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Posts posted by GeorgeForeman1

  1. Feature Request: Can we get a rotation option in the repeater tool ? something like 15o, 45o, 90o ?


    P.S. Adding the code into config.cpp doesnt seem to work for me... I also tried using the method (buildings.pbo file methoid) from the custom bases thread, it did not work either.

    I've used this method in the past, but the format this tool creates isnt compatible...

    After a bit of troubleshooting, I found a missing comma in config.cpp... after adding it I can log in, but nothing from the buildiung list has spawned...

    The sqf it generate is not for the config.cpp.


    All you do is include the file somewhere in the server files.


    I think we need to see a proper release of "overpoch" mod before we go adding any support for it. As of right now emod exists solely to  modify epoch client files so that derivative code can be used, instead of just making a proper standalone script that works server side or via the mission file.
    Why go from requiring one mod to requiring 3 or more just to change a few things that could possibly be changed with a config variable or a simple script server side?



    Surely A2 Epoch's popularity was down to the fact you could mod to your own taste? With ARMA3, it is impossible to override functions as they are compileFinaled, so this makes it impossible to modify the behavior of pre-compiled functions that have been loaded with "preinit" in cfgFunctions.


    A prime example of this, is fixing bugs before an official update can be pushed out. Also for people who want to run extra weapon packs, it is impossible to added those weapons to the traders.


    Most people do not have the ability/facilities to release a mod and expecting new scripts to be released as there own mods is ridiculous. All Emod is doing is allowing server owners to modify there own servers, you guys may not agree with it but you decided to release the mod publicly and it is impossible to stop people tinkering with the code...


    tl;dr; Epoch's popularity has come from its customizability, don't take it away from server owners.

  3. This is just something I did on the side and is not meant to replace a standalone application. Thanks to Axeman we have 2.0 of our own launcher/downloader/server browser application in development that should be released soon.


    The thing is that having our own options for distribution means we do not get boxed in like we did with DayZ Commander relying on a single source. Like I have said many times there is nothing wrong with more launcher options. 

    Which mods will this launcher support? Is it going to an unbiased server browser? Or like the web based browser only list mods you deem worthy?

  4. The servers that are listed are compatible with @Epoch and/or @allinarmaterrainpack and some other maps soon to be supported. We list servers with mods we support since they would all require extra support for launching/downloading. We have download options on our site for all supported maps/mods at this time http://epochmod.com/download.php

    Can you please provide a list of "blacklisted" mods so i know what i can and can not run.

  5. Just from chatting to Awol, one of the features is the ability to quickly query for a single bit of data and the structure isn't exactly standard tables etc. TBH I am on a steep learning curve with it.


    However, you can see how this feature would be useful for quickly storing and returning a specific game vehicle status..?

    I will admit, i have had many years of experiance with mysql and nosql solutions. Problem is, non of the nosql have the rich feature set mysql offers. Everything that is possible in redis, is possible in mysql too. Even a loose data schema is something that can be done (which is good prototyping).


    Although, I would argue, given arma's unstable nature, a data schema that can change is a potentially bad thing.

  6. This is not a troll post I promise.


    I ask why it was chosen as a backend storage system?


    Most web hosts do not natively support it, there are not "production-ready" management or backup tools available for it, as its primarily a data structure server and not a database in the traditional sense.


    Mysql, is supported everywhere PHP is, it has so many tools to manage and backup databases, surely it would make sense.


    Redis is fast but how many records are you going be storing, a few 1000 at most, Mysql would laugh at that!

  7. 18355edc95.png


    A big potential cause for server lag is the mixing of sleep/uisleep. As we all know sleep suffers when the server slows down, were as uiSleep is based on the system and doesnt suffer the same effect. Therefore having large sleeps WILL get even slower as the server runs out of steam. Not really sure why any would use sleep now a days, unless the code was borrowed from elsewhere.


    This is pulled from the epoch security functions file...

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