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Posts posted by MG-Maximus

  1. With Wicked AI its just the same. You put the code in mission_winorfail.sqf like this:



    //[nil,nil,rTitleText,_msgstart,"PLAIN",10] call RE;

    //_logostart = "scripts\Player_Hud\icons\radar.paa";
    //<img size='5' align='center' image='%2'/>
    _hint = parseText format ["
    <t align='center' color='#FFFF00' shadow='2' size='1.75'>MISSION</t>
    <t align='center' color='#ffffff' size='1.10'>%1</t>",
    customRemoteMessage = ['hint', _hint];
    publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";


    However, everytime I try to add a custom image it loads for the first restart and subsequent restarts I get the error message "cannot load texture". So i just have it text based at the moment.

    The _msgstart just takes the info from each mission for start, win, fail and puts it as the format that you set here.

    Hope it helps

  2. To get this to work with painting vehicles, all i did was edit the server_updateObject.sqf part from the OP to this: (which also seems to remove the "its not setup yet" message when upgrading unless its a vector build issue)

    _object_position = {
    		_position = getPosATL _object;
    		if (_object isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
    			_colour = _object getVariable ["Colour","0"];
    			_colour2 = _object getVariable ["Colour2","0"];
    			_worldspace = [
    				(getDir _object) call KK_fnc_floatToString,
    				_position call KK_fnc_positionToString,
    			_fuel = fuel _object;
    		} else {
    			_worldspace = [
    				(getDir _object) call KK_fnc_floatToString,
    				_position call KK_fnc_positionToString
    			_fuel = 0;
    		_key = format["CHILD:305:%1:%2:%3:",_objectID,_worldspace,_fuel];
    		//diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
    		_key call server_hiveWrite;

    Please be aware that you are 100% prepared when adding Precise Base Building script (backups ftw!) as It can not be reverted back so easily.


    Thanks for a great script and Merry Christmas to you all!


    Do it like this 

    if ((SP_paint_action < 0) && ((typeOf _vehicle) in ColourVehicles)) then {
    	SP_paint_action = _vehicle addAction ["Paint","Paint\player_paint_init.sqf", _vehicle, -1, false, true, "", ""];

    and you have to add this at the top

    SP_paint_action = -1;


    Thanks Overheat!


    In addition to this i added:


            _lastVehicle removeAction SP_paint_action;
            SP_paint_action = -1;
    To the top of service_points.sqf under _fnc_removeActions = {
    and it now works flawlessly!
    (using axe cops service points + zupa's coins addition)


    Many thanks overheat. I will now be adding this to our server if thats okay?

  4. Yeah i tried that and it the option comes up when i go to a fuel station to paint but i click it and it does nothing. I've been playing around with the addaction part of the script to no avail like this


    if (SP_paint_action < 0 && _paint_enable) then {
    private ["_paint"];
    _actionTitle = ["Paint"] call _fnc_actionTitle;
    SP_paint_action = _vehicle addAction [_actionTitle, _folder + "player_paint_init.sqf", [_servicePoint], -1, false, true, "", _actionCondition];
    Still trying to figure it out but any help would be much appreciated :)
  5. Hi all, Currently on my server every time you kill a player you get approximately minus 2,200 humanity no matter what the victim's humanity is. Is this how its meant to work?


    Is it possible to have it so that if you kill a hero you get negative humanity but if you kill a bandit player you get positive humanity? Where is the file located to edit the amount of humanity?


    Thanks for your time


  6. Works great ty Cordlass. Do you where i would get the call for epoch messages that display in the centre so that I could change the coordinates for them too? Also, would you happen to know the code for displaying messages in side chat. I'm just trying to test different ones to tidy up the messages a bit and clear the interface. Thanks!

  7. Hi,


    I'm looking to change messages that appear on screen in my server so that they dont clog up the center of screen and distract players who just want to battle. At the moment im using WAI and believe that it uses the rTitleText format to display in the centre of the screen. What would the format be for displaying this in the top centre of the screen maybe with color? (i've seen this on other servers).


    Furthermore, when you have the gear menu open and a message pops up (e.g, scan area from gps) the message is hidden by the gear menu and if you drag the gear menu up, all other right click options now have a large gap when you select them. How would i go about altering these messages so that they either appear at the top or just below the gear menu or similar?


    Any help much appreciated.




  8. Im now getting this error File mpmissions\dayz_epoch_11.Chernarus\doorManagement\doorUnlock.hpp, line 39: /ComboLockUI/Controls.ZupaButton_1: Undefined base class 'Zupa_RscButtonMenu'


    I believe you need to merge zupa's defines with yours? Use the program diffmerge and select the two defines and look for this rscbuttonmenu


    installed this, all seemed to have gone well but RPT is spammed with 


    Server error: Player without identity


    I have Pfl, Vector build, admin build, snap pro, plot management and single currency installed.

    I dont think you need to worry about this as my rpt spams this too but still works



    Zupa you are the best! I absolutely love this script and its a players wet dream XD

  9. how did you get your banner in? lol off topic i know lol

    Just edit your profile > Signature > click Image and type in your image URL (upload your banner to something like imgur). Also google chrome is much better than internet explorer for basically everying XD

    To make it clickable i just use a similar code to this <a href="url here"><img src="image url here"></a>

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