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Posts posted by HFPatzi

  1. Good morning!


    This might be an odd question, but: Is there a way to use/place Epoch objects (Walls, Stairs, etc...) with the 3D editor of MCC? I just wanted to try out some base building for my self, if it works like i imagine. I can place Epoch objects in the arma3 editor, but thats kind of a hassle because the dimensions in the editor view are different than the object is when previewing. So i thought it might be a cool solution to use the 3D editor from mcc, but i cant get it to work because whenever i load my template in multiplayer, with epoch mod activated i stuck on the epoch loading screen.


    Maybe someone has a solution for this?






  2. most of it was gathered by landing a helo inside some bases, that wheren't protected from threats from the sky ;) we destroyed not a single part of the bases we raided :) I have to say, that some of the guys had their holydays this time....so they started playing/lootingt/raiding around 10am and stopped somewhere around midnight :D

  3. Just one question about that whole map pack thing:  I'm a little confused here. I  already downloaded the Arma 3 Map Pack ( http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23863 ) wich includes chernarus among some other maps. Will this work too, or do I have to download the AiA Pack. AFAIK the Arma 3 Map Pack is just the ported maps while AiA also includes vehicles and other models from the old Arma Versions. I Might be wrong here, so please give me a heads up.



  4. It's totally impossible to fly a helicopter with KB/mouse.


    For some reason I can't get it to work in the Editor like it does in Epoch so I wasn't able to check how it works with my joystick. I also miss the dials stuff, thought that was part of the DLC but I don't have that in the Editor

    have you selected advanced flightmodel in the game settings?

  5. Watching Sequisha and Kiory stream while they build models....I have absolutely no idea what they're doing lol but the end result is fantastic  :)


    Since i have a little bit of experience in cinema 4D and know the basics of modeling, i really want to learn 3ds max. Watched, i think it was kiory's stream while he modeled the m249. I wanna do this too!!! :) If i only had the time and patience to learn a new program plus the knowledge of the requirements, exporting a model for games (arma). Maybe it is even possible to model in C4D....who knows :)


    What i supposed to say: Thumbs up for the modeling job!!! :)

  6. Hey folks,


    i recently discovered that floors only snap on complete foundations. So for instance, you build two foundations with correct snapping, you have 3 spots to place your floor theoretically. But you only have the snap-function on either the left or the right spot but not in the middle (using the right part of the left foundation and vice versa).

    Is that something, that will be possible in the future. I ask, because sometimes, you start to place your foundations and later on you decide to start your floors on spot further to the right (hope you get, what i mean). It is no problem, to place your foundations again, but its a lot of work and maybe it will be a nice "feature", that floors could snap onto every possible position in your foundation layout.




  7. Hi,


    i have to say that sometimes it's a real pain in the a...fterburner even to get a bigger (4x6) floor on foundations. From what i saw, the first floor snaps in place with the foundation and every other floor snaps to the first floor's boundaries but sometimes overlap a little bit. Wich makes floor 6 not hit the last piece of foundation. But thx for the heads up with that wrong and the other wrong staircase. didn't know that. i thought that upgraded staircase acts like a staircase with a floor on it, to match the height a normal wall with a floor on it has.  maaaaaybe i should rebuild my base then^^


    What really would be cool is to have the possibility to upgrade selected sides of the upgraded staircase to have some sides covered with salvage metal, so that they act as salvage-metal covered walls.


    I hope this post makes somehow sense :)

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