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Posts posted by tdavison

  1. I can normally fix BE filter issues, but I went all the way back to a vanilla install, and cannot seem to find an answer for this error:

    08.04.2015 22:40:51: Chicken Chaser (SERVER IP) MYGUID - #62 " _dest;
    _dest = _dest modelToWorldVisual _coords;
    drawIcon3D ["\A3\UI_F_MP_Mark\Data\Tasks\Misc\background.paa", _backg"

    Obviously, ServerIP and MYGUID have been replaced for security... but nowhere in my setup or scripts.txt can I find this _dest variable. Is it maybe because my server is not on yet?


    Any help is appreciated.

  2. Hello!


    Mission is starting, message coming up.


    I think i have killed all AIs, Crate is there but no loot in it.


    I have this error coming up:


    13:53:35 [VEMF]: WaitMissComp: Waiting Over. VEMFDynInv Completed.

    13:53:36 Error in expression <se (isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _var)): {

    _kindOf = [(configFile >> ">

    13:53:36   Error position: <>> _var)): {

    _kindOf = [(configFile >> ">

    13:53:36   Error >>: Type Array, expected String

    13:53:36 File VEMF\VFunctions.sqf, line 430




    I´m running on my server, is it not compatible ?



    And nice work btw!


    Lines just above that error - you might try a fix Nightmare did for me (I used the same random loot tables) I think it is line 410 (or near there):

    // Generate Loot
         _tmp = (getArray(_x >> 'items'));
         {VEMFLootList = VEMFLootList + [ ( _x select 0 ) select 0 ];} forEach (_tmp);
    } forEach ("configName _x != 'Uniforms' && configName _x != 'Headgear'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgLootTable"));
  3. any hel;p at all.. i add this to my init but players never allert on drop 


    //Supply Drop Alert Event

        "SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler


            hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];



    Make sure the init.sqf you edit is in your epoch.Altis.pbo or whatever mission system you have running (you may have to create the init.sqf). I just tested it again today, and my hints are working with the 0.3 update.

  4. This mission stopped working for me since epoch version 3 


    I think the only issue, besides the hint text not working, was the loot tables for random crates (Nightmare's fix below):


    In SupplyDrop_Functions.sqf, replace the code starting on line 148 with the following (only replace the portion needed):

    // Generate Loot
     _tmp = (getArray(_x >> 'items'));
     {SDROPLootList = SDROPLootList + [ ( _x select 0 ) select 0 ];} forEach (_tmp);
    } forEach ("configName _x != 'Uniforms' && configName _x != 'Headgear'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgLootTable"));

    I'll try to get the hint text working again by weekend.

  5. Thanks so much.

    I just discovered PBO Manager with much online searching. I took the "epoch.Altix.pbo" file from our server (and made a copy).


    I didn't see any of these files, so I added them. I will give this a shot.

    Quick question. We are switching to Bornholm map for Epoch. Do I simply update my "epoch.Bornholm.pbo" instead of my "epoch.Altis.pbo"?


    Yep. Look above in posts to find safe spawns for helicopter for Bornholm.

  6. I am confused on this installation.

    Were running Epoch 3.0.1


    How exaclt do we edit the "epoch.Altis initServer.sqf"  or our  "epoch.Altis init.sqf"?


    I see someone mentioned "You should be able to put that in your "epoch.Altis.pbo" (unpacked) init.sqf", but I am not sure how were suppoed to unpack this and repack it for the server? Are there any instructions on this process out there? We don't mind following other instructions if there out there, but we can't seem to find them.



    1. Edit your epoch.Altis initServer.sqf (or add one)

    Paste in the following line (or add to existing IF SERVER condition):

    if (isServer) then {

    [] ExecVM "\SDROP\init.sqf";


    2. Edit your epoch.Altis init.sqf (or add one)

    Paste in the following - this is used for sending messages to all players:

    //Supply Drop Alert Event

    "SDROP_Alert" addPublicVariableEventHandler {

    hint parseText format["%1", _this select 1];


    3. Copy the SDROP.pbo to your @EpochHive/addons/






    I use a program called PBO Manager to un-pack the epoch.Altis.pbo file... from there, you can edit or add new files, then re-pack it into a PBO and upload to your server via TPAdmin or FTP. Please remember to save a backup of your original somewhere.


    Help with BE- was working fine, then restart and shit hit the fan.........


    call compile preProcessFileLineNumb"

    21.03.2015 17:14:17: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #0 "k = _mouseOver select 1;
    _customData = player getVariable ["BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal_customData",[]];
    _i = (_customData find _task)"
    21.03.2015 17:18:44: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #0 "k = _mouseOver select 1;
    _customData = player getVariable ["BIS_fnc_setTaskLocal_customData",[]];
    _i = (_customData find _task)"
    22.03.2015 13:38:52: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:39:39: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:41:14: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:42:09: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:43:18: MadMan ( f63ca9de818a4a4e2dce200a55551994 - #42 "r75 = createMarker["MainMarker75", MCoords];
    _MainMarker75 setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
    _MainMarker75 setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:44:57: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:47:16: MadMan ( f63ca9de818a4a4e2dce200a55551994 - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:52:37: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 13:57:26: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #20 "SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance)then[{
    if(!isPlayer _x)then{_x allowDamage false};
    if(!isPlayer _x)then{_x allowDamage true};
    22.03.2015 14:04:28: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    22.03.2015 14:06:26: Stumpafoo ( 9a2bc3cb49bd69644c9bccf0fcf59c5c - #42 "Marker = createMarker ["MainMarker", Ccoords];
    _MainMarker setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";
    _MainMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";



    I think there might have been a hotfix released to address the players getting kicked when clicking on map or right-clicking map. If not, you can fix it by adding this to the end of line 1 in script.txt:




    That is only part of your issue - the other errors are from BlckEagl's mission which you may have configured wrong as cyncrwler indicated.

  8. im having to take this off as the helicopter keeps circling around dropping more ai of. last count before stopping the server to remove them was 70 aI!! 


    I've personally witnessed hundreds of drops in testing (and, I do mean hundreds), and it only ever dumped as many as the original script indicated below (most I ever got was 6):

    _grpCount = 3;				//default: 3 - this is our minimum number of paratroopers
    _grpReinforce = floor(random 3)+1;	//number of additional paratroopers 1-3
    _grpCount = _grpCount + _grpReinforce;

    Not saying it didn't happen to you, but I wouldn't know where to fix it since the group size is finitely defined.

  9. I'm trying to run the mod on Chernarus.

    In SDROP_SupplyDrop.sqf I've commented out the -posArray line:

    // ALTIS - north, south, east, west starting locations for supply helicopter
    // these distances are all oceanic spawns
    //_posArray = [[15971.3,25950.5,200],[14727.5,3934.5,200],[26869.5,15454.5,200],[1306.16,14832.8,200]];
    and have used the following instead:

    //CHERNARUS - starting locations
    _posArray = [[7300.0,15200.0,200],[7300.0,1200.0,200],[14500.0,8200.0,200],[100.0,8200.0,200]];  
    The mission spawned, but off the map. It appeared to move back and forth a VERY short distance before dropping its crate.

    Is there something I've missed? Or perhaps my coordinates are off?


    Working on the co-ordinates. Even moving the co-ordinates in, the mission will still often spawn just outside the "box" and bounce off Chernarus' invisible wall.



    BetterDeadThanZed used the following to work with Chenarus:

    _posArray = [[72.0000,8184.00,200],[15320.0,7816.00,200],[7528.00,15320.0,200],[6888.00,40.0000,200]];
    _mapCenter = [7067.50,7798.63];
    _coords = [_mapCenter,500,5000,30,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

    You might have to play around with coordinates - really just pick any spawn N, S, E, W that a player can't get to (somewhere in oceans). I re-worked a new mapCenter and findSafePos algorithm (from Kilo Swiss' SEM) and may consider adding that to a future update to make things easier/more efficient.


    i added the _coords | _mapCenter and _posArray as you mentioned to my SDROP_SupplyDrop.sqf, still no sign of the supplydrop on my chernarus server


    // ALTIS - north, south, east, west starting locations for supply helicopter
    // these distances are all oceanic spawns
    _posArray = [[72.0000,8184.00,200],[15320.0,7816.00,200],[7528.00,15320.0,200],[6888.00,40.0000,200]];
    //random supply helicopter spawn
    _heliSpawnPosition = _posArray call bis_fnc_selectrandom;  
    //these variables determine a safe location for the supply crate drops
    //using the helicopter spawn as starting point
    _mapCenter = [7067.50,7798.63];
    _coords = [_mapCenter,500,5000,30,0,10,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;



    By default, the drop default timer is 15-minutes... the latest version, with the paratrooper AI, doesn't use the _mapCenter anymore... it uses the helicopter's spawn position which is set in the _posArray.

  11. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allowDamage


    You can set this so the crate doesn't take damage


    Does waitUntil really cause that much lag?


    I didn't want to set that condition on the crate, but users are free to edit that condition. And, the WaitUntil method runs once every frame... so having those can cause lag because the condition is checked far too often (especially if you have more than one waitUntil running).

  12. hey mate can I implement this AI mission to Epoch Bornholm ? Do I need to configure anything or just do it like in instruction ? Thanks


    You'll need to edit the SDROP_SupplyDrop.sqf position array values (see below) for helicopter spawns - that should be all you need to do:


    // ALTIS - north, south, east, west starting locations for supply helicopter
    // these distances are all oceanic spawns
    _posArray = [[15971.3,25950.5,200],[14727.5,3934.5,200],[26869.5,15454.5,200],[1306.16,14832.8,200]];
  13. In the event you downloaded the update - I forgot to un-comment a line and change its value. It is in the updated version on github. I was getting a yellow link when the crate dropped, so in the missions folder (SDROP_SupplyDrop.sqf), I un-commented the timer and set it to 5. Seems to have fixed that.

    			} forEach units _grp;
    		uiSleep 5; //this is where I made the change to fix the link issue
  14. v1.0c Supply Drop with AI Paratroopers is now released: https://github.com/tdavison70/Helicopter-Supply-Drop


    • Added AI units that parachute down with crate and guard it
    • AI units each have a sub-set of skills - these guys are tough by default
    • AI might drop krypto
    • BIS_fnc_findSafePos now called from helicopter spawn position and uses world safe anchor for range
    • Added JIP (Join In Progress) support to eliminate multiple copies running on server
    • Replaced all WaitUntil loops with While (sleep) loops to fix major lag
    • Loitering helicopters should now be fixed (they get deleted)
    Known issues (if you consider them as such):
    • Crate can be destroyed by certain terrain (rocks)
    • AI units sometimes die on drops when they hit the ground (most often by rocks)
    • AI are extremely tough to beat solo (can be edited in SDROP_Functions.sqf)
    • AI sometimes drop down far from crate - but they should head to it after recovery from drop
    • You might need to add !="srifle_LRR_SOS_F" to your addWeaponCargo.txt as snipers will sometimes be deployed with unit
  15. Awesome script, really nice :)

    1 small issue though, its ran perfect for days but now my players are reporting a swarm of helicopters, they're not dropping the crate and continue flying, then another spawns and so on.


    Yes - that is because I was using a heli CREW rather than creating a GROUP (for pilots) with specific waypoints and combat conditions. This updated version should fix that issue.

  16. Im not entirely sure if im on the right track here but I implemented this last night and it worked like a charm, but after the 2nd supply drop the server ground to a halt and needed to be restarted. We started it up and all was well, until the supply drops came again, it was absolutely killing out server.


    I might be pointing at the wrong thing here but as soon as we disabled the supply drops everything started working again. Ill investigate further, just seeing if Im the only one thats had this


    After a helpful suggestion from the author of I've been able to find the server lagging issues, and will have them fixed this weekend. I am also introducing an optional AI component to the supply drop.


    Thanks again for everyone's comments and suggestions to help make this add-on better.

  17. Im not entirely sure if im on the right track here but I implemented this last night and it worked like a charm, but after the 2nd supply drop the server ground to a halt and needed to be restarted. We started it up and all was well, until the supply drops came again, it was absolutely killing out server.


    I might be pointing at the wrong thing here but as soon as we disabled the supply drops everything started working again. Ill investigate further, just seeing if Im the only one thats had this


    I honestly have no idea what would cause this issue with regards to the addon. I'm not doing anything 'too much differently' than other addons. In fact, I had this running with VEMF, A3EAI, and BlckEagl's with no issues (other than poor server performance from ViLayer). I've since moved to Vert hosting, and haven't had an issue yet - but I also play on a really low-pop server. I am optimizing some code in the next version... wish I could help more. 


    Have you looked at your server's RPT to see if there are any weird issues?

  18. Fixed it!


    I made some changes so it will spawn smoke and chemlight every 75 m it gets to the ground, as well as every 75 meters the player gets closer to it when its on the ground.







    Very nice. I'm working on a paradrop unit to come with the crate now. Hope to have it all wrapped up before the weekend is over. It'll be an optional item, so if you prefer to just have the crate, you can, while others can have AI parachute down with the crate and guard it.

  19. Hey I keep having issues with the chemlights and smoke not working. I think they are being removed too early or something


    They should only be getting removed if you are within 10 meters of the crate. The smoke will go away automatically, but the chemlight should stay on for a while.

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