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Posts posted by ReDBaroN

  1. After this patch, When I wear clothes I got kicked by Batteye script restriction. #127


    Any solution??

    Yes, read justchil's post requoted below that was 2 pages back....


    You will need to modify scripts.txt if you have this filter: 5 "call player_humanityMorph"

    I haven't done so yet but just noticed while testing.

    Also getting errors following your instructions.

    11:27:27 Error in expression <_name) + " as no characterID");


    if (_inTransit) exitWith {

    diag_log ("NOTICE>

    11:27:27 Error position: <_inTransit) exitWith {

    diag_log ("NOTICE>

    11:27:27 Error Undefined variable in expression: _intransit

    11:27:27 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 39

    11:27:29 Error in expression <_name) + " as no characterID");


  2. Tried this safezone but i cant get it to work.

    Placed a map safezones in my mission folder, put the safezone.sqf in there (i used the USE_TraderCity = true; option) and called it in my init.sqf


    Maybe i don't understand what this script actually does but zombies can still kill me inside (so no god mode) and i can fire my weapon at other players and kill them.

    My server is a Taviana Overpoch (PvE) one.


    Any help appreciated

    Yes, try it using coordinates. That works for me.

  3. Yes, whatever you do don't use that one.


    #2 at the end of the version number is important. 335C#2 is working perfectly for me at the moment with humanity fixed. Nearly 24 hours on and we had max players on for most the evening.

    Some 4 days on, my only changes made during these 4 days were the initial upgrade from AH335C to AH335C#2 and yesterday up to AH335D.


    I still haven't had humanity doubling since it stopped 4 days ago and have had max population on most evenings.


    I haven't installed f3cuk's fix yet for character reset after skin change (although I intend to....). I also do not have the multi character mod installed that KoTaS has mentioned. So, I can't see how it could be down to either of these as I used to get the problem really badly....


    Sorry, I can't really help anyone pinpoint it more other than to tell you what I have done in the hope it helps you debug.


    The only other thing I did apart from upgrade the AH was to manually edit any characters whose humanity was in six figures back down to +/-10k. I made those changes direct to the DB. I have made no other mod changes from when the issue started up to now.

  4. Yea the only thing I changed before it started was f3cuk fix. I dont think its inifistar, but some people don't even have the fix so im not sure lol

    I'm not using fc3uk's fix.


    AH335C#2 is working fine for me and humanity still hasn't doubled even when I relog after skin change.


    I don't know about AH335D, I haven't tested it.

  5. Exactly. Not even 4 hours. You don't want to delete all dead character at all. If someone dies and goes away for a week and if your script runs once a day he will still lose his humanity.


    Best way to approach this would be making the script delete dead characters, where at least 1 one of them is alive under the same UID OR delete all dead characters but leave at least 1 for every UID.


    The best way to keep this area of your db clean is to use the well known SQL below as an event in your DB. (requoted below)



    No. I haven't manually deleted any dead characters but do run the popular SQL to clean old dead characters at every restart:

    DELETE FROM `character_data`
    USING character_data, character_data AS tmpcharacter_data
    WHERE NOT character_data.CharacterID=tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID
    AND character_data.CharacterID<tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID
    AND (character_data.PlayerUID=tmpcharacter_data.PlayerUID)


    I haven't had a single complaint since using this and it manages to control the number of corpses.


    My findings are....  After you change skin and abort from game and login back the game gives you double of humanity.


    Example: 2500  skin changes

                    5000 after join server

                    5000  skin changes

                  10000 join server again.... and keeps doubling every time you do this skin change and relog server



    Using AH 335C#2

    Using  f3cuk FIX and also tried without that FIX, same situation


    nice test. I'll run it on mine too and report back.


    This didn't happen to me when I just tried your test above. Also, I still haven't seen humanity double.


    I'll try and find one of the players it was doubling on before and ask them to run your test and see what happens.


    Just to confirm, I'm not running the fix from f3cuk as, after I loaded it, half my players couldn't join the server at all. I switched it back off with no other changes to anything and everyone could log again.


    However, we are still rarely getting reports of players saying they have been rolled back after a skin change...

  7. That's way too complicated.  Just do DELETE FROM Character_DATA WHERE ALIVE = 0    Set a SQL event to run every 4 hours in conjunction with your server restarts.  Simple and it works.

    hmm, no thanks! No rage quitters returning on your server then...! :)


    I used to do that but, upset too many folk..too many complaints...so I prefer mine.

  8. @ReDBaroN


    Did you remove the dead characters in character_data?

    No. I haven't manually deleted any dead characters but do run the popular SQL to clean old dead characters at every restart:

    DELETE FROM `character_data`
    USING character_data, character_data AS tmpcharacter_data
    WHERE NOT character_data.CharacterID=tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID
    AND character_data.CharacterID<tmpcharacter_data.CharacterID
    AND (character_data.PlayerUID=tmpcharacter_data.PlayerUID)
  9. The last one I received was 21092014IAHAT335C which indeed does break traders and many other things.

    Yes, whatever you do don't use that one.


    #2 at the end of the version number is important. 335C#2 is working perfectly for me at the moment with humanity fixed. Nearly 24 hours on and we had max players on for most the evening.

  10. The problem is that the latest Infistar has a tendency to make the traders stop working. It's intermittent but I've seen it happen on my test server and my Takistan server, so it's not a good idea to use that version.

    Are you sure you  are tallking about 335C#2 and not 335C?


    I'm still fine with the latest latest update from infiSTAR...

  11. OK, 335C#2 just uploaded on my server.


    Have manually reset all 6 figure+ humanity back to +/- 10k.


    I'll periodically query humanity scores and keep this thread updated.

    12 hours on and no humanity has doubled yet.


    I would strongly urge anyone who has this update from Chris to apply it asap.


    However, we haven't been above 35 players between 12:30am and 12:30pm today yet. So, am still monitoring.


    Will update again later.

  12. Hrmm I only started getting this problem after I did that fix to stop people from rollbacking after changing clothes

    If you mean f3cuk's fix, I had to roll that back anyway as some players including me couldn't get in at all afterwards. We kept being logged as seagull kicks (createvehicle #0) and it would crash the player's game client. I have posted some replies to that thread and sent client & server rpts but, haven't had a response.

    However, based on that, I don't think this is to do with that fix as I'm not running it.

  13. I just updated to the most recent Infistar...like literally just now (thanks chris!) Ill run it on a fresh vanilla server and have some of my players test it, with just Infistar installed. Keep ya posted.

    Good stuff, I got it too, thanks Chris.

    Chris, have you changed anything in this latest AH that you think might address or help this issue?

  14. Cen.. 


    It is not a problem caused by the AH.

    It may have been caused by the interaction between the AH with other addons / changes in the mod. When I've been told about this happening, I fired up my test-server with the most recent version that I've had just been working on and I could not reproduce that error/problem at all.



    So far in my tests all I have done is:

    Updated to AH335B - Still doubling

    Edited all players with 6 figure humanity to -/+10k - Still doubling


    Reading the threads above we seem to have narrowed this down to one of two mods or both these mods conflicting:




    I have discounted WAI for the time being as even though the 3 of us who have posted so far are all running it, I have had this running since March this year with no issues.


    xtr3m3 can u post your mods so we can compare. Anything added over the last month is all we need atm.


    Can anyone please post if they are having this problem and don't have either of these mods installed. 





    I dont have DZGM and humanity still doubles on my server, some players have 60million plus now (though i edited these down), i havent updated any of my scripts in a few weeks and all was ok until last 2 antihack updates. (though infistar quickly gave me updates thnx) Weither this had anything to do with it at all i dont no but its all ive really done to the server in a few weeks


    Chris, based on these updates above do you think you could have another test with AH?

  15. So far in my tests all I have done is:
    Updated to AH335B - Still doubling
    Edited all players with 6 figure humanity to -/+10k - Still doubling
    Reading the threads above we seem to have narrowed this down to one of two mods or both these mods conflicting:
    I have discounted WAI for the time being as even though the 3 of us who have posted so far are all running it, I have had this running since March this year with no issues.
    xtr3m3 can u post your mods so we can compare. Anything added over the last month is all we need atm.
    Can anyone please post if they are having this problem and don't have either of these mods installed. 

  16. I have a feeling it might be DZAI.. I wasn't having issues with humanity until i added that.. not sure coincidence or something.. ugh.. back to square one. Ill update you guys when i test all my scripts..one .. by .. one.

    Hi, definitely not DZAI as I don't have that loaded

    Can everyone with the problem look back to my post with mods listed and reply with which ones from my list you are also using.


  17. I tried implementing this for an AI city, however with AGN Safezone installed, it enables god mod in the ai city.  From what I can see in the AGN script, the safe zone routine is initiated whenever the !canbuild is not true. 


    Any ideas on how to still implement this?


    AGN Code shown below:

    * Safezone Commander Script by AlienX

    * www.opendayz.net

    * Thanks to everyone who has provided other scripts of the same format, without you I would not have been able to make this.


    diag_log ( "[AGN] Starting Trader City Safezone Commander!" );

    if ( isDedicated || isServer ) exitWith {diag_log ( "Error: Attempting to start AGN products on a server where it should not be!" );};

    Private ["_EH_Fired", "_ehID", "_fix","_inVehicle","_inVehicleLast","_EH_Fired_Vehicle",



    AGN_safeZoneDebug = false; //Debug notes on screen.

    AGN_safeZoneGodmode = true; //Should safezone Godmode be enabled?

    AGN_safeZoneMessages = true; //Should players get messages when entering and exiting the safe zone?

    AGN_safeZone_Backpack_EnableAntiBackpack = true; //Should players not be able to take from peoples bags?

    AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowGearFromLootPiles = true; //Should players be able to loot from loot piles?

    AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowGearFromVehicles = true; //Should players be able to loot from a vehicles gear?

    AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowGearFromDeadPlayers = true; //Should players be able to loot from a dead players corpse?

    AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowFriendlyTaggedAccess = true; //Should players who are tagged friendly be able to access each others bags?

    AGN_safeZone_Vehicles_DisableMountedGuns = true; //Should players not be able to shoot bullets/projectiles from mounted guns?

    AGN_safeZone_Vehicles_AllowGearFromWithinVehicles = true; //Should players be able to open the gear screen while they are inside a vehicle?

    AGN_safeZone_Players_DisableWeaponFiring = true; //Should players not be able to shoot bullets/projectiles from their weapon(s)?

    //Probs not needed, but meh :)


    waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_animalCheck"};

    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ( "[AGN] Trader Zone Commander Loaded!" ); };

    _inVehicle = objNull;

    _inVehicleLast = objNull;

    while {true} do {

    waitUntil { !canBuild };

    _inSafezoneFinished = false;

    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ("[AGN] Entering Trader Area - God Mode Enabled"); };

    _thePlayer = player;

    if ( AGN_safeZoneGodmode ) then


    player_zombieCheck = {};

    fnc_usec_damageHandler = {};

    _thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";

    _thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}];

    _thePlayer allowDamage false;


    if ( AGN_safeZone_Players_DisableWeaponFiring ) then


    _EH_Fired = _thePlayer addEventHandler ["Fired", {

    systemChat ("[AGN] You can not fire your weapon in a Trader City Area");

    NearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4] setPos[0,0,0];



    if ( AGN_safeZone_Backpack_EnableAntiBackpack ) then


    AGN_LastPlayerLookedAt = objNull;

    AGN_LastPlayerLookedAtCountDown = 5;

    _antiBackpackThread = [] spawn {

    private [ "_ct","_ip","_ia","_dis"] ;

    while {!canBuild} do


    if ( isNull AGN_LastPlayerLookedAt ) then


    waitUntil {!isNull cursorTarget};

    _ct = cursorTarget;

    _ip = isPlayer _ct;

    if ( _ip ) then { _ia = alive _ct; _dis = _ct distance player; } else { _ia = false; _dis = 1000; };

    if ( (_ip && _ia) && (_dis < 6.5) ) then


    AGN_LastPlayerLookedAt = _ct;


    } else {

    AGN_LastPlayerLookedAtCountDown = AGN_LastPlayerLookedAtCountDown - 1;

    if ( AGN_LastPlayerLookedAtCountDown < 0 ) then { AGN_LastPlayerLookedAtCountDown = 5; AGN_LastPlayerLookedAt = objNull; };

    sleep 1;




    _antiBackpackThread2 = [] spawn {

    private ["_to","_dis","_inchk","_ip","_ia","_skip","_ct","_iv","_lp","_inv","_ctOwnerID","_friendlies","_if"];

    _ctOwnerID = 0;

    while {!canBuild} do


    _ct = cursorTarget;

    _skip = false;

    if ( !isNull (_ct) ) then


    _to = typeOf _ct;

    _dis = _ct distance player;

    _inchk = ["WeaponHolder","ReammoBox"];

    _lp = false;


    if ( (_to isKindOf _x) && (_dis < 10) && AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowGearFromLootPiles ) then


    _lp = true;


    } forEach ( _inchk );

    _ip = isPlayer _ct;

    _ia = alive _ct;

    _iv = _ct isKindOf "AllVehicles";

    _inv = (vehicle player != player);

    _if = false;

    if ( _ip ) then {

    _ctOwnerID = _ct getVariable["CharacterID","0"];

    _friendlies = player getVariable ["friendlyTo",[]];

    if(_ctOwnerID in _friendlies) then {

    if ( AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowFriendlyTaggedAccess ) then


    _if = true;




    if ( AGN_safeZoneDebug ) then {

    hintSilent ( format["AGN Safezone Commander\n\nCursorTarget\n%1\n\nDistance\n%2\n\nLootpile\n%3 [%9]\n\nisPlayer\n%4\n\nAlive\n%5\n\nisVehicle\n%6\n\ninVehicle\n%7\n\nisFriendly\n%8 (%12) [%10]\n\nSkip: %11\n",

    _ct, _dis, _lp, _ip, _ia, _iv, _inv, _if, AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowGearFromLootPiles, AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowFriendlyTaggedAccess, _skip, _ctOwnerID] );


    //Lootpile check

    if ( _lp ) then {_skip = true;};

    //Dead body check

    if ( !(_ia) && AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowGearFromDeadPlayers ) then {_skip = true;};

    //Vehicle check

    if ( _iv && (_dis < 10) && !(_ip) && AGN_safeZone_Backpack_AllowGearFromVehicles ) then {_skip = true;};

    //In a vehicle check

    if ( _inv && AGN_safeZone_Vehicles_AllowGearFromWithinVehicles ) then { _skip = true; };

    //Is player friendly?

    if ( _if ) then { _skip = true; };


    if( !isNull (FindDisplay 106) && !_skip ) then


    if ( isNull AGN_LastPlayerLookedAt ) then


    (findDisplay 106) closeDisplay 1;

    waitUntil { isNull (FindDisplay 106) };

    createGearDialog [(player), 'RscDisplayGear'];

    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ("[AGN] Anti Backpack Stealing - Redirecting you to your own gear!"); };

    waitUntil { isNull (FindDisplay 106) };

    } else {

    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat (format["[AGN] You cannot open your gear at this time as you have looked at a player in the last 5 seconds."]); };

    (findDisplay 106) closeDisplay 1;

    waitUntil { isNull (FindDisplay 106) };



    if ( _skip && _if ) then {

    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ("[AGN] This player is tagged friendly, you have access to this players bag") };





    if ( AGN_safeZone_Vehicles_DisableMountedGuns ) then


    while { !canBuild } do


    sleep 0.1;

    if ( !(isNull _inVehicle) && (vehicle player == player) ) then


    _inVehicle removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired_Vehicle];

    _inVehicleLast = _inVehicle;

    _inVehicleLast removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired_Vehicle];

    _inVehicle = objNull;


    if ( vehicle player != player && isNull _inVehicle ) then


    if (AGN_safeZoneMessages) then { systemChat ( "[AGN] No Firing Vehicle Guns Enabled" ); };

    _inVehicle = vehicle player;

    _inVehicleDamage = getDammage _inVehicle;

    _EH_Fired_Vehicle = _inVehicle addEventHandler ["Fired", {

    systemChat ("[AGN] You can not fire your vehicles weapon in a Trader City Area");

    NearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4] setPos[0,0,0];




    } else {

    waitUntil { canBuild };


    AGN_LastPlayerLookedAt = objNull;

    AGN_LastPlayerLookedAtCountDown = 5;

    terminate _antiBackpackThread;

    terminate _antiBackpackThread2;

    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ("[AGN] Exiting Trader Area - God Mode Disabled"); };

    if ( AGN_safeZone_Vehicles_DisableMountedGuns ) then


    if ( !(isNull _inVehicle) ) then


    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ( "[AGN] No Firing Vehicle Guns Disabled" ); };

    _inVehicle removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired_Vehicle];


    if ( !(isNull _inVehicleLast) ) then


    if ( AGN_safeZoneMessages ) then { systemChat ( "[AGN] No Firing Vehicle Guns Disabled" ); };

    _inVehicleLast removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired_Vehicle];



    if ( AGN_safeZone_Players_DisableWeaponFiring ) then


    _thePlayer removeEventHandler ["Fired", _EH_Fired];


    if ( AGN_safeZoneGodmode ) then


    player_zombieCheck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieCheck.sqf";

    fnc_usec_damageHandler = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\fn_damageHandler.sqf";

    _thePlayer addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {true}];

    _thePlayer removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage";

    _thePlayer allowDamage true;


    _inSafezoneFinished = true;


    Just use Zupa's code above and switch your safe zone script to one that's more up to date like infiSTAR's.


    Then you can set your safezones by position rather than canbuild.



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