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Posts posted by Vaprz


    I really don't care if I ever see a zombie again. The new antogonists are a welcome change. Yes, I do like the occasional swarm, it does keep you on your toes. But having them explode and leak gas, sap your energy is way more then any zombie ever did in A2. I'm not a big fan of the Rock-Monster, but watching it in twitch crushing buildings as it was stomping around while chasing the guy shooting at it was pretty amazing. Even though I wasn't in game, it felt like a real threat.


    WIthout zombies, A3Epoch is quite boring on all but the most populated servers where PVP takes over. The new antagonists are more annoying than scary and looking at the rolling changelog, the fact that they are going to become more prevalent is disconcerting at best.


    In another survival mod game like 7 Days to Die...you don't go out at night because the running zombies WILL get you. That keeps you on your toes. That makes you fear the night. That makes you build defences. That makes you hide from hordes. You respect the environ. 


    With Epoch, there is no reason to base build beyond to stash a few guns. There is nothing to fear at low pops with such a benign environ. There is no overall point as it is not really a survival mod being food and drink are prevalent. The most dangerous thing in A3 Epoch is stairs....



    I personally don't see anything in 0.3 that is going to bring back people in sustainable numbers as nothing has changed at the core of the mod to make it interesting to play over the long haul. 


    It hope that changes in time. 

  2. It's not legacy - it's the gddmn previous version.


    Actually, by that very definition a version update does make the previous version legacy software. Not that your comment added in any meaningful way to the conversation.

  3. There is no wipe needed.


    It's suggested. Kind of like how snow tires are not required, only suggested in Minnesota during the winter - but if you skid off the road and crash it's your own damn fault. 


    There are already enough issues and frailty with the redis database system. I don't think our community is willing to risk any unforeseen issues, especially being 0.3 is for the most part being heavily tested on cleanly wiped servers - not legacy configurations. 

  4. Why not combine 0.3 and 0.3.5 and give players more things? everyone who is rushing is probably a server owner and not a player, have you really all got bored of playing epoch and adminig servers is your new thing? it seem like it! there are hardly players other than handful of servers !


    I am seeing a server population slowdown because people are anticipating 0.3 and thus don't want invest heavily in a server that is only going to be around for a short time going forward because of the need to wipe the db. 


    Basically, the community is on pause until the release. 

  5. change: VonID=1;


    for the difficulty level of your server. 


    I'm unfortunately not grasping this statement. I have the VonID=1 in SC.Arma3Profile and difficulty = "veteran";  in my config.cfg file. How do I connect the two? As set, VonID is not shown on the server. I don't see where there is a VonID for difficulty variable or file. 






    Contents of  SC.Arma3Profile

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