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Posts posted by DJDosKiller

  1. Hello,

    How can do this? I have see that some scripts like Dual Admin Debug Monitor use this line

    if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["11111","22222"]) then { 

    Where should I put it and what I need to change to make it work?

    I want to transport also locked vehicles. Some are too close to the trader.

    For this reason, only admins.

  2. I have one last question.

    What do i must change here to set the time? I have a 4 hour restart and plan a Day/Night cycle: 3 Hours day, 1 hour night.

    sub set_time {
        my ($s, $m, $h, $day, $mon, $y) = localtime(time() - 3*3600);
        $y += 1900;
        # Uncomment to disabe night
        #($h, $m) = (17, 0) if ($h > 17 || ($h >= 0 && $h < 4));
        my $file = PATH.'cache/set_time.sqf';
        open  (IN, ">$file") or die "Can't find $file";
        # ["PASS", [year, month, day, hour, minute]]
        print IN '["PASS",[2012,6,6,'.$h.','.$m.']]'; # with full moon
        close (IN);

    And i have another problem. If someone relog, the time is again at the date when the server was restartet.

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