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Posts posted by Birgitte

  1. 5 minutes ago, salival said:

    That would be the best way to do it to be honest, Copy the mission PBO/folder you want to use (I.e DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus) and the dayz_server.pbo and you should be pretty much good to go.

    Don't forget to edit your config\servername\config.cfg and change the version to on the first line.

    I cannot locate that file, where is it? Keep in mind I'm dealing with an online server interface. Again, I apologize for my obvious lack of knowledge.

  2. OK, I'm giving up the ghost on I created a new 1.0.6 server using a hosting service because they do not have the newest version yet. I need to know the quickest and easiest way to upgrade to keeping in mind that I do not need to save any data from the old database. I wiped the tables and imported epoch.sql. What files do I need to change/remove/delete in order to upgrade?

  3. First, I'm running and I have added buildings and am running a few scripts from my mission file which (after reading much about it on various posts) apparently causes a problem that at loading screen, I no longer get the choice to choose gender and am defaulted to play an ugly little man....  There are a few workarounds which have undesirable affects. One which causes you to have to spawn in and choose a new character every time you log in. If you want to use paraspawn, this causes you to paraspawn every time you log in. If you forget that and tab out during login, you go splat. Another workaround is to change the code in player_wearClothes.sqf to nullify the sex check so you can change skins in game. If I choose this, I need help with finding which files point to this so I can move them to my mission file and refer to them, etc. So here's my question.

    1. Is there a fix to this problem that is not a workaround?

    2 If not, can anyone tell me what script calls the player_wearClothes.sqf script?

    3. Where is the script that determines the default skin you can choose for gender selection and can that be changed?


    Thank you!


  4. Hey guys, all your help is kick ass, I want to say I haven't been yelled at once for posting in the wrong section and no one has told me to use the search function. Thank you!

    I would like to use a custom splash screen for my server. I used to be able to just add it to my root mission folder as logo.jpg, but that doesn't seem to work. Can anyone help me? I am running

    You all rock!

  5. Excellent, but I am a little confused. For zupa's version do I make changes to the file in the Dayz_code pbo and then copy the compiles.sqf to my mission folder (custom\walkers\compiles.sqf ) and point to that file in the init.sqf code? Or do I just copy the compiles.sqf file into the missions folder and only change that code, keeping the original in the dayz_code pbo, and of course changing the path in the init file like this.

    from this:

    progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";   

    to this:

    progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\walkers\compiles.sqf";   

    I think I have the jist of it, but not sure if I'm supposed to change it in the dayz_code pbo.

  6. Nitrado has a service where you select arma2oa and then the mod and it is all set up for you. You then have access to all the files to set things up the way you want. They are working with steam so I assume it's all the latest updates. The armored SUV was the wrong one on the vehicle list though, I saw that and fixed it.

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