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Nakama Mind

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Posts posted by Nakama Mind

  1. So I have been away from hosting my server for some time, I come back today go to start it up (everything was archived) and I get a bunch of really messed up errors, obviously some things needed to updated buuuuuut I am really confused as to how I am suppose to get BEC working again? I guess I don't so my question is how do I go about getting my a2 server back up and running without BEC? What else has changed since I have been gone :/ I mean I really expected to just be able to launch my server start up bat and away we go. Wish I knew this was the case before setting up MySQL and the database etc...

  2. LOL this thread made me smile and then laugh really hard. I love how people are saying you should not have groups of players playing the game the way it is meant. Blowing bases up is wrong? Great idea!!! ......When the only way to see everyone get a chance at building would then be failing maintenance (assuming the people with the base would even let that happen)

    I like private servers and seeing different rules and play styles. IMO however in such an early stage of development I think servers with higher populations should have reps tarnished publicly if it needs to happen (admin abuse, rere maximus rules, etc). Stops others from wasting time in those servers
    (give more time back to the real stuff like bug testing instead of arguing with bad admins) might even inspire others to go ahead and start their own :). I would normally say QQ op start a server if you don't like the others out there, but not right now not with so little help and information and scripts to work with. Let alone we can't touch serverside pbo yet.

    Another note, admins abusing is nothing new, and not surprising. Seeing admins try to defend this stuff with "we have the adminpanel complete deaktivatet" IUNNNNO about that.... I mean really? You host a server and admin it without any admin tools? Sure it can be done, plausible and effective? Fuck no, not a chance. I mean unless you don't give a shit about player problems or bugs and just ignore chat. I can imagine this "admin can you help me I am stuck in a wall and won't die", "SURE LET ME RUN 5KM to get there and then stare at your stuck body because I disabled admin tools XD"

    FYI only official I have ever gone on since this all started is Mells house, good population, random hackers dropping mortars around the map, seen that a few times, NEVER EVER seen admin abuse or anything negative like this. I have blown up lots of crap to and I never got questioned or in trouble, so maybe try there OP.

  3. Battleye: Public Variable Restriction #0

    When a player joins they get kicked

    Check the RPT log, probably mentions something like SERVER VERSION MISMATCH or something. Client doesnt have the same version as the server.

    When using the admin tool you get kicked:

    Make sure you are using the latest server files and the latest BE Filters included in the SC/Battleye Folder.

    Check the Paths to your Battleye folder (in files @EpochHive/EpochServer.ini and BEC/Config/Config.cfg) point to the SC/BattlEye Folder.

    Check to make sure BEC has loaded the Watchdog plugin correctly (It should say in the BEC console window).

    If you still get kicked there may be a bug (unconfirmed) where your txt filters will be overridden with incorrect values every restart, If this is the case, be patient for a fix.

    Workarounds modifying publicvar.txt manually can cause security issues.

    (Could be the log rotator, need confirmation).

    Does anyone know a permanent fix for the admin tools kick. I mean I can fix the issue every time the exact same way, it is just annoying to do every single time I start the server. This also make auto restarts a pain in the ass since I need to manually restart it after renaming my Beserver.cfg back to normal.

    Whenever the cfg files is renamed by the server to "Beserver_active_random#sandletters" my admin tools will not work. I tried making two copies of the cfg, i.e left the renamed one and made a new one beside it. The new just gets renamed as well T_T. Any help is appreciated to help resolve this very annoying issues.

  4. I had the same issue as did Riche right after release of the public server files. The error occurs when BEC can not find the BattlEye server, either because of an error in a path or incorrect IP or port, as far as I understand it. I wrestled with this for about a day running BEC from within a BEC directory in my Arma3Server directory, then tried moving BEC and its config directory to the root of my server (Arma3Server) which sovled the problem.

    Thank you for the tip.

    Any ideas how to fix this error.



    Solved: Changed redis.conf from "maxmemory 4gb" to "maxmemory 2gb"

  5. Is anyone using the server install help sub forum? And is anyone checking the FAQ in there? Surely it would be quicker to find the solution posted several times rather than waiting for a reply on the forums...

    Is anyone using the server install help sub forum - Yes

    and is anyone checking the FAQ in there - Yeap

    Surely it would be quicker- mmm not when no solution is found there,

    waiting for a reply on the forums - who knows maybe some people are going over guides multiple times, or just afk *shrugs*


  6. Mmm I followed the guide pretty well to a T but I am having issues getting BEC to connect getting "No Valid response.Trying to reconnect"...I have tried changing in the BEC config to my IPv4 address but still no luck connecting. Ports are all open and set across BEC config

    Any suggestions?

    **Resolved by starting over from scratch, no idea why it works now and not before, maybe I missed something in the guide.

    I have it on my SSD so yeah less used space would make a difference and you could just as well make multiple copies of the arma server install for testing would even save more space then having multiple copies of the arma client instal.

    To your post, I symlink everything across and it works fine (always did for A2 and other game servers, A3 should be no exception) My Server folder is about 2GB in size F.Y.I to save space. Python works well for making the process automatic, I have a script I use to do this. If you would like to use it instead of writing your own I would need to ask my friend who wrote the script if I can pm to you however.

  7. Just wanted to pop in and aplogise for the extreme lack of information on my end. I have been extremely busy since late September with school and family, if anyone would like to continue where I left off please feel free to do so.

    I will finsih these models for L3GO regardless of epochs state at some point (expect a random email) but for now I must refrain from any updates until I have more time to actually dedicate. I had truly hoped to have had this done on my end before I had to return to my studies!

    Again I do apologise and hope this is understandable for anyone who wanted to see this come to fruition.

  8. I am not a streamer but I do have an idea of some of the grief stream sniping/stream cheating can cause. I use to play a lot of starcraft/starcraft 2 and as twitch became more popular for these games so did the slew of threads on blizzards posts about banning stream snipers or some sort of solution to this problem.

    Post of a thread on the Blizzard forums put up by a community manager.

    We’ve continued to see reports regarding someone live streaming their match, and their opponent watching the stream in order to gain an in-game advantage (also known as stream sniping). While this is obviously poor sportsmanship on the part of the one viewing the stream, we’d like to clarify that this is not a violation of any current policies. In fact, we cannot enforce any ‘fair play’ policies if a user chooses to provide their opponent an advantage. If someone in-game chooses to tell their opponent every move they’re making, thereby informing them how to counter it, we cannot conclude that any violation has taken place. Even if this could be considered a violation, we simply cannot micro-manage every streamed match to ensure the opponent was not looking at it, or using it to their advantage. It goes far beyond the scope of what we’re able to enforce. It’s advisable for those streaming to take precautions, including delaying their streams by a significant amount of time, to avoid any potential advantage they may be providing their opponent.

    We are absolutely able to enforce, and will continue to do so, violations that include harassment of others in-game, use of hacks, abuse of our reporting tools, and attempts to disrupt the gameplay of others. If you believe that someone is in violation of the game rules it does not warrant behavior, language, or abuse that would earn you, yourself, a suspension from the game. If you'd like to report an offense, please report the player using clear and descriptive language only once; support will review that report and take action based on the validity of the complaint, not the persistence of the reporting.

    The intent with our policies is to ensure a fair and fun experience in Blizzard games, but the act of providing a window into your game for your opponent to see is not considered a violation, should they choose to use that to their advantage. We encourage anyone streaming to keep this in mind while doing so.


    I specifically like this part, as I feel it really lays out what is happening here.

    While this is obviously poor sportsmanship on the part of the one viewing the stream, we’d like to clarify that this is not a violation of any current policies. In fact, we cannot enforce any ‘fair play’ policies if a user chooses to provide their opponent an advantage.

    Albeit I do agree 100% with banning them as this is a test and testing something should not be any harder than it has to be. Live versions of anything be it dayz epoch or any game I really feel as though the above statement blizzard put out is rather logical to the entire issue.

    "In fact, we cannot enforce any ‘fair play’ policies." <- not only will people lose their minds trying to ban every "stream sniper"

    but this part -> "if a user chooses to provide their opponent an advantage" is rather true, no? I mean throw a delay up which will hurt live interaction of course or do everything in your power to avoid giving your opponents any advantage with the information laid out on the screen.

  9. HELP ! LOL


    I followed along and made me a new base., then added more with new map edit, then another all three loaded as above added this line for every map execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\Maps\mapedit.sqf";

    changing the name of course to my sqf name .. only the first show .. skips the other two all together .. Im missing some piece of info on mutiple map edits .. sqf for each one, and yes name is correct in the sqf


    THANKS in advance

    Can you post the mapedit.sqf inside a spoiler. Like Ganja said it might be a closing bracket missing or you could have multiple IDs that are the same for your objects.

  10. Yea, I stopped using this as players were reporting huge spikes in lag/dysync and I had a few ppl report that the time cycle was not working right was not getting dark for them, I stood around for 3 hours the one day and watched it get dark so I was unsure what to do really haha. Hope this gets sorted, have been using random day/night cycles to tied me over until this is working better!

  11. Yea

    Hate to say but I never had Inifistar and I've experienced the issue (in case there were script errors).

    Its not infistars fault as much as you may think it is! Piggds workaround works fine, both actually... init endloading screen workarounds and the compiles change, which you don't need a full compiles for, just the spawn block placed under your custom stuff with piggds workaround implemented.


    if (!isDedicated) then {
        dayz_spaceInterrupt = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf";
        player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\ui_selectSlot.sqf";
        fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\fn_selfActions.sqf";
        player_updateGui  = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compile\player_updateGui.sqf";
        zombie_initialize = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\zombie_init.sqf";
        fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\fn_damageHandler.sqf";
        wild_spawnZombies = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\wild_spawnZombies.sqf";
        player_switchModel = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fixes\player_switchModel.sqf";
        [] spawn {
            _timeOut = 0;
            dayz_loadScreenMsg = "";
            diag_log "DEBUG: loadscreen guard started.";
            _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "BIS_loadingScreen";
            if (!isNil "_display") then {
                    _control1 = _display displayctrl 8400;
                    _control2 = _display displayctrl 102;
            if (!isNil "dayz_DisplayGenderSelect") then {
                waitUntil {!dayz_DisplayGenderSelect};
            // 120 sec timeout (12000 * 0.01)
            while { _timeOut < 12000 } do {
                if (dayz_clientPreload && dayz_authed) exitWith {
                    diag_log "PLOGIN: Login loop completed!";
                if (!isNil "_display") then {
                    if ( isNull _display ) then {
                            waitUntil { !dialog; };
                            startLoadingScreen ["","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];
                            _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "BIS_loadingScreen";
                            _control1 = _display displayctrl 8400;
                            _control2 = _display displayctrl 102;
                    if ( dayz_loadScreenMsg != "" ) then {
                            _control1 ctrlSetText dayz_loadScreenMsg;
                            dayz_loadScreenMsg = "";
                    _control2 ctrlSetText format["%1",round(_timeOut*0.01)];
                _timeOut = _timeOut + 1;
                if (_timeOut >= 12000) then {
                    1 cutText [localize "str_player_login_timeout", "PLAIN DOWN"];
                    sleep 10;
                    endMission "END1";
                sleep 0.01;

  12. Can i ask permission to completely edit this script to work with config traders and single currency?


    i estimate the following:


    Changing arround 50% of the code.

    No more configuration on items needed.

    Supports all traders automaticly

    You rock Zupa seriously <3 you.....

    Not sure why or how but I personally could not get this working for the life of me with config based traders. I really did try not to overlook anything and honestly gave it a go probably about 5 times from scratch to make sure I did not miss any steps!

  13. Uhh it sounds realllly dumb on my end of things lol....but I had a player who freaked out on my forums saying they could not chat and literally was the only person! I ended up just logging on while I seen about 10 players on and started typing into chat and getting response. I then knew the player was NEW or something...Baked maybe? Not sure what his deal was but he was trying to type into group chat not side lol. Yea I should have posted that beside SOLVED...sorry lol

  14. Off topic but the latest version of infistar I got (21092014IAHAT335C) made plotpoles unusable, whenever someone tried to place a plot pole it would go through the animations but nothing would be placed and then massssive desync would ensue. Any ideas of how to fix this?

    Reverting to my old version would seem like a good idea right....I got a script restriction #143 for changing clothes in the more stable version I was using before the latest update (which is indeed fixed in the one with the plot pole problem) Any idea how to fix the issues for the clothes changing kick or the plotpole and desync problems would be lovely... OH before i forget -> the member for the clothes problem but this did not help me as my AH.sqf does not contain the line "CharacterID has been set to Player!".

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