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Posts posted by neiljb

  1. Hi, Myself and my friend steve are looking at renting a new dedi box running windows as the current linux box is not ideal for running our server from. The choice of Windows server operating systems is a little bewildering though to say the least. Which windows server operating systems would be suitable for running a busy Epoch server? Obviously we need something that can run a MySql database and a basic web server. What do you guys run and what would you recommend? What are the pitfalls/strengths of each version (2008/2012, web/STD etc etc)?


    Any help/info from you guys in the know would be very helpful. :)


    Changing the animation is something we are going to do, as well as giving change. I think next patch I will add a magazine item for a "coin pouch" that would hold 0-900 coins to replace all other lower bars as currency. All bars lower than 1oz of gold will just be trade-able into coins. This would be used for trades on items lower than 1oz of gold. When making change this item will be consumed and a item will be replaced with the proper change. Over 1oz Gold Bars will still be used and made to stack in 1oz increments (1-10oz). Briefcases will function the same as they always have but will store increments of 1oz (0-100oz). On selling the trade would look for partially filled "coin pouches","Bar Stacks","Briefcases" and append the output.
    On buying the trade will look first for the exact Item/change consume that item and return nothing. Otherwise it will give the highest denominations back as change, for example:
    Player has a coin pouch with 900 coins, makes a purchase costing 50 coins  Returns: (900 - 50 = 850).
    Player has a coin pouch with 500 coins, makes a purchase costing 50 coins  Returns: (500 - 150 = 450).
    Player has 10 x 1oz Gold Bars, makes a purchase costing 50 coins  Returns: (10 - 1 = 9oz + 900 - 50 = 850).
    Player has 10 x 1oz Gold Bars, makes a purchase costing 1oz bar Returns: (10 - 1 = 9oz).
    Player has a Briefcase with 100 x 1oz bars, makes a purchase costing 1oz bar Returns: (100 - 1 = 99oz).
    Player has a Briefcase with 100 x 1oz bars, makes a purchase costing 50 coins  Returns: (100 - 1 = 99oz + 900 - 50 = 850).
    (1-900) Coins
    (900-9000) Bars
    (9000-90000) Briefcase 



    Nice, sounds like it should be pretty sweet. :D

  3. Well my opinion of DayZpriv is changing unfortunately. I am getting kinda tired of their general slowness and lack of communication/organisation. For example our server was shut down, without any notice or warning while they updated gamechanger, bearing in mind there were players on the server at the time.


    When I was finally able to restart the server, all our files/customisations were gone and the server had been returned to its default state. I emailed the support team to thank them for doing this without warning + to ask them when they were planning on updating to I also asked if it was worth me fixing the server and putting all the files back they had wiped (luckily I had backups). They responded saying the updates would be applied soon and I should probably wait.


    Its now been over 48 hrs and still no updates. So to say I'm kind of annoyed is a bit of an understatement. All of this combined with the fact that the team at DayZpriv didn't even realise there was an Epoch update (1.0.2) until one of the other server admins pointed it out AFTER it had been released doesn't really inspire much confidence.


    It wouldn't be so bad if we had access to all of the server files our selves so we could update manually, but we can't even do that (despite the fact it clearly states on their website that you do)  :/    


    Hey guys! I really didn't want to copy and paste but I'm not a mod and thought the official rules and stuff might help! We are currently changing to PvP with hopefully massive safe zones around the outside for base building on the lush new Epoch!


    Self blood bag and take clothes from corpses will be added soon also!


    If you're interested in joining a growing DayZ community or just want a reliable server with friendly admins, you are welcome to join us.  Server is based in the EU.



    The Konvict DayZ server can be found at or by searching konvictgaming.co.uk on DayZCommander

    Konvict members are friendly and will not shoot on sight unless you have been hostile towards the clan or have taken items or vehicles from the clan.

    Players are asked to abide by the following rules:

    • No side chat

    • No abusive language or obscene player names (be friendly)

    • No hacking, glitching or duplicating items

    • No advertising in-game




    Wrong Thread/Section.

  5. Hi, myself and my friend Steve have an OVH dedi box we use to run minecraft servers from. Its being totally under stretched ATM and we would like to run an Epoch server from it, mainly because we are tired of waiting for dayzpriv to update our server, and also so we can have full control over the running of our server without all the BS restrictions placed upon us by using such a hosting company.


    Does anyone have any guides for installing a dayz (more specifically Epoch) server on a linux box? I have been doing some research for the last couple of days and most of the guides I have found are old and outdated and for very old versions of vanilla dayz.


    The box is running Ubuntu and we already have a Mysql server setup. As far as I understand we need wine to run the server but I am unsure whether we need a GUI, ideally we would like to avoid this as they are kinda resource hungry although the box we have is pretty powerful so if we do need one its not that big of a deal.


    Any help/tips/links from fellow linux server owners would be greatly appreciated. :)


    Ps. I forgot to mention that I already have a server setup and running correctly from my windows PC so that part is covered, its just getting the environment on the box setup ready to run the server which we could do with a little help with.

  6. Hi, was just watching this youtube video from FRANKIEonPCin1080p and right near the start he mentions he has been playing some rust in DayZ, surely he can only be referring to Epochs new base building? :D


    Hopefully he is planning an awesome Epoch episode. :D





    For those of you who don't know who frankie is, check out his dayz series on youtube, utterly amazing IMO. :)

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