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Posts posted by TheHound

  1. The RPT on ArmA 2 servers always seemed to have a lot of these errors, the thing is the error it's referring to doesn't actually exist as the variable _typeofcursortarget is defined earlier in that fn_selfactions file at line 123. If the script itself is still working it would have to be defined or you wouldn't get an action menu option the garage. Honestly it should be perfectly fine to be ignored and set up the rotatelogs.bat tool (or something named like that in the server files, been a few years since I ran our ArmA 2 servers) and have it delete logs older than say 5. You should never hit a very large amount of space on the logs and all should be well, alternatively you could run with the -noLogs parameter but that is not recommended since you may need to refer to them for other things (cheating, admin abuse, other crucial errors). I would assume this appearing in the RPT is some type of bug with ArmA 2 since the variable it is referring to is clearly defined.


    EDIT: Downloaded the server files and the tools I'm referring to is the rotate_logs.bat, configure this and add it to your restart loop and it will clear the old logs on restarts and the space it will take up won't be an issue.

  2. Well looking at that it would seem you *should* be able to merge the 2 private arrays. Make sure you back up your files before trying it just in case. Merge the private array at line 1015 in to the one at line 7 so that the new array at 7 looks like this 

    private ["_isWreckBuilding","_temp_keys","_magazinesPlayer","_isPZombie","_vehicle","_inVehicle","_hasFuelE","_hasRawMeat","_hasKnife","_hasToolbox","_onLadder","_nearLight","_canPickLight","_canDo","_text","_isHarvested","_isVehicle","_isVehicletype","_isMan","_traderType","_ownerID","_isAnimal","_isDog","_isZombie","_isDestructable","_isTent","_isFuel","_isAlive","_Unlock","_lock","_buy","_dogHandle","_lieDown","_warn","_hastinitem","_allowedDistance","_menu","_menu1","_humanity_logic","_low_high","_cancel","_metals_trader","_traderMenu","_isWreck","_isRemovable","_isDisallowRepair","_rawmeat","_humanity","_speed","_dog","_hasbottleitem","_isAir","_isShip","_playersNear","_findNearestGens","_findNearestGen","_IsNearRunningGen","_cursorTarget","_isnewstorage","_itemsPlayer","_ownerKeyId","_typeOfCursorTarget","_hasKey","_oldOwner","_combi","_key_colors","_player_deleteBuild","_player_flipveh","_player_lockUnlock_crtl","_player_butcher","_player_studybody","_player_cook","_player_boil","_hasFuelBarrelE","_hasHotwireKit","_player_SurrenderedGear","_isSurrendered","_isModular","_isModularDoor","_ownerKeyName","_temp_keys_names","_hasAttached","_allowTow","_liftHeli","_found","_posL","_posC","_height","_liftHelis","_attached","_playerUID","_characterID","_plotDistance","_PlotsNear", "_classname","_isowner","_nearestPoles","_pole","_garagefriends","_garageallowed","_friends"];

    and then remove the entire line at 1015 and see if that works, if everything is still functional and that removes the errors in your RPT except for the first one dealing with "s_player_garage" you should be all set. The one mentioning s_player_garage would probably not be possible to get out of your RPT since it's a global variable assigned inside of that if then statement, as far as I know it coming up in the RPT is just a bug, been a while since I've dealt with ArmA 2 though. Please let me know how you make out and if I can help you any further.

  3. Can you send me your fn_selfActions.sqf so I can see it with the line numbers? Also this probably won't effect anything if it's still working so it may not be worth trying to fix but I can still take a look to try and clean up your RPT a bit.

  4. Yup add 

    soundSelect[] = {"", 0.1, 1};

     to where those other sounds are defined in that section, I'm not sure if those are case sensitive however so make sure there isn't another class with a lowercase "l" in life. But adding that line to make it look like this 

    class Life_RscListBox 
    	style = 16;
    	idc = -1;
    	type = 5;
    	w = 0.275;
    	h = 0.04;
    	font = "Zeppelin32";
    	colorSelect[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
    	colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
    	colorBackground[] = {0.28,0.28,0.28,0.28};
    	colorSelect2[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
    	colorSelectBackground[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 0.5};
    	colorSelectBackground2[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.5};
    	colorScrollbar[] = {0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1};
    	arrowFull = "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Gui\arrowFull_ca.paa";
    	arrowEmpty = "Scripts\Gold_Coin_system\Gui\arrowEmpty_ca.paa";
    	wholeHeight = 0.45;
    	rowHeight = 0.04;
    	color[] = {0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1};
    	colorActive[] = {0,0,0,1};
    	colorDisabled[] = {0,0,0,0.3};
    	sizeEx = 0.023;
    	maxHistoryDelay = 1;
    	autoScrollSpeed = -1;
    	autoScrollDelay = 5;
    	autoScrollRewind = 0;
    	tooltipColorText[] = {1,1,1,1};
    	tooltipColorBox[] = {1,1,1,1};
    	tooltipColorShade[] = {0,0,0,0.65};
    	class ListScrollBar: Life_RscScrollBar
    		color[] = {1,1,1,1};
    		autoScrollEnabled = 1;
    	soundPush[] = { "", 0, 1 };
    	soundEnter[] =	{ "", 0, 1 };
    	soundClick[] ={ "", 0, 1 };
    	soundEscape[] ={ "", 0, 1 };
    	sound[] ={ "", 0, 1 };
            soundSelect[] = {"", 0.1, 1};

    will fix your error if there isn't another class named "life_RscListBox". There may however end up being another error if another definition is mission, if that happens post it in here the same way I will post the fix for that one.

  5. There should be another file named defines.hpp or some other .hpp filename, that's the actual file where those properties are defined. I believe you can also define them directly in that file you linked but haven't done them that way and won't fix it for all dialogs that use that "life_RscListBox" class. Please post the other file or link me to the mod itself and I will download it and have a look.

  6. The example I used was from ArmA 3 ( I don't have ArmA 2 installed ) but the property will still be similar, just the directory will be different. Can you link the mod you are referring to? I can look through those files and give a more detailed answer. EDIT: You should be able to use this property for ArmA 2.

    soundSelect[] = {"", 0.1, 1};
  7. Looks like you need to add a soundSelect property to the VehicleList class in that dialog. The soundSelect property will look something like this depending on the type of control. However this shouldn't effect functionality.

    	soundSelect[] = 
  8. You...fucking...genius.


    Goddamnit! I set disabledAI= false when I first got the server, because I thought it applied to the UAV's or something. I completely forgot I changed that. Thank you! Changing it back now...


    My server FPs shot up by about 20-30 without all those extra Ai doing nothing. lol. thanks again.

    Excellent, glad I could help.

  9. I'm having a problem with the GUI version, it's registering as an autoevent restart and I have set auto_timeout_length=60 in the config batch but the server is still restarting in 5 seconds which is stopping my 

    IF EXIST "D:\A3-140-Test\Arma3\ToLive\epoch.Panthera3.pbo" (
       MOVE /Y "D:\A3-140-Test\Arma3\ToLive\epoch.Panthera3.pbo" "D:\A3-140-Test\Arma3\MPMissions"
    IF EXIST "D:\A3-140-Test\Arma3\ToLive\@EpochHive" (
        rmdir /s /q "D:\A3-140-Test\Arma3\@EpochHive"
    	MOVE /Y "D:\A3-140-Test\Arma3\ToLive\@EpochHive" "D:\A3-140-Test\Arma3"

    code from running. Any help would be appreciated, other than that it works great.

  10. Use something like this at the end of you scheduler.xml

        <job id="12">
            <cmd>F:\Dayz Server\restart.bat</cmd>
        <job id="13">

    Change the directory to your server folder, and create a batch file in it named restart.bat


    inside restart.bat

    cd "F:\DayZ Server"
    timeout 30
    taskkill /im arma2oaserver.exe
    timeout 30
    start "" "F:\Dayz Server\DayZ_Epoch_instance_16_panthera.bat\"
    start dayzbec.bat

    Change these directories as needed and point it to your server start batch for whatever you map your are running


    Inside dayzbec.bat
    timeout /t 30
    cd "F:\Server Tools"
    "F:\Server Tools\Bec.exe" -f config.cfg

    Again change the directories as needed


    I'm sure there are much cleaner ways to do this but it's how I learned to do it and has been working for me for over a year.



    As a bonus you can set your restart.bat like this

    cd "F:\DayZ Server"
    timeout 30
    taskkill /im arma2oaserver.exe
    timeout 10
    :: Check to see if we have new pbos
    IF EXIST "F:\DayZ Server\instance_16_panthera\ToGoLive\DayZ_Epoch_16.Panthera2" (
       rmdir /s /q "F:\DayZ Server\MPMissions\DayZ_Epoch_16.Panthera2"
       MOVE /Y "F:\DayZ Server\instance_16_panthera\ToGoLive\DayZ_Epoch_16.Panthera2" "F:\DayZ Server\MPMissions"
    IF EXIST "F:\DayZ Server\instance_16_panthera\ToGoLive\dayz_server.pbo" (
        MOVE /Y "F:\DayZ Server\instance_16_panthera\ToGoLive\dayz_server.pbo" "F:\Dayz Server\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons"
    timeout 45
    start "" "F:\Dayz Server\DayZ_Epoch_instance_16_panthera.bat\"
    start dayzbec.bat

    And create a folder to put your mission file and server files in that will get automatically updated to your live files on restart or it will just skip it if there are no files found so you don't need to wait for restarts to update your server files.

    Obviously you will need to change all your directories around in there to make it work properly.

  11. Yea I can confirm this is happening for us as well. Ran 100% vanilla files to make sure it wasn't some kind of conflict. Is able to be replicated 100% by entering a vehicle, taking a weapon and attempting to load a mag in it. After that any item that you try to take out of any vehicle will disappear, weapons still work fine but all items disappear. The only fix I've found it to relog.

  12. Ah sorry I meant to mention if you are using that piece to spawn magazines with the weapons you won't be able to remove them. Unless they changed it on arma 3 I don't believe you can make changes to the cfgWeapons through the mission file so you would have to distribute your own versions of the mods for players to be able to join your server which in most cases is not an option. Only way for you to eliminate them as is would be to remove that part to keep them from spawning with the weapon and keep them cleaned from your spawning script. If you wanted to do this for just a few specific weapons you can add them into their own array in the lootspawning scripts and remove that section only for that array. I actually split my lootspawner into 24 arrays instead of the default 5 to allow for much more control over how much of each item spawns, you can also use tenths and hundredths for the percentages so you know if you decide to go that route.

  13. I actually used that script on our arma 2 servers and loved it. I set up a junkyard where all the vehicles were moved to after restart and it was quite an action packed zone after every restart. I tried using it on A3 and changing some stuff around but wasn't able to get it to work. I guess I'll go back at it and see if I can get it to work though, would really like to get a junkyard set up again.

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