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Posts posted by Cletis5

  1. This bit i really liked, Aiming at a guy in the firestation tower with a 50 cal sniper from 600m away. i take 1 shot it hits the targetd area which was his chest, OR WOULD HAVE IF THAT PANEL OF GLASS DIDNT JUST RANDOMLY STOP A 50CAL RIFLE BULLET FROM GOING THROUGH IT. Lets have game physics in A3 they said, let make building physcis in A3 they said, but lets not make an armoured piercing 50 cal round go through 1 single pane of glass. Love it, makes me feel like things are moving in the right place.


    If i had a kitten next to me, id have punched it.

  2. An Epoch Box is so that if someone donates to your server or you are feeling generous you can give them a box of building materials or whatever you want so that you dont have to go through the admin menu and pick it all out.  The problem with have a box right now is that as an admin you would have to sit there and wait for them to take all the stuff out of the box and delete it. It is easier to tell the player to get in the spot they want the items to be spawned and spawn the items on target. The Epoch devs are doing an awesome job with their admin menu even better than that thief from infistar.de.




    Not to piss on anyones parade here, but they arent doing a better job of their menu compared to the other fellow. A half wit with a single brain cell could see that ;) I wish they were, but they really arent ;)


    But you can keep on using they buzz words of thiefs, like you know whats going on and all the fanboys will love you.......Pat yourself on the back now :D

  3. What im saying is this is not a new script that is just being created. I know servers that have it running and working already, and have had it for weeks.


    So yea.


    What you're writting is cool and all, but there is already a working version out there, its just peeps are not giving it out ;)

  4. I want to create a server called "Underpoch" using most of the ideals described here. Anyone interested? ;p



    Go the reverse of vanilla and actully remove some of the functions they have in the files, i can dig it. But it will get the same attention as Hardcore servers get, which is very little.

  5. I agree to an extent. I think variations in the servers help create slightly different experiences and helps define a good variety in options for the players, the modifications in play or style are why I got a PC 6 months ago. Hell if all the servers where the same then why would epoch not just host their own servers so that nothing ever goes wrong with the game and you have official no changes allowed servers. 


    ( not a dig at you or anyone who keeps it vanilla) but the idea of PC from what I was sold by countless friends is the customization of servers, games and even characters. 



    We (try as we might) want to keep it as close to normal as we can. So the addition of 2-3 Armed pickups and some AI missions (for players when the server is empty is enough for us and will stay that way until the Devs put in AI missions (from what I have heard they are coming) 


    At the end of the day, it's down to play preference and what your community wants. we are a community starting from scratch and all we want is a solid base of like minded players that enjoy a laugh as much as we do. Without something to differentiate your server from the others then there is no point in having a server xD 



    You are wasting your time trying to rationalise yourself to this guy ;)


    What he fails to say, is that there are plenty populated modded servers that are jammed full most of the time. ;) This was the case in A2 and it WILL be the case in A3. Yet his server isn't as populated as he'd hoped it would be, maybe thats why he rails on anything non vanilla, idk, to be honest I don't care either.


    Everyone has their own ideas on what makes a good server, Players will make up their own minds on what type of game they play. Haters gonna hate.  Don't ever justify yourself to others about your server ;)  Best bet is when someone begins making snidey comments on servers not being vanilla blah blah, is to chin them off ;) AS I'm sure they do that with the opposite side of the arguement.


    You'll find plenty Modded servers busy.

    You'll find plenty Vanilla servers busy.

    You'll find plenty Hardcore servers Empty.

  6. Or there are servers that have players bases that like that kind of thing, or there is clueless fanboys who spout "blah blah if it's not vanilla it's garbage" and berate anyone else who doesn't have a brown tipped nose that likes something that they don't agree with.

  7. I've seen ppl flying helis and getting that pop up due to lag, as i have been speccing them.


    The unlimited ammo one looks a bit dicey though, I havent had that issue, What is a benefit is the tool has notified you and it may be worth then spending time spectating him and checking his contents to catch him out. (is it not a test function and may show false positives)


    The AH not loading i have seen a few times and again spectated and had nothing that showed me they were cheating. So possibly a false positive.


    Unfortunatley if you want to catch the intellegent hackers, you have to spend hours spectating, I'm sure you already know this.

  8. yes because it's so much easier when everyone starts out armed... Everything is still just as hard, everyone is on equal ground. Just means you may get capped a lot sooner then you would otherwise.



    He hasnt played on MGT where there are people at spawn points consistently trying to kill you fully armed up.

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