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Posts posted by LimpNoodle

  1. Ok who here can fix this for me?


    Doing the spawn box


    This is the idea I want to use in the loadfrombox.sqf (something similar used to work in Arma 2) but there is obviously something wrong here. (at work so can't really play and test it and fix)

    As you can see the idea is to have multiply loadouts, ie Admin Loadout, Donator Tier loadouts & a standard loadout for the rest who joins the server.



    // Admin Loadout
    if ((getPlayerUID player in ["xxxxxx"] ) && (EPOCH_playerCrypto == 0)) then 
    	hint "Admin Loadout Supplied"; 
    	clearWeaponCargo player;
    	clearMagazineCargo player;
    	removeBackpackGlobal player;
    	player forceAddUniform "U_OG_Guerilla2_3";
    	player addBackpack "B_Carryall_oucamo";
    	player addHeadGear "H_11_EPOCH";
    	player addVest "V_26_EPOCH";
    	player addWeapon "hgun_P07_F";	
    	player addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F";	
    	player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; 
    	player addWeapon "ItemGPS";
    	player addWeapon "ItemMap";
    	player addWeapon "ItemWatch";
    	player addWeapon "ItemCompass";
    	player addWeapon "Laserdesignator";
    	player addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_tws";
    	player addPrimaryWeaponItem "muzzle_snds_B";
    	player addHandgunItem "muzzle_snds_L";	
    	player addItemToVest "FAK";
    	player addItemToVest "FAK";
    	player addItemToVest "scam_epoch";
    	player addItemToVest "scam_epoch";
    	player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull";
    	player addItemToVest "ItemSodaRbull";
    	player addMagazines ["30rnd_9x21_mag", 4];
    	player addMagazines ["20rnd_762x51_mag", 5];
    	player addMagazines ["energypacklg", 2];
    	player addMagazines ["handgrenade", 6];
    	player addMagazines ["democharge_remote_mag", 4];	
    	EPOCH_playerEnergy = 2500;
    	EPOCH_playerCrypto = 250;
    // Donator Tier 4 Loadout
    if ((getPlayerUID player in ["xxxxxxxxx"] ) && (EPOCH_playerCrypto == 0)) then	{
    		hint "Donator Tier 4 Loadout Supplied";
    		clearWeaponCargo player;
    		clearMagazineCargo player;
    		player addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F";
    		player addMagazine "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";
    		player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; 
    		player addWeapon "ItemMap";
    		player addItemToVest  "FAK";
    		player addItemToVest  "scam_epoch";
    		player addItemToVest  "ItemSodaRbull";
    		player addItemToVest  "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";
    		player addItemToVest  "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";
    		EPOCH_playerCrypto = 100;
    		EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500;
    		_modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F");
    		_modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F");	
    		if (_modelFemale) then {
    			player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale";
    		if (_modelMale) then {
    			player forceAddUniform "U_OG_Guerilla2_3";	
    	// Standard Loadout
    	if (EPOCH_playerCrypto == 0) then
    			hint "Standard Loadout Supplied";
    			clearWeaponCargo player;
    			clearMagazineCargo player;
    			player addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F";
    			player addMagazine "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";
    			player addWeapon "EpochRadio0"; 
    			player addWeapon "ItemMap";
    			player addItemToVest  "FAK";
    			player addItemToVest  "scam_epoch";
    			player addItemToVest  "ItemSodaRbull";
    			player addItemToVest  "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";
    			player addItemToVest  "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";
    			EPOCH_playerCrypto = 100;
    			EPOCH_playerEnergy = 500;
    			_modelMale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Male_F");
    			_modelFemale = (typeOF player == "Epoch_Female_F");	
    			if (_modelFemale) then {
    				player forceAddUniform "U_BasicBodyFemale";
    			if (_modelMale) then {
    				player forceAddUniform "U_C_Poor_1";	
  2. the box spawns but no scroll menu and standard gear is still in the box 


    I bet you are using infistar right? 


    If so then you need to change some lines in run.sqf, like



    /*  "" Respawn Handler   */ _RRH = false;


    and maybe also


    /*  Remove Action Objs   */ _OAO = false;

    /*  Check Attached Objs  */ _CAO = false;


    And pls remember to do the BE exclusions

  3. Honestly I think they should consider using other people's weapon packs if they allow it and it is good quality.


    This weapon pack linked here has a bunch of the weapons it just about all people want to see and find. Using something like this will just give the Epoch team time to focus on other things in the mod while giving people what they want.

  4. Hi guys,


    I've only recently came back to the Arma & Epoch side of things. (RL to blame). Nice job so far with Epoch!


    I do also agree on the points regarding base building / raiding etc. It's a very fine line between things. Effort vs Reward is very important. It's a game after all and you need to try and keep people hooked instead of being annoyed.


    *Shoutout to all the old Epoch coders & server groups still around*


    Ok new version 0.190 released. It includes map.config.js file where user can configure the url to map images.


    Newest version of the tool and the map images can be downloaded from the links in first post (as soon as Stranger updates it).


    If you want full local version(everything hosted in your host) you have to manually download:





    And edit the index.html to use those local files.


    For example if you uploaded the js files to the epochtracker's js folder

    edit these two lines:


      <script src="js/epochtracker.map.min.js"></script>
      <script src="js/epochtracker.markers.min.js"></script>



    Nice ty!


    atm Safes & Vehicles is showing for me. Safes being the most important for me atm.

    Do not know why the Players is not working for me atm


    Might I request a different way to display safes?

    Reason being that most spots have a bunch of safes together (on top of each other)  and when I click them they all show in a nice circle and I can click one of them to look at it, but when I do that they all pop on top of each other again.

    Can we maybe keep them all displaying in this circle so I can easily look at them all till I click outside of them again and only then do they pop on top of each other.


    Does that make sense?

  6. I don't use tow & lift as I think it takes too much away from the game and makes things just to easy. The people who play on my server enjoy having to work for things a bit more


    So I guess I can't really comment on much T&L, but script kicks are usually easy to fix by just looking at the relevant BE file.


    IE if you getting attachto kicks then look at your "attachto.txt" BE file on the stated line.

    (pls note that things commented out "//" etc will throw the numbering off and these lines can just be removed anyway)


    IE if your attachto.txt has a line like this 

    5 "Ikarus"

    then it is going to kick you for attaching it to an SUV

  7. Add:

    fnc_hTime = compile preprocessFile "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\misc\fnc_hTime.sqf"; //Random integer selector for mission wait time

    Right under:

    server_spawnEvents = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_spawnEvent.sqf";

    It'll work fine.


    Hi guys,


    Sorry kind of forgot about this with all the work I have. Do what fr1nk said. Just ignore the fn_bases = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers; as that is something that you will see on normal Chernarus.

    If things are like that and u followed the github then it will or should work just fine.

  8. i have it running fine with vilayer


    Can you let me know how exactly you got it working with Vilayer? I just simply don't see anything on the map and all the settings is correct.


    The other Admin tools works fine but I'm at a lost why this is not working for me. I'm always up for donating if a product becomes a really helpful tool to me and this has (or had for me) a lot of promise...

  9. :)
    You can remove the following lines from your server_functions.sqf at the top
    fn_bases = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fn_bases.sqf";

    and now you have the fnc_hTime twice at the top also... remove the one

    fnc_hTime = compile preprocessFile "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\misc\fnc_hTime.sqf"; //Random integer selector for mission wait time

    What is with that AH line at the bottom? Is it not just suppose to be a simple:  #include "ah.sqf" ?

    (I can only guess its your host's  own ah crap maybe?)


    You are missing the exec line from your init.sqf in your missions pbo for the Missions

    [] execVM "faction.sqf";

    I've just quickly looked over it as I'm rather busy with work atm, but Missions should be fine if you add the init part. Not sure why your buildings is not showing as it looks right. Must be something else.



  10. Actually it is not that hard to keep track of player name changes, I am working on a general logging tool for DayZ at the moment where you will be able to see the full player history over time (gear, position, humanity, everything if you want) and possibly vehicle history too (it's the same but more data maybe). It can be used to identify hackers or just look at humanity changes over weeks or whatever you can think of doing with that data.. There is no public release date yet but it would be easy to add player name changes too and I've looked and didnt found any tool that would do something like that!?


    Well get on it then and get a public release date :D

  11. Missions guide example: https://github.com/lazyink/DayZ-Missions


    Not sure what you'd want to do with fn_selfActions.sqf where Missions is concerned but as l0sth34d said its on your PC in the @DayZ_Epoch\Addons\dayz_code.pbo file (under /compile/fn_selfActions.sqf) on your pc and you need to extract it.


    If you are talking about files like server_functions.sqf there are in your Server Pbo in the "init" folder


    If you still having a hard time with this maybe consider just joining one of the thousands of Epoch servers there already is and skipping the tons of work an Epoch sever can be :D

  12. As King said above for the custom ones you mentioned


    You can however add ones that is available, but just not in Epoch currently like the BTR

    INSERT INTO traders_data (`item`, `qty`, `buy`, `sell`, `tid`, `afile`) VALUES ('["BTR40_MG_TK_INS_EP1",1]', 5, '[6,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', '[3,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1]', 562, 'trade_any_vehicle');

    Above is an example to add the 50 cal BTR to the Hero Trader with the sql console

  13. You are not adding the buildings correctly the the Server pbo


    buildings should be in a folder like "buildings" or "custom" or whatever you want to call it in "\dayz_server\init\"


    and at the end of server_functions.sqf your lines should look like

    execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\init\custom\buildings.sqf"; //(buildings.sqf = example)

    In general thing seem like a bit of a mess in both pbo's. IE. I see you have the following at the bottom of the functions:

    fnc_hTime = compile preprocessFile "\z\addons\dayz_server\Missions\misc\fnc_hTime.sqf"; //Random integer selector for mission wait time

    but you already have that at the top of the file where it is suppose to be...


    With the things you have I can see the server struggling under load.


    Also what Side Missions are you using? You should make sure it is one that is actually still working like this one: https://github.com/lazyink/DayZ-Missions



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