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Posts posted by x_Raven_x

  1. Can't players just go around deleting other player's vehicles?


    tthats what will happen, this is a nice little hack to a  persons server i wouldn't touch this with a 7 foot pole i wouldn't let someone screw with my database.. thats an admins job...

  2. Try 3 to get it to you first 2 failed...Thanks Vamp




    ya, seems the Quartz radio is the most common used.. to get this to work normally, what I have noticed is the message pops up about 4 times 1 after the other not sure what that is TheVampire not Everyone understand your elegant code like we both do? :P love the work, this is turning out way better then DZMS :)

  3. I'll make it adjustable in the next version. For now if it's an issue you can adjust it in VEMFNearWait in VFunctions.sqf. It's default at 900seconds.


    Lol it was fun in Athiros such a huge city timed out when 3 of us were tackling the mission trying to find the crate :) I was like... I counted the bodies they not "all" dead :P 900-1800 is a good number to use

  4. First: Awesome mission! Thnx a lot!


    But i have no sound when the mission appears in the radio..


    I added this to the init.sqf:

    "VEMFChatMsg" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    systemChat (_this select 1);
    if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgSounds" >> "tune")) then {
    playSound ["tune",true];
    } else {
    playSound ["hint",true];
    VEMFChatMsg = nil;

    Whats the issue?



    same for me you should enable System chat ( number 6) in your Descriptions.ext file inside the mission :)

  5. Vamp.. I accidentally clicked the Fork button in GitHub :P anyhow awesome work :) and yea my SO also didnt pack your mission right the first time :) so i gotta re add the mission stuff to the mission pbo :) also your welcome to pay a visit to my server as well anytime :) hehe "Ravens Loft" is the server not sure if i can post my servers name?.. but yes, will get them missing files put up and maybe see yea in later :)

  6. Always use the init.sqf provided with the download and add the right exceptions to Your BE filters.

    Don't mix them up or You will get Be restriction kicks or unwanted behaviour of the AI and probably brake some of the eventHandlers too.

    Just a little update:

    I have made a few successfull test runs with the new (fixed) v0.7, tweaked the AI becaviour (they now get their targets individually assigned) and also added a 3 step punishment if people run over AI with their cars.

    1. AI does not drop any weapons and all gear is removed, so nothing to loot.

    2. Tyres get damaged (slow car = easy target).

    3. If You run over the last remaining unit with Your car then...

    I go to sleep now, will make more tests tomorrow and release it on friday maybe saturday.

    Greez KiloSwiss



    awesome KiloSwiss :D, if you need help with the test i'm good for it, always am and always was :) were you part of the arma 2 mission team?

  7. All that's left to test is that the mission is ending correctly and the loot is spawning correctly.

    Last run was error free but I couldn't track down all the AI.


    I'm still having issues with the missions not completing which was due to an error in the spawning script.

    I think I have it fixed, but I am still testing it.


    Hopefully just a couple more hours.



    Vamp? is the Loot customizable too for MAS mod? so we can use it for like an OverPoch server? and great work!.. glad to see a DZMS - Equivalent or better on arma 3 now :)

  8. heya KiloSwiss? can you do a Github for your Server Missions? and If yea need any help I got many years experience working with the guys with all sorts of Mods/addons/scriipts etc, and server repacks u name it, I was part of it :D under an Old name of course... :P



    and thanks for your missions there real fun... i actually was able to add MAS items to it and other addons with custom stuff, just had to make sure BE had the Exception in the proper location like usual... sure used to the arma 3 server and Epoch filters now :)

  9. Kinda funny once u figure out how to read the logs it's easy to start fixing every error you get on your server.. this works perfectly, thanks!.. took a few Log reading but I have eventually got it all ironed out.. now back to my Orbital script with raining Raptor's that rain from the sky in a  fiery hell fire and invade Epoch (overpoch now on my server) Altis >;D lol


    We keep getting 


    BE scripts.log

    #29 ",{ private ['_unit','_z'];
    			_unit = _this select 0;
    			removeBackpackGlobal _unit;
    			{_unit removeWeaponGlobal _x}count (%1 +"

    our scripts.txt 

    7 removeBackpack !="removeBackpackGlobal _this;"

    we Tried  v0.7 and  v0.6 Stable to make sure it was not effecting it.


    any insight to fix this would be great ty.



    maybe try removing the "="?... and just use !... tho i doubt that may work im about to retry this myself, got it working first time the other test version 0.6.2 real easily, read me was spot on too




    ok edit... Looks like u have that in the wrong line, u put it on Line 30 not 29 as 29 reads this: 7 removeAllItems !="removeAllItems _this;"

  11. Copy and paste the Pub variable into your battleye folder for client if your hosting on your pc.... (from Server's SC\BE Folder to Arma3\BE folder client)



    anyhow that was for earlier looks like i was reading the wrong page... oh well


    someone have a fix for this everything i tried simply is wrong :/


    "okeg setVectorUp (_Gvel call BIS_fnc_unitVector);
    _smokeg setVelocity _Gvel;
    _shells set [count _shells, _smokeg];
    _shells "
    thats fireing smoke shells from O_MRAP_02_F



    ya, you didnt add a Filter in your CreateVehicle.txt file.... it looks, I had to add my weapons from my Blackfoot chopper for the Bombs :)

  13. I am a total newbie with this stuff. I was hoping to get some help. I tried to get this script working but keep getting kicked restriction #20


    Steps Followed:


    1 de-pboed


    2 made init file

    pasted this from Zed:


    if (isServer) then {

    fn_getBuildingstospawnLoot = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "custom\LSpawner\fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.sqf";

    LSdeleter = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "custom\LSpawner\LSdeleter.sqf";

    execVM "custom\LSpawner\Lootspawner.sqf";



    3 changed LSlootList.sqf from Zed..........BTW Thanks ZED Epoch stuff is enough


    4 re-pboed


    Started everything up. Mission starts to load and kick.


    I can provide more information if needed let me know what you need to help.


    can you tell me what you did to make it work? what did you type in Scripts.txt? or publicvariable was it?




    Edit: I totally Missed some stuff ya guy's Posted, I'm gonna try them, thanks! :D

  14. Don't forget to add the ammo for those vehicles into your loot spawner setup :)

    Lol where is that located? and I can never get Lootspawner script to work get BE filter issues :( lol i got SEM working, but thats probably about it, but thanks, if ya know the filter to add? to get that to work or im lost and its somewhere on this forum right? :P


    Probably line #21 for exec, you need to add a line with BE filters..



    Paste !="execVM "scripts\randomize_sports.sqf" at the end of line 21 in scripts.txt sorry this was from my iPhone but you should get the idea

    and also thanks, Lol trying this now

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