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Posts posted by Vanguard

  1. How about coding it so if someone in a group attached to a jammer is online, then the jammer is a"Active" and base parts become destructible then, and for a nominal time after the group members log out. 15 mins or something?

    If there's no one from the group online, the jammer is "passive" and base parts become much tougher/indestructible.

    This stops offline raids, and also counters groups logging off to make the base indestructible when they get attacked.

    Epoch is about building and raiding, plain and simple. Indestructible parts make it Minecraftpoch or Legopoch PVP.

    This, so much this.

    Most of the trolls attack bases when no owner is online and completely demolish that base. This would make that more difficult for the trolls.

    Bases should be raidable.

  2. Only DLC practices im against is the ones where a company *coughCAPCOMcough* locks content thats on the disc when it ships only to make you buy a key at a later date.

    If a company wants to continue work on their games and add small DLC, then im happy to pay for them.

  3. Stupid question but is there any way they can redesign the traders to have stacks rather than a list? So they have 20x magazines of X rather than a list of 20 magazines of X, then you can just tell it how many of X you want?

    Thats how the new system will work.

    The items will stack. =)

  4. use FTP and browse to your servers profile folder. should be like arma3servercfg or some ish for vilayer. you should see a battle eye folder. then your logs will be there. 

    Found them, Thanks =)

    Now to learn how to catch naughty people =P

  5. look at your battleye logs in your server instance battleye folder, in the normal server logs you won't find that much.

    I cant actually see any BE logs.

    If you know the vilayer struckture can you say where to look?

  6. Weapons weigh alot, The bigger the gun the bigger the weight. Hence holding it exact steady is difficult, as it should be.
    If long range shots are difficult for you, practice lots and lots, you'll get used to the sway and in the end, like that its more real than say CoD of BF sway.

    Should be difficult to hit a target 1000 meters away. If its not for you, stick with the close range weapons. =)

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