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Shadow Moses

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Posts posted by Shadow Moses


    I have my Paypal recipts to show i was silly enough to use them for 2 months, i have no idea what my account details were though to login the client area and retrive my support tickets.


    They also charge stupid amounts to install community made scipts, they caused a stink twice doing so, see &


    I could get more but if you're happy with them, that's great, I know i thought they sucked and so do many others.


    I can understand some people have issues with host. I just not have seen that and I have had a server with them since the first release of the Server files. I was surprised you actually had that to say about them. But I am here to tell you I have not see any of these issues. As for all the custom stuff they are running a business. I am pretty sure I read that some where. :)

  2. Unlucky, hopefully you can still get a refund, you picked the worst possible host, unless of course you wanted shit service, expensive support and you love seeing yellow/red desync chains :lol:

    I call Bullshit on this post. I have had their server for months now. I have a Rust Server and an Arma 3 Epoch server with Survival Servers. Their customer support is awesome. I put a ticket in and I get an answer on most days with in an hour or two. I have never had an issue with them either. Talking trash about other host is childish. I have never had any of the problems you just stated. Do you have any evidence to back up these claims? 


    Expensive support? Support dont cost a damn thing.. 

  3. So I haz beenz playing for five hours and I loved A2 but A3 not so much.. the zombies explode on me and the UAVs keep chasingz mez all over das map. I hate dos map too. Please change all these fixes now. 

  4. Alright guys, I made some commits on the github today. Next patch will have invincible walls/vehicles/players. The only way to destroy anything will be to use the power that can't be seen given to you by that which can't be named.

    I am wondering how many people actually took this and ran with it.. haha. 

  5. We take a lot of inspiration from the community, that is where I started and the place we still live in. To be honest, if we made every change request we would be forever swapping back and forth between differing opinions of every aspect of a very early Alpha mod. This is why we are building in the means to ultimately have a vast array of options from a mod that has depth of game and playability.


    Modifying and bypassing is a coders bread and butter, how else are we to learn ?

    Said something very similiar to this earlier. 

  6. Not being big headed but I run one of the biggest Epoch communities. Surely wouldn't that make my opinion worth something to the devs? Im lucky to not get banned when I say something that could be counted as constructive criticisms.

    Go Kayne go go go go

  7. He was, then got dropped like anyone that actually makes a difference around here

    Your post are so informative. You shed so much light by your post. Everything makes so much more sense now. For real. I was wondering where the hostility came from with your group. This makes sense now. 



    instead off having a go at macca (M3Editor2)  how about lets try and get this man on board cus its obvious his ideas are the shiz.  A++  just a shame its locked to CCG servers only though :-( 

    That will never work. The ideals of both groups is too far away from one another to ever work with one another. 

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