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Posts posted by RimBlock

  1. Now A3 Epoch is in the last 10 the pressure is off a little for the Epoch team.  We will see if that actually translates in to a release at some point.


    I spent quite a few days amending A Plot for Life to meet vbAwols requirements so it could be included in the Epoch main build just after Raymix had Snapbuild Pro and modular building included (around Aug last year).  I submitted the pull request and it just sat there for weeks untouched until I finally removed it.  I had no problem doing the work to get it included after getting the nod from vbAwol but having it ignored after doing it really makes me think twice about doing it again.


    Having said that A Plot for Life v2.35 should be pretty much be ready to merge with Epoch.  It would then just need precise building added to it.

  2. Nothing about donations mentioned in that post.


    Yes, I should have been clearer.


    The comment you made was about donar shops offering 'perks for donations' would really be sales.  Outright sales were previously banned and some were using donations as pseudo shops.  


    The point I was aluding to, albeit poorly, was that the outright sale of items is now ok as long as they abide by certain conditions to clarify that seperation between acceptible donations and acceptable shops.  Maybe the thread title would have been clearer if it were "BI speaks out on p2w, subscriptions, donations and shops!" but either way, no biggie.

  3. I would read that as donations must stay as just that, a donation. So, no reward for your donation, as in the current donator shops that are about. 


    Surely, as soon as you put a condition on a donation it becomes a sale regardless of how you word it ? Then technically you should pay tax etc., on that sale ?


    Seems not...


    From Johny in the thread




    Selling ingame Apache helicopter would be allowed if the Apache would have same gameplay effect as generally available helicopter. If it would be the same as selling red-paint Apache while leaving black-paint Apache accessible to all, then it is OK.
  4. Sure, np.


    As mentioned, if you have any good ideas then post in the A Plot for Life thread and we can take a look at them.  Always good to get fresh ideas.  The folder structure is deliberately setup to mimic the file locations from the Epoch pbo file so people can easily find the original files if needed :) .

  5. You are taking what I said to heart for some reason. Why? I was going to leave a step by step on what I did to help him but I was unsure my fix would work for him. Just because my experience with Plot for Life hasn't been good and I share it, gives you no right to make it seem like anything other than me just tring to be helpful is going on. All I want to accomplish is helping this guy with the same exact issue I had not 2 days ago. Even if you don't want to admit it, the mod is hard to break down and work out for first time users. Unless they knew about the mod before hand, they have to install Plot for Life first or be left with issues like this if certain things are not "Diffmerged" correctly. Now, anyone with a small amount of experience (like me only been here for a month ;P) will have an eaiser time understanding what needs to be changed. This wasn't a post bashing plot for life, I use the damn mod because its a great one, I was relating to his issue. I would hate to be the dev of any mod and have to worry about taking anything negative said about my mod to heart.



    I took it that you were responding to me as mine was the last post and you did not make a note that you were responding to anyone else (with a quote or @[username] type reference.


    Bearing that in mind, re-read your post in that context and see how it looks.  Possibily mixed up communication on both sides :) .


    Ok, so back to your post.


    In that post you made the following statements.

    • I hate the way Plot for Life forces anyone who has any mods already installed to redirect everything.
    • Also, I always mess with the Plot for Life install even if its the first mod I add, I really hate the way its set up by default.
    • Its built to confuse the "f" out of anyone remotely new.

    You were venting your frustrations which is fine but I found the information provided to be inaccurate.


    The 1st is incorrect.  You do not have to redirect everything if you don't want to, you just merge the files.  Information on how to do that is provided in the links on the first post of the thread for the mod.  The mod is designed to be installed on a new clean Epoch vanilla server due to its scope of changes required.  Amending the files to add other mods will generally be easier but it is up to each server owner which way they would like to go. 


    The 2nd is moaning without any constructive suggestions.  If you have any good ideas then why not post over in the A Plot for Life thread were they can be discussed with other users and myself.  That may promote positive change whilst moaning about it here will not.


    The 3rd is just plain wrong.  It is built as a drop in replacement with as little as possible editing for a server owner (5 edits to existing files) on an Epoch vanilla install.  As such it was build with new users in mind.


    The fact that the majority of your post was complaints about A Plot for Life does not really match with your statement that you were not bashing the mod.  I have no issues with you bashing it with accurate information.  The mod is by no means perfect... it is built on the Epoch building system code ;) .


    Statement: Just because my experience with Plot for Life hasn't been good and I share it, gives you no right to make it seem like anything other than me just tring to be helpful is going on.


    What I have issue with in that statement is the "anything other than".  You were venting and helping. Nothing wrong with that but lets call it what it is.


    Statement: Even if you don't want to admit it, the mod is hard to break down and work out for first time users.


    Fully agree as it is a more advanced mod.  It requires changes in 41 (or so) files.  The changes are actually pretty minor for most of the files and will be even less so if Plot Management and Vector Build release new instructions for integrating with A Plot for Life v2.5 which already has Snap Build Pro and Precice Building already integrated.  Diffmerge is a very valuable tool to learn for a server owner.  Having an understanding of the scripts that are installed on your server is also a good thing and helps with being able to troubleshoot later.  Copy pasting does not help to build that skillset as quickly in my view.


    Some people want a step by step guide.  You have done the install, why not write a guide for others ?.   I will happily link it and give you credit as long as you are willing to make corrections (if needed) and maintain it.


    As for your fix, look at the context from a different point of view. 

    • Someone has reported that there is a problem with a setup using a number of mods including one you have written. 
    • You like to make sure that yours is not at fault and so would like to know what the problem may be.
    • Someone posts a solution but will not say what they think was causing the issue or how they propose in fixing it. 
    • With no details you am sitting here wondering if it is a bug with A Plot for Life or a merge issue or an issue with one of the other mods.
    • If a bug is reported on your mod then you would like to get it sorted out ASAP so the community using it can put the fix in ASAP.

    Keeping the information to yourself about what may fix the issue does not really help anyone.  This is a pretty friendly place and people are unlikely to criticise you fo making a suggestion.  My suggestions sometimes miss the mark but putting them out there promotes discussion and encourages others to take a look.  Not putting details of what you think was wrong and what you think may fix it does not.

  6. Opinions vary


    Confusing to people new to scripting......

    1. Dump the client files in the mpmissions folder for your map.  
    2. Put the server files in the server root directory you create called 'custom'.  
    3. Amend a few lines in the missions init.sqf file as per the install instructions file and away you go.  

    Not sure how that is built to confuse.  


    ..and replace it with the file I link.



    Why ?.  I really don't fancy trawling though 1000 lines of code to work out what you have done and don't particularly feel inclined to download it and run it through one of the diff tools, especially considering the tone of your post.  


    You complain that A Plot for Life is difficult to deal with the changes and then provide a 'replacement file' with no details about the changes made rather than (a). Reporting the issue on the A Plot for Life thread and providing details of what you think the error may be and a possible solution or (b). Raising an issue on the Git for A Plot for Life with details.


    Oh, hang on.  Is this a post about not providing a step by step guide of all the code changes to each of the 41 files provided with the mod (times 2 as there are currently 2 versions available which have quite a large difference in structure) and about the fact that I suggest people use diffmerge and provide links to two very good guides to help them in my threads first post ?.  


    If it is then why don't you be the first and write the guide.  I will happily link to it.  

  7. With A Plot for Life the owner does not need to enter the safe code. You should just be able to open it. You will just get the open option and not unlock. You will get the unlock option for vaults you do not own.

    It is the _ownerID == _playerUID that does it.

    If you take that out then you will get the unlock option but having owner auto unlock is quite a nice feature in Epoch that never got fully implemented until I stored the ownership details somewhere else in the game object.

  8. I am guessing 0verHeaT is suggesting that preprocessing MyFNCChange may be calling the code that changes the My_fnc value.  If you are not doing it then it wont be the problem.


    Have you tried an alternative.

    OldFuncCode = {...code...};
    NewFuncCode = {...code...};
    MyFNCInit = {MyFunc = OldFuncCode;};
    MyFNCChange = {MyFunc = NewFuncCode;};
    nil = [] call MyFNCInit; //Set initial MyFunc code block to OldFuncCode.
    nil = [] call MyFNCChange; //Change MyFunc code block to NewFuncCode.

    Sitting in the office so may have bugs and can't test but an alternative suggestion you could try.

  9. I've installed this and now my server says "Waiting for server to start authentication" when I try to connect to it. Any idea? 


    Kinda hard with the very limited info provided.


    You need to check the server RPT file as ther eis most likely an error in there somewhere.


    Did you install this mod on a new clean Epoch vanilla server or were there other mods installed and if so what ?.

  10. To clear up any confusion...


    A Plot for Life.


    For Plot Owners

    A Plot for life allows you to build on any plot you own including after death. 


    For people tagged as friendly

    It also alows you to build on someone elses plot if you have them tagged as friendly and after you look at the owners game character one time after logging in (each time you login).  This is to prevent people building on plots you own without you at least being aware some building is going on (a 'friend' deciding to grief your base cannot do so if they login and cannot look at your game character that session).  That feature is standard Epoch.


    Take Ownership (can be turned on or off)

    Takes ownership of all buildable items and assigns these items to the current plot pole owner.  If someone else has built something on your plot then you don't have to do 6 cycles to remove it (friendlies take twice as long to remove as the items owner in standard Epoch).  You also need ownership rights to remove the majority of buildables.  You can raid and hold a base but cannot build and remove as if it was built by you unless you are able to take ownership (unless other custom mods have changed the standard Epoch behaviour).  Locked items are excluded from the take ownership function meaning you still have to tran and break in to safes and locked doors.


    Open doors and safes you own without needing to supply a combination.

    This was a feature half implemented in Epoch but which could not be fully enabled due to how the object ownership data was stored with lockable items.  That has been fixed with A Plot for Life so owners do not need to provide codes for locks they own but still do for locks they do not own.


    Merged with Precise Base Building and Snap Build Pro.

    No need to install these mods seperately as they are already included merged and ready to run.  A new version of Vector Building is also completing testing to be compatible with A Plot for Life v2.5 and should be out soon.


    Code optimisation.

    During the development and maturity of A Plot for life, various other bits of the Epoch building system code have been 'tweeked' to make them more efficient.  Some common code blocks have been given their own external functions to cut down on code duplication and reduce file size. 


    Plot management adds a nice simple GUI for plot builder management, enables building after death and removes the need for plot friendlies to 'see' the plot owners each time they login before they can start building.  It also has a version that integrates with the Single Currency system for paying for maintenance. 


    Using both together is pretty simple and gives the functionality of A Plot for Life with a nice simple GUI for builder managment.


    A scroll wheel system for builder management (add / remove builders, turn build rights on / off without builder removal etc), is planned for the next version of A Plot for Life but there is no current ETA (ie. it will not be soon).  I am currently spending some time on our new Arma 3 mod - Dominion.


    Hi Zupa, 


    As you have probably read above, we need a fix to enable those of us using P4L 2.4/5 to use your Plot Management script. This is the file that has had the player_build call changed in compiles.sqf, called modular_build.sqf.


    If you are using A Plot for Life v2.5, based on what you have posted above, then you may be able to change just fn_check_owner.sqf


    Open the file and replace the contents with

    // Check Ownership by RimBlock (http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/12612-rimblock/)
    private ["_player","_object","_playerUID","_ObjectOwner","_owner","_friendlies","_friendly","_return"];
    _player = _this select 0;
    _Object = _this select 1;
    _Owner = false;
    _friendly = false;
    _playerUID = [_player] call FNC_GetPlayerUID;
    _ObjectOwner = _object getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"];
    _plotfriends = _Object getVariable ["plotfriends",[]];
          _friendlies set [(count _friendlies)],(_x select 0)];
    } forEach _plotfriends;
    if (_playerUID == _ObjectOwner) then {
    	_owner = true;
    if (_ObjectOwner in _friendlies) then {
    	_friendly = true;
    _return = [_owner, _friendly];

    This one change in that one file should work for Player_build, remove, building upgrade and downgrade as they all use this function to check owner and to check friendlies in AP4L v2.5.


    Note: I have no way of testing the above code just now so there may be a type or ARMA 'feature' that causes an error message.  Give it a test.


    If this does not error but does not fix it then Zupa will have to take a look.

  12. Not wishing to hijack but the modular build files are just the player_build.sqf cut in to smaller chunks and called from modular_build.sqf.  The idea was that if you wanted to change a small bit of the build functionality then you could modify a small 'part' file and then your players only need to download that part and not the whole player_build.sqf.  you should be able to find 95% of the code that was in player_build.sqf in the modular build files.


    For checking ownership and firendlies player_build_plotCheck.sqf is the most likely place to check.  For A Plot for Life v2.5 I have created a new function that all the building files use for checking ownership and friendlies.  You may be able to just modify that one file and it will fix it for all building files (upgrade / downgrade etc).  No promises as I have not looked at Zupas code though.  The new function file for A Plot for Life v2.5 is fn_check_owner.sqf (in complie sub directory).

  13. Yep that is pretty much correct.


    With Plot Management, Zupa has provided a nice GUI for managing the plot builders.  The people who can build are stored with the plot pole record by SteamID.


    With my A Plot for Life, it uses the standard Epoch friendlies tagging system.  The owner can build, of course, and any friendlies.  Epoch has a max limit of 5 friendlies that get stored in each player character DB record.  I added the take ownership option so plot pole owners can take ownership of all buildables in range allowing full build control over a plot they have 'captured' or just to align plots with the new system used in A Plot for Life.  Snap Build Pro and Precise Base Building are also included with their creaters consent.


    If you like the plot management GUI then put them both on would be my suggestion.  If you are not too bothered with the GUI then A Plot for Life will probably do.




    The tagging system should not be affected by a server restart.  People you tag are saved in your character record on the DB (CurrentState field in character_data).  There is one trick to it though.  As standard in Epoch, the tagged friendly player has to look at the plot owner after logging in before they can build on the owners plot even if already tagged as friendly.  I suspect that was put in to stop 'friendly tagged' players causing problems building without the owner being aware that their plot was being modified.


    If that is not what is causing the issue for you then post in the A Plot for Life thread and I will see if I can help you to get to the bottom of the issue.

  14. So the second error is saying the _dir variable is not getting set correctly.  It is likely to be either an error populating the variable or the data being read i s not in the expected format.


    Would be easier to point you in the right direction with your server log.  Please do the following.


    Move your server log to somewhere else.

    Start your server (a new log will be created).

    Once the server is running, login.

    Build a new item.

    Upgrade an item.

    Logoff from the server.

    Copy the log to pastebin or something like that and share the link here.

  15. Do you have this line in your server_functions.sqf

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\compile\KK_Functions.sqf";

    Does KK_Functions.sqf exist in your server custom\compile directory (from your Arma server root dir not mpmissions\mapname) ?.


    What it is saying is that the alias for one of the KK functions is not setup correctly so it does not know what to run when the alias is called.

  16. I hate to be a bother , I am new to scripting. Is this the folder were the custom folder gets placed? C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ_Servers\Test_Server.1

    It goes in the same folder as the arma 2 server executable and the mpmissions folder are for the server side of things. The mission side of things go in mpmissions\[mapname]\custom.

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