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Posts posted by TheHound

  1. A single sentence from any official source could stop all of these threads in their tracks. Also if this is all you have to say over and over again why are you still reading these threads?


    PS - I run a dedi already on 1.62 but am waiting to see the impending BE or gamespy shutdown that's not gonna allow us to just sit around and wait anymore, that's why I'm trying to get out ahead of this instead of just waiting to get fucked.

  2. DayzLauncher far surpasses DayZ Commander in every way other than popularity. That's the alternative right there, try it out for yourself. I agree he deserves respect for what he did in the past but just leaving everyone hanging like this is a little ridiculous, is it not? How hard is it to release a statement to stop all of these threads in their tracks? At the end of the day if you had made a program that millions of people have used and many still use would you personally ever let the community hang in the balance like this while servers are going down left and right without so much as an official response of any kind?


    EDIT- To be clear I don't care if Dotjosh updates or doesn't, what makes me angry is the fact that because he can't be bothered to release an official statement one way or the other is the reason why the community is getting decimated right now. If he came out right now and said I'm done with DayZ Commander all the server hosts would update, and we could start pushing a new launcher (Dayz Launcher). If he came out and said "Hey guys I'm still here will be updating soon" then most of these threads would go away. But the point is no matter what he says, as long as he says SOMETHING we can all start planning for the future instead of just sitting here with our thumbs lodged waiting for BE or Gamespy to shutdown.

  3. I guess he is just in trouble with one problem:


    As you can see DayZ Commander loads up every server that messages to Gamespay means beta <=112555


    DayzLauncher load up every server using beta > 112555 (125402+)


    I guess Dotjosh tries hardly to  get them both loading in, I just wonder why he just offers a completely new one to us or adds the decission for this versions on startup


    I'm not 100% positive what you mean by this but to be clear DayzLauncher is not made by dotjosh and was made as a replacement in case dotjosh didn't update DayZ Commander. Also BetterDeadThanZed his expenses for running DayZ Commander were his choice, he chose to host the mods himself instead of using torrents. I'm sure he has the technical ability to integrate torrent downloading into DayZ Commander which would lead to better download speeds and no expenses for him. (Please correct me if I'm wrong to assume using torrents would be free as noone is hosting the files/paying bandwidth fees)

  4. Obviously Dotjosh isn't going to respond to any of us lowly players/server admins, but if one of the devs that has a means of contacting him can give us an official response one way or the other (he's updating or DayZ Commander is dead) then that will kill off a ton of these threads where people don't know what's going on and are going on outdated information. It also might save hundreds of servers that are going to shutdown because without DZC they aren't gonna survive. Please Awol or someone let us know!

  5. Yes the response you are referring to by awol was a direct response to me in my own thread but that was weeks ago now, since then awol has been showing support for playwithsix. I agree the masses are beyond stupid and ignore admin chat but if the BE shutdown happens before DZC updates players wont have a choice but to switch to something else or not play dayz mod. Also dotjosh has spent 66 hours playing DOTA 2 in the last 2 weeks....without giving anyone any information about the update....If that doesn't tell you an update isn't coming I don't know what will. Now don't get me wrong I loved DZC but if it's creator is willing to just say fuck off like this without even giving the community an official response about it or at least releasing it as open source if hes gonna call it quits so someone else can take over, imo he can go fuck himself.

  6. Well I cleaned up the BE filters and it did help a very small amount, I did some playing around today and if I leave Infistar installed but just remove myself as an admin the performance loss if completely gone. If I add myself back to the admin list (even a low level admin) the performance loss is back. I wouldn't mind a small performance loss, but how it is I decided to just remove myself as an admin because the tools just aren't worth the drop for me currently.

  7. Yup, this mod launches it's own player_build file

    I think he meant does this work with the snap build pro placing system (which is fucking amazing btw). I tried pointing to the snap_build pro playerbuild.sqf and just get errors when trying to build. Would be amazing to see this use that playerbuild even with no snap points just for the placement system.

  8. Any other suggestions for this? I also notice a very considerable performance loss since adding infistar (going from 120 in the mountain areas to 50) and its gone when I remove it. Any further assistance would be excellent as I think its a great antihack, just not an option if the performance loss is this drastic. The performance loss is non existing to anyone but admins.

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