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Posts posted by C.Peck

  1. Do you think I should include a safezone script within the admin tool?

    It would be set for users to enable or disable it and it would most likely only work for the 3 main safe zones for ease of install. I may have an area where you can set coordinates for other safezones though.

    I've never really played on a server that didn't have safe zones, but I've only played pvp. As always the more things that can be bundled together the better, makes installs and script conflicts much easier to manage. I'd say go for it.

  2. 1 idea 1 question. Would it be possible to make a esp script that could show plot poles? I know you have it in to show on the map, what about showing it on your screen? On my sever the plot poles need to be visible and accessible to all, this would make it slot easier to police.

    And after I installed a group management addon it messed up the esp that come with these tools. I looked into the esp script and I see it uses the group parameter, because of that only 1 player per group will be shown and their name doesn't always match. Any ideas how I could get the 2 to work together? I've been trying on my own for a couple days but can't seem to figure it out.

  3. The bike spawns at [0,0,0] which is in water. For people who have low fps, spawning the bike at [0,0,0] then teleporting it to player position, in scheduled environment gives enough time for the bike to take damage. Although the bike says it is intact, it isn't. This is all theory which I presume to be correct as I had the exact same problem. I had players complaining that the bikes weren't working all the time, but I never had a problem. I on the other hand have a good PC whereas all my players wont. As soon as I changed it from spawning at [0,0,0] the problem was fixed.

    I can confirm that this also worked for me. I had a few players that were always unable to ride their deployed bikes, changing from spawning the bike at 0,0,0 fixed it for every one of them. Thanks Mikeeeyy!

  4. Added a new feature into the test branch yesterday: Server wide messages.

    The option appears near the bottom of the Admin Menu (Not enabled for Mod's). The tool opens a text box dialog where an admin can enter whatever text they wish. When the "Send" button is pressed the message will appear at the top of every client's screen in large red text "ADMIN: (message)".

    Awesome feature. Any thoughts of utilizing a similar text box with the player help queue so players could add a brief description of their problem to send along with the ticket? Maybe add a "send messag" option to the player menu of the gui to send a message to only one player? I'll probably take a crack at adding it myself but I Probably don't do things as efficiently as you would.
  5. Hi all,

    could somebody help me, i use these admin tools. Today I got in my server Infistars safezone(http://pastebin.com/ht7djVGH#), and have a problem, the admin godmode doesn`t work at all after the safezone was installed.

    How could i fix this, to use this admintool with the above mentioned safezone?

    thank you!

    Search for gmadmin in the safe zone script and replace every instance of it with playerGod2

  6. So I'm relatively new to arma scripting, about a month in. I feel like I'm starting to get a pretty good grasp on everything, I'm looking for some feedback/improvements to a script I've been working on for a day or two. The idea is to allow players to remotely open or close garage doors from vehicles. I was already running Zupa's door management, so I modified some of that script to also look for keys in the player inventory when generating the nearby player list, which allows you to add the keys just like you would a player. Then to the addaction, I set it up to check doors within 75meters and if both the player is friendly to the door and he has a key that is friendly to the door, it will give them the action to open or close the door. As is,  the script works fine, as far as I've tested they're aren't any issues with it. Being newer to the scene I wanted to ask for some help and see if I broke any unwritten rules or did things that would put unnecessary load on my server. Is it a bad idea to use nested foreach statements inside of fn_selfactions? is there a cleaner more efficient way to do all these checks?


    Possible update I was thinking about but wasn't quite sure how to do it, make it so for every key you have in your inventory that is friend'y to a door it would add a different action for that door with the name of the key in the action, so if you had 3 keys all assigned to different doors you could chose which door to open. The way I have it now It would open all 3 at once.


    I tried to explain my logic the best I could.


    playerkeys is defined earlier in my selfactions  - playerkeys = playerkeys + [[_ownerKeyIdtemp,_ownerKeyName]];

    //remote door open
    if (_inVehicle && driver _vehicle == player) then { //if in vehicle and driver
    	systemchat "driver of vehicle"; //debug message
    	if (_vehicle isKindOf "Land") then { //only works for land vehicles
    		if((count playerkeys)>0) then { //No point in running the rest of the script unless the player has atleast 1 key
    			systemchat "key detected"; //debug message
    			_nearDoors = []; //reset array
    			_nearDoors = nearestObjects[_vehicle, DZE_DoorsLocked, 75]; //find all locked doors within 75 meters 
    			if((count _nearDoors)>0) then { // if a locked door is detected
    				systemchat "door detected"; //debug message
    				friendlyDoors = [];  //reset friendlydoor array
    				{													//start foreach neardoors
    					if ((_x animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) or (_x animationPhase "Open_latch" == 1)) then { // make sure door isn't in the process of opening or closing
    						_allowed = [];
    						_tempneardoor = _x;
    						_doorownerID = _x getVariable ["ownerPUID","-1"];	//code straight from zupas script to retrieve friends of doors
    						_doorfriends = _x getVariable ["doorfriends",[]];			
    							_friendUID = _x select 0;
    							_allowed  =  _allowed  + [_friendUID];
    						} forEach _doorfriends;
    						_allowed = _allowed + [_doorownerID];
    						if ((getPlayerUID player) in _allowed ) then {		//if player is friendly to door, check keys
    								_tempkey = _x select 0;
    								if (_tempkey in _allowed) then {	//if keyname is friendly to door
    									if (_tempneardoor animationPhase "Open_latch" == 0) then { //if door is locked
    									doorState = "locked";
    									else {
    										doorState = "unlocked";
    									friendlyDoors = friendlyDoors + [[_tempneardoor,doorState]];			//add door + status of door to friendly list						
    							} foreach playerkeys;
    				} foreach _nearDoors;
    				doorOpen = false;	//default to open doors
    				if ((count friendlyDoors) > 0) then {		//if friendly doors were detected
    						if ((_x select 1) == "unlocked") then {		//Detects if any of the friendly doors are unlocked, if any of them are, default to remote close doors.
    						doorOpen = true;
    					} foreach friendlyDoors;
    					if (s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl<0) then {  //if an action hasn't been added yet
    						myVehicle = _vehicle;		//save current vehicle to gloabl variable for remove action later
    						if (doorOpen) then {
    							_RemoteClose = myVehicle addAction ["Remote Close Door(s)", "doorManagement\remotecontrol.sqf",doorOpen,5,false,true,"",""];
    							s_player_remoteDoor set [count s_player_remoteDoor,_RemoteClose];		//copied from lock/unlock vehicle from inside script
    							s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl = 1;
    						else {
    							_RemoteOpen = myVehicle addAction ["Remote Open Door(s)", "doorManagement\remotecontrol.sqf",doorOpen,5,false,true,"",""];
    							s_player_remoteDoor set [count s_player_remoteDoor,_RemoteOpen];
    							s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl = 1;
    				else { //if no friendlydoors remove all actions
    					{myVehicle removeAction _x} count s_player_remoteDoor;s_player_remoteDoor = [];
    					s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl = -1;
    			else { //if no near doors remove all actions
    				{myVehicle removeAction _x} count s_player_remoteDoor;s_player_remoteDoor = [];
    				s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl = -1;
    		else { //if player has no key remove all actions
    			{myVehicle removeAction _x} count s_player_remoteDoor;s_player_remoteDoor = [];
    			s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl = -1;
    else { //if not in vehicle and driver remove all actions
    	{myVehicle removeAction _x} count s_player_remoteDoor;s_player_remoteDoor = [];
    	s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl = -1;

    This is the remotecontrol.sqf

    _doorOpen = _this select 3;
    	if(_doorOpen) then {
    		cutText ["Closing and Locking Door.", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    		(_x select 0) animate ["Open_door", 0];
    		(_x select 0) animate ["Open_latch", 0];
    	else {
    		cutText ["Unlocking and Opening Door.", "PLAIN DOWN"];		
    		(_x select 0) animate ["Open_latch", 1];
    		(_x select 0) animate ["Open_door", 1];
    }foreach friendlyDoors;
    {myVehicle removeAction _x} count s_player_remoteDoor;s_player_remoteDoor = [];
    s_player_remoteDoor_ctrl = -1;

    I was having some issues with undefined variables when using local variables so I may have some global that don't need to be, I guess I don't fully understand variables and how to make local ones persistent through an entire script.

  7. Anybody else have issues with teleporting not working? It doesn't happen very often but occasionally after a death when I respawn and try to teleport it reverts the tp and sends a log to the sever rpt. It used to happen a lot more often with 1.9.1, since upgrading to the 2.0 test it hasn't happened to me yet, only one of my mods. A relog typically fixes it. I have quite a few other mods installed, maybe a conflict with one of them?

  8. Just upgraded to the latest 2.0 commit, the base admin scroll menu is working fine, haven't really found any bugs with it yet. However the gui is not working at all for me. First rpt error I got

    Error in expression <dminHighlightTool = !AdminHighlightTool
    {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach nearestObjec>
      Error position: <{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach nearestObjec>
      Error Missing ;
    File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Napf\admintools\AdminMainGUI.sqf, line 939

    Missing a ; after AdminHighlightTool = !AdminHighlightTool


    I get a few other undefined variable errors and a message that pops up saying "Resource AdminDialogFull not found".


    Really really excited about the future of this tool. One minor bug, if a player cancels their contact admin request the same notification pops up for the admins saying a player needs help, not really a big deal but this is what I did to try to fix it, not sure if it's the best way.


    "EAT_contactAdminServer" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
         _array = (_this select 1);
         _addRemove = (_array select 0);
         if(_addRemove == "add") then {
              _array = _array - ["add"];
              helpQueue = helpQueue + _array;
         } else {
              _array = _array - ["remove"];
              helpQueue = helpQueue - _array;
         EAT_contactAdminClient = [helpQueue,_addRemove];
              if ((getPlayerUID _x) in AdminAndModList) then { //check if the clientID(uniqueID) is an admin|mod
              (owner _x) publicVariableClient "EAT_contactAdminClient";
         } forEach entities "CAManBase";
    "EAT_contactAdminClient" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
         helpQueue = ((_this select 1)select 0);
         _addRemove = ((_this select 1)select 1);
         if ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminAndModList) then {
              if (_addRemove == "add") then {
                   systemChat "****A player needs help****";
              else {
                   systemChat "****A player Canceled Their Request****";

  9. I'm trying to modify a script that kills players for talking in sidechat. I don't want that, I want to kick them from the server. I read about using a public variable and the battle eye filters to do so.

    				if (disconnect_me >= 3) then {
    					if (isNil "warn_last") then {
    						warn_last = true;
    						playMusic ["PitchWhine",0];
    						//[] spawn DS_slap_them;
    						["beat04"] spawn DS_really_loud_sounds;
    						["We warned you..."] spawn DS_double_cut;
    						sleep 0.5;
    						1 fademusic 10;
    						1 fadesound 10;
    						//endMission "loser";
    						_pos = position Player;
    						_name = name Player;
    						kickPlayer = [_name,_pos];
    						publicVariable "kickPlayer";

    This is the part of the script that handles the punishment. I have the "endMission" line commented out, that does kick players back to the lobby just fine, but I want to kick them. So i added "kickPlayer" to my publicvariable.txt file 

    5 "" !"PVDZE_" !"norrn" !"usec" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="PVDZ_Server_Simulation" !="EAT_toClient" !="usageLogger" !="useBroadcaster" !="EAT_baseExporter" !="EAT_teleportFixServer" !="EAT_teleportFixClient" !="EAT_SetDateServer" !="EAT_SetDateClient" !="EAT_SetOvercastServer" !="EAT_SetOvercastClient" !="EAT_SetFogServer" !="EAT_SetFogClient" !="currentInvites"
    5 "remExFP" !="\"remExFP\" = \[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]" !"\[,,\"per\",\"execVM\",\"ca\\Modules\\Functions\\init.sqf\"\]"
    5 "kickPlayer"

    But this doesn't do anything. I'm not getting kicked when I test it, I get the message saying "we warned you" and thats it. Anybody got any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

  10. Zombies walking through walls has been a thing in arma for as long as I can remember. You probably didnt do anything wrong.try putting up a sandbag thing in front of the wall

    Waking through walls sure. But I'm talking about full sprinting through the wall without slowing down or anything. I tested it by surrounding myself with 4 regular cinder walls then spawned a bunch of zombies and started shooting, no zombies got to me. Then I surrounded myself in 4 cinder walls that were rotated 90 degrees and did the same thing and immediately I was covered in zombies. They run through the walls like they're not even there.

  11. anyone know why i get this error in the RPT log?

    _object setdir _dir;
    _object setVec>
    16:46:52   Error position: <_dir;
    _object setVec>
    16:46:52   Error Undefined variable in expression: _dir
    16:46:52 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 219
    16:46:53 "MOVED OBJ: "376" of class hilux1_civil_3_open_EP1 to pos: [4047.12,6621.02,0]"
    16:46:53 Error in expression <eCargoGlobal  _object;
    _object setdir _dir;
    _object setVec>
    16:46:53   Error position: <_dir;
    _object setVec>
    16:46:53   Error Undefined variable in expression: _dir
    16:46:53 File z\addons\dayz_server\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 219

    I had the same error

     2:22:57 Error in expression <eCargoGlobal  _object;
    _object setdir _dir;
    _object setVec>
     2:22:57   Error position: <_dir;
    _object setVec>
     2:22:57   Error Undefined variable in expression: _dir
     2:22:57 File custom\system\server_monitor.sqf, line 218

    It turned out to be an issue with some of the object_data in my database. Some objects had their worldspace value set to any,any. Removing all of those objects fixed this error for me.

  12. I am considering adding a way to send a message to the entire server. All you do is scroll to the option and it brings up a text box. You can then type a message to the entire server. I could also make it a chat command where you type /globalMessage "message here". I could even add a way to choose how long to display it (in seconds)

    What do you guys think about this? I know BEC has stuff like this, but I think it could be easy for any admin to have the option to send a TitleText message instead of a chat message that will disappear in half a second.

    I like this idea. Would be a nice feature.

    Another idea I had, how about an option to display any objects information. Example- I want to know who owns a certain base, instead of going though the database and trying to match up the coordinates, just look at a wall or the plot pole and hit show info to quickly and easily find out who owns that item. Just trying to think of things that would make ingame administration easier.

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