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Posts posted by ReDBaroN


    Just a quick tip in case anyone else having the issue of missings clustering around Stary: This below seems to work well for us. Missions are no longer around Stary.

    // Blacklist Zone Array -- missions will not spawn in these areas
    // format: [[x,y,z],radius]
    // Ex: [[06325,07807,0],300] //Starry Sobor
    DZMSBlacklistZones = [
    	[[06325,07807,0],1500] //Starry Sobor

    WOW! mgm's gone big!! :D

  2. Can you post it and I can check. Also thanks for all the info you guys posted. You are pretty much changing the variables back to what they were in DZMS. I just changed it so it would be easier to configure. 


    Like here for example:

    	_scount = count DZMSpistolList;
    	for "_x" from 0 to 2 do {
    		_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
    		_item = DZMSpistolList select _sSelect;
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
    		_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
    		if (count _ammo > 0) then {
    			_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 8))];

    and my version is:

    	_scount = count DZMSpistolList;
    	for "_x" from 0 to DEFMPistolRate do {
    		_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
    		_item = DZMSpistolList select _sSelect;
    		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,DEFMPistolRate];
    		_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
    		if (count _ammo > 0) then {
    			_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random DEFMPistolAmmoRate))];

    Feel free to say how to optimize it and I will attempt to and upload it to the GitHub

    Hey again, on your other point, I haven't moved away from your the general change in config in your version as I really like the ability to control the random number from 0-5. So, the things I have changed is:

    • ekroemer's line so the amount of each item isn't sometimes duplicated
    • fixed the AI skill arrays to '0' for major and '1' for minor
    • changed the skillset for '0' & '1' so minor were easier and major are harder
    • removed any supply or money crates from minor missions
    • Change the missions so 'weapons' was used for crates in all the major and 'weps' for the minor missions (same with medical)
    • Changed the calls from box to a new gun list in weaponcratelist only where it was calling the same list before so I can separate the types of guns between minor and major. This way I have generally but not explicitly put all the 7.62 cal in major and .556 in minor.
    • changed the ai weapon loadout in Weps0 and Weps1 so '0' get the 7.62's and '1' get the .556's 

    An example using the sniper list is below:

    //load sniper
    _scount = count DZMSsniperListB;
    for "_x" from 0 to DEFMSniperRate do {
    _sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
    _item = DZMSsniperListB select _sSelect;
    _crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,DEFMSniperRate];
    _ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
    if (count _ammo > 0) then {
    _crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random DEFMSniperAmmoRate))];

    This then calls the 'B' list below while major missions call the normal weapon list:

    // Sniper Rifles
    DZMSsniperList = ["SVD_CAMO","SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper","SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD","M110_NVG_EP1","DMR_DZ","M24"];
    DZMSsniperListB = ["huntingrifle","M8_sharpshooter","M40A3","VSS_Vintorez","M16A4_ACG"];
    My players and I love your new system. Well done and many thanks for the contribution!
    I have pm'd you a dropbox link to my files in case you wanted a browse...
  3. Can you post it and I can check. Also thanks for all the info you guys posted. You are pretty much changing the variables back to what they were in DZMS. I just changed it so it would be easier to configure. 


    Like here for example:


    Feel free to say how to optimize it and I will attempt to and upload it to the GitHub

    Hey Defent, my minor SM2 is below. I'm wondering if it's something else that might be removing the crates as it's only started happening over last few days.....very odd

    Medical Outpost by lazyink (Full credit for code to TheSzerdi & TAW_Tonic)
    Updated to new format by Vampire
    private ["_missName","_coords","_base","_base1","_base2","_base3","_vehicle","_vehicle1","_crate","_crate2","_crate3"];
    //Name of the Mission
    _missName = "Bandit Medical Outpost";
    diag_log format["[EMS]: Minor SM2 Bandit Mission Party Outpost has started."];
    //DZMSFindPos loops BIS_fnc_findSafePos until it gets a valid result
    _coords = call DZMSFindPos;
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"A group of bandits have taken over a Medical Outpost! Check your map for the location!", "PLAIN",10] call RE;
    //DZMSAddMinMarker is a simple script that adds a marker to the location
    [_coords,_missName] execVM DZMSAddMinMarker;
    //We create the scenery
    _base = createVehicle ["US_WarfareBFieldhHospital_Base_EP1",[(_coords select 0) +2, (_coords select 1)+5,-0.3],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _base1 = createVehicle ["MASH_EP1",[(_coords select 0) - 24, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _base2 = createVehicle ["MASH_EP1",[(_coords select 0) - 17, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _base3 = createVehicle ["MASH_EP1",[(_coords select 0) - 10, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    //DZMSProtectObj prevents it from disappearing
    [_base] call DZMSProtectObj;
    [_base1] call DZMSProtectObj;
    [_base2] call DZMSProtectObj;
    [_base3] call DZMSProtectObj;
    //We create the vehicles
    _vehicle = createVehicle ["UAZ_Unarmed_UN_EP1",[(_coords select 0) + 10, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    _vehicle1 = createVehicle ["HMMWV_DZ",[(_coords select 0) + 15, (_coords select 1) - 5,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    //DZMSSetupVehicle prevents the vehicle from disappearing and sets fuel and such
    [_vehicle] call DZMSSetupVehicle;
    [_vehicle1] call DZMSSetupVehicle;
    //We create and fill the crates
    _crate = createVehicle ["MedBox0",[(_coords select 0) - 12, _coords select 1,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    //DZMSBoxFill fills the box, DZMSProtectObj prevents it from disappearing
    [_crate,"meds"] execVM DZMSBoxSetup;
    [_crate] call DZMSProtectObj;
    _crate2 = createVehicle ["USLaunchersBox",[(_coords select 0) - 8, _coords select 1,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    [_crate2,"weap"] execVM DZMSBoxSetup;
    [_crate2] call DZMSProtectObj;
    //We create and fill the crates
    _crate3 = createVehicle ["MedBox0",[(_coords select 0) - 3, _coords select 1,0],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    //DZMSBoxFill fills the box, DZMSProtectObj prevents it from disappearing
    [_crate3,"meds"] execVM DZMSBoxSetup;
    [_crate3] call DZMSProtectObj;
    //DZMSAISpawn spawns AI to the mission.
    //Usage: [_coords, count, skillLevel]
    [[(_coords select 0) - 20, (_coords select 1) - 15,0],3,1,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
    sleep 3;
    [[(_coords select 0) - 20, (_coords select 1) - 15,0],3,1,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
    sleep 3;
    [[(_coords select 0) - 20, (_coords select 1) - 15,0],2,1,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSAISpawn;
    sleep 3;
    //Wait until the player is within 30meters
    [_coords,"DZMSUnitsMinor"] call DZMSWaitMissionComp;
    //Call DZMSSaveVeh to attempt to save the vehicles to the database
    //If saving is off, the script will exit.
    //Let everyone know the mission is over
    [nil,nil,rTitleText,"The Medical Outpost is under survivor control!", "PLAIN",6] call RE;
    diag_log format["[EMS]: Minor SM2 Medical Outpost Mission has Ended."];
    deleteMarker "DZMSMinMarker";
    deleteMarker "DZMSMinDot";
    //Let the timer know the mission is over
    DZMSMinDone = true;

  4. It sounds like you have missed the step 1 of the original post.

    The functions you need to replace are ui_selectSlot and fn_gearMenuChecks. Normally, these point to sqf files in the dayz_code pbo.


    player_selectSlot =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf";
    fn_gearMenuChecks =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_gearMenuChecks.sqf";
    These functions need to point to the files in the mission file:

    player_selectSlot =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\player_selectSlot.sqf";
    fn_gearMenuChecks =			compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_gearMenuChecks.sqf";
    I hope this will point you in the right direction.

    I am working on a complete re-write of this that will be a lot simpler to install, if you cant get this to work you may try the experimental new version.


    Hi David, unless I'm being blind those modified calls above to the new overridden files aren't in your original post....? Could be where people are getting stuck...


    Replace your local_lockUnlock with this:

    private ["_vehicle","_status"];
    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _status = _this select 1;
    if (local _vehicle) then {
    	_vehicle setVehicleLock (if (_status) then { "LOCKED" } else { "UNLOCKED" });
    	_vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled", _status, true];
    	player action ["lightOn", _vehicle];
    	[objNull, _vehicle, rSAY, "CarLock", 20] call RE;
    	uiSleep 0.5;
    	player action ["lightOff", _vehicle];

    Thanks! :)


    I am currently already overriding local_lockunlock to disable R3Farty lift and tow on locked vehicles so my file looks like this:

    private ["_vehicle","_status"];
    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _status = _this select 1;
    if (local _vehicle) then {
    if(_status) then {
    _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
    _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];
    } else {
    _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
    _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",false,true];

    Can you tell me what it should look like when merged?


    can anyone help? Thanks

  7. I am currently already overriding local_lockunlock to disable R3Farty lift and tow on locked vehicles so my file looks like this:

    private ["_vehicle","_status"];
    _vehicle = _this select 0;
    _status = _this select 1;
    if (local _vehicle) then {
    if(_status) then {
    _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";
    _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",true,true];
    } else {
    _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";
    _vehicle setVariable ["R3F_LOG_disabled",false,true];

    Can you tell me what it should look like when merged?
  8. check line 9 inside server_tradeObject.sqf in dayz_server\compile\ for a spelling mistake in line 9, <urrency = _this select 5; 

    it might be that you need to correct that spelling mistake from urrency to currency. sorry i was away and you might have fixed it already

    Hi, there doesn't appear to be any spelling mistakes and I haven't touched server_tradeObject.sqf from default. I have pasted it below:


    private ["_player","_name","_traderid","_buyorsell","_data","_result","_key","_outcome","_clientID"];
    _player = _this select 0;
    _traderID = _this select 1;
    _buyorsell = _this select 2; //0 > Buy // 1 > Sell
    _classname = _this select 3;
    _traderCity = _this select 4;
    _currency = _this select 5;
    _qty = _this select 6;
    _clientID = owner _player;
    _price = format ["%2x %1",_currency,_qty];
    _name = if (alive _player) then { name _player; } else { "Dead Player"; };
    if (_buyorsell == 0) then { //Buy
    diag_log format["EPOCH SERVERTRADE: Player: %1 (%2) bought a %3 in/at %4 for %5", _name, (getPlayerUID _player), _classname, _traderCity, _price];
    } else { //SELL
    diag_log format["EPOCH SERVERTRADE: Player: %1 (%2) sold a %3 in/at %4 for %5",_name, (getPlayerUID _player), _classname, _traderCity, _price];
    if (DZE_ConfigTrader) then {
    _outcome = "PASS";
    } else {
    //Send request
    _key = format["CHILD:398:%1:%2:",_traderID,_buyorsell];
    _data = "HiveEXT" callExtension _key;
    _result = call compile format ["%1",_data];
    // diag_log ("TRADE: RES: "+ str(_result));
    _outcome = _result select 0;
    dayzTradeResult = _outcome;
    if(!isNull _player) then {
    _clientID publicVariableClient "dayzTradeResult";

    Any more ideas? Someone mentioned earlier not to worry about it but, this is literally the last error in my server rpt apart from the usual client/server object not found spam.
  9. I think lag is causing this. server<-->client interaction. A faster server might solve this.



    OK, have tried with low pop this morning, soon after restart with server FPS at 21. I am using Vert for hosting.


    Still seems to work if you run at a locked door and hit prone just as you bump into the door. Can anyone else recreate on their servers? I think you need to be doing it at a door where the lock is facing you (facing outside). Then it works pretty much 80% of the time.

  10. I'm not sure what that does, but i do not think it is in any way related to the Animated Crash Spawner.



    Thanks Richie, added to OP.

    I thought you did control crash spawner by the max heli crashes either not having it in there at all or changing that variable to control it.....


    PeterBeer, why don't you have a go at changing it to 5 and seeing what happens. I think also, if you delete it altogether it will lean off some default settings probably in variables (without checking) so, you can try that too.


    I'm sure I saw somewhere in some posts ages ago that if you set that to 0 it will turn off the crash spawner and supply drop function which this runs from...

  11. So I'm trying to edit a mission, I can find what the values are for all the other items in the missions except this one, someone mind breaking it down for me?

    [[[(_position select 0) + 85, (_position select 1) - 85, 0],[(_position select 0) - 85, (_position select 1) + 85, 0]],"M2StaticMG",0,"",1,2,"","Random",true] call spawn_static;

    [[[(_position select 0) + 85, (_position select 1) - 85, 0],[(_position select 0) - 85, (_position select 1) + 85, 0]],"M2StaticMG",0,"",1,2,"","Random",true] call spawn_static;


    I can't work out exactly what those do.


    Hey, the instructions for those values from the original system are here:

    Custom static weapon spawns Eg. (with one position)
    [[[911.21545,4532.7612,2.6292224]], //position(s) (can be multiple).
    "M2StaticMG",             //Classname of turret
    0.5,   //Skill level 0-1. Has no effect if using custom skills
    "Bandit2_DZ",   //Skin "" for random or classname here.
    1,   //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    2,   //Number of magazines. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    "",   //Backpack "" for random or classname here. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    "Random"   //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    ] call spawn_static;
    Custom static weapon spawns Eg. (with multiple positions)
    [[[911.21545,4532.7612,2.6292224],[921.21545,4532.7612,2.6292224]], //position(s) (can be multiple).
    "M2StaticMG",             //Classname of turret
    0.5,   //Skill level 0-1. Has no effect if using custom skills
    "Bandit2_DZ",   //Skin "" for random or classname here. 
    1,   //Primary gun set number. "Random" for random weapon set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    2,   //Number of magazines. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    "",   //Backpack "" for random or classname here. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    "Random"   //Gearset number. "Random" for random gear set. (not needed if ai_static_useweapon = False)
    ] call spawn_static;

    But, I know f3cuk has changed some of this stuff in the new system like skill so, you may want to have a quick compare from the old system to the new one to see check what values have changed....

  12. There is no compiles.sqf in the Server.pbo.  There is only compiles.sqf in @Dayz_Epoch/addons/dayz_code.pbo

    This should be in your mission.pbo.


    However, you may not have it in there if you haven't loaded up any scripts that required you to override the compiles.sqf in the game folder. 


    Do you have a folder called custom, scripts or addons in your mission folder? If yes, is there compiles.sqf file in there? Can you run search on your mission file for compiles.sqf


    If you don't have one then create a folder called custom in your mission folder. Put a copy of compiles.sqf in there from your dayz_code.pbo.


    Then change this line in your mission init file:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";

    to this:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compiles.sqf";

    then make the changes in piggd's post earlier in this thread, repack your mission.pbo, upload and away you go!

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