launch_


    You can find the names with the mas download, just look at the prefix of what you wish to add, then add it like above.



  3. Yes its true, if you read the battleye filter guide it says it in there when its talking about keywords and also if you look at some of the Epoch filters, they use a similar method.


    All you have to remember is the number is what it does, so 7 = kick, the word after is a keyword it looks for, or use "" to catch everything, and then the exception rule after.


    So take this example:


    7 "" !=no_kisses_


    This will work for any item that has no_kisses_ in it at the start, for example no_kisses_because_ima_dood


    Hope that makes little more sense ?



  4. Correct except you don't need step 5, that happens when you just copy @mas folder onto your server, the keys are part of the download.


    Be aware you may need to alter your server config.cfg file to have verifySignatures = 0; (I had to do this on a gtx gaming sever)


    Also you need to sort out your battleye filter scripts.txt & addweaponcargo.txt found under Arma3Config/BattlEye. This is how I have my filters set:



    Scripts.txt (I haven't bothered for the smg or lmgs yet)

    Add this to a new line:


    7 "" !arifle_mas_ !srifle_mas_



    Add this to the end of line 1:


    !arifle_mas_ !srifle_mas_


    This might not be the correct way of doing it, but seems to be working fine for me and my friends, hope it works for you.



  5. Just thought I would mention that if you just want more Epoch loot lying around on the floor, you can run this script without having to use @mas weapons addon at all.


    Make sure the only items in your LSLootList.SQF are epoch and your good to go, I have it running on my server without @mas weapons and works perfectly, and you don't need to add exceptions in battleye with this method either.


    You can find the standard epoch loot list with this download.



  6. //class Vehicles
    //	items=1;
    //	class Item0
    //	{
    //		position[]={1719.11,5.5,5112.75};
    //		azimut=180.4026;
    //		offsetY=5;
    //		id=1;
    //		side="EMPTY";
    //		vehicle="UserTexture10m_F";
    //		skill=0.60000002;
    //		init="this setObjectTexture [0, ""image.jpg""]";
    //	};
    class Vehicles
    	class Item0
    		init="clearMagazineCargoGlobal this;  clearWeaponCargoGlobal this;  clearItemCargoGlobal this; clearAllItemsFromBackpack this; clearBackpackCargoGlobal this; this addAction[""<t color='#D11313'>Grab Starting Loadout</t>"", ""loadoutfrombox.sqf""];";

    Hi all, I have this script and it works perfectly but I'm having a issue in that if I also try adding a second "class vehicle" the map just doesn't load. The reason I'm trying to do this is with the "load image into spawn" script as well.


    I know its a case of correct formatting but I just don't know how it should work, any help would be very much appreciated.


    Here is what I have atm, the image at spawn is commented out




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