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Posts posted by Joerivang

  1. So is this apparently fixed? Because my database is still messed up even after a total reinstall and restart.

    Chars seem to save properly when they disconnect but otherwise they get rolled back up to 3 hours when they log back in. Buildables randomly don't save and cinderblock is completely broken, any upgrades to them don't save at all



    This should be fixed when you updated to epoch Otherwise the problem is with your database.

  2. Well that's based on opinion but yea i'll have a chat with the other admins, still tough self bloodbag has a risk built in you get infected.  Blue phoenix's admin tool allows you to do several things and you're able to customize the menus to your fit. And all i want is to be able to spectate a player when he needs help. I've added myself and the other admins to the tool with playerID.


    I have followed this video (download links etc are in the video's description):




    As i stated, i think it has something to do with the custom fn_selfactions but i don't know for sure. As i dont get any script errors or so.

  3. Hi,


    I've tried to install blue phoenix's admin tools on my epoch server, everything seems fine after i installed it on my server and i was able to play on the server without error messages about scripts or something. I also use a custom fn_Selfactions.sqf for self bloodbag and some other things. I think i need to add some extra thing into the fn_Selfactions because the admin menu just does not show up. 


    Anyone got this admin tool working with a custom fn_Selfactions? Or am i thinking in the wrong direction?

  4. As i said in my post, you need to work with a delay. See my previous post with code.


    I don't see why you need to loop the shutdown messages.Also i don't see the #shutdown command in your scheduler that actually shuts down the server.


    Edit your code so it looks like mine, i have hfbservers and it works this way.

  5. It's a server setting, its is set to default cleanup after 6 days. This is where maintenance comes in. When you maintain your building it will take another 6 days before it dissappears. You can disable this setting serversided changing the value to -1.

    If you're the server admin, you can change it. If you're just a player then you should contact the server admin and convince him to change it or join a other server which has this setting disabled. We at DMIK have this setting disabled, you'll find the server info in my signature. Feel free to join.

  6. Hi,


    As i would love to help you, i think you just need to learn it yourself. Every time you update epoch you have to put the scripts back in again, so some experience and understanding is recommended or you would keep having the same issues over and over again.


    I too have learned it from scratch and the most of the scripts at this forum and opendayz.net provide enough tutorials to do this. Then if you tried to put the script in the server and it isn't working come with a direct question about how to do it.


    Either way, to get you starting:


    Download your mission file from vilayer, mine is called "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus". Every mission file is called differently but you be looking in that way.


    Download a PBO manager and unpack the PBO.


    Before you edit anything it is very important you keep the original as a backup. Every time i successfully add a script or buildings to my server i give it a version name for myself and write down what was added or removed from that version, so i can always fall back on the last working one.


    When you unpack the PBO, start editing and adding scripts (i would say one at a time, as mentioned in the previous step).


    Repack the PBO and reupload it to your server, start your server and test it out. Does it work? cool. Doesn't it work? Edit your created PBO or fall back on the last version, starting over again adding the script (maybe you just missed something?).


    The same counts for your database, before you even think about editing something create a backup!! Especially when you already have players on your server (because they won't be happy!).


    Hope this helps you.

  7. Hi,


    I have a server with HFBservers and i already posted a ticket with them. You have to work with delay, as time does not work at HFBservers.


    When you want to have server restarts every 4 hours with messages, this is the scheduling you want to use:



    <job id="0">

    <cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 30 min</cmd>
    <job id="1">
    <cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 15 min</cmd>
    <job id="2">
    <cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 10 min</cmd>
    <job id="3">
    <cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 5 min</cmd>
    <job id="4">
    <cmd>say -1 Server will auto restart in 1 min, land your choppers and abort now please</cmd>
    <job id="5">
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