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Nocturnal Entertainment™

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Posts posted by Nocturnal Entertainment™

  1. Yes that's right nobody is forced to seek out "forum member" and this has already been discussed in detail between "forum member" and "provider manager". "forum member" is actually staff now and working in conjunction with "provider" to get you all some really cool features so you don't have to pay "forum member" anymore.

    "forum member" is only continuing up until the release date of "providers" new releases and features. Upon this release "forum member" will stop what "forum member" is doing and continue to provide support but the bill will be taken care of by the "provider".

    Know-one is trying to lighten any load as "provider" has made it clear they do not support mods, yet.



    you have to pay to have server mods installed!! LMFAO!!! I would rather do it myself... At least I learn something and know where everything is incase it all goes down the sh**ter ;-)


    I am in the same thoughts as you, I too think it is a support staff of one (1 Person) as all tickets are responded to by the same guy... Kinda worrying tbh



    "forum member" agrees with you, which is why "forum member" also used to offer lessons and tutoring if a customer so requested.

    "forum member" mainly was aimed at those that did not wish to learn/didn't have the time. And as you can see by "forum members" community. "forum member" has done quite well so far".

  2. Hey thanks ZeroK00L.


    Yeah that would work but would take an extreme amount of effort to change the values of about 400 items, I'm sure there's a query that could be executed and get this done instantly but I'm not so good with sql and wouldn't know the correct query to execute. A thought I just had while reading/replying to your post was to create a script that that would give all epoch buildables in a defined area invulnerability. Then remove indestructible bases.


    Also does anyone know if the chainsaw actually does damage to wooden doors without indestructible bases active? If not I revert to my first post.


  3. I agree, Indestructible bases does spoil it slightly however its only installed as we have huge in-game built features on our servers eg. a giant pirate ship which is made up of almost 400 buildables, and we want these features to last forever on the server. (or at least till I get done building it in the editor and call it though a script, Then I can simply just use this allowDamage false; and remove the indestructible bases addon. Unfortunately its a rather big job to do in the editor as the 3d editor is extremely temperamental and unfinished and will take a while, which is why I'm looking for a way to allow the chainsaw to brake down the current indestructible wooden doors.

  4. @MikkelBP

    1.Extract your dayz_server.pbo and make a new folder inside it called buildings

    2.Download the script you want or make your own and put it inside your new buildings folder

    3.Now find server_functions.sqf inside your init folder and edit it.

    4.All the way at the bottom add the following:

    //Custom Map Additions
    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\SCRIPT-NAME-HERE.sqf";
    5.Re-Pack, upload and play
  5. This is fantastic work, Thanks for your release :).  Working with my epoch panthera but NOT with battle eye.

    Iv spent my entire night trying to figure out how to add a battle eye exception for a public variable kick this keeps giving me.

    This is what im getting;

    24.02.2014 05:27:56: Harkness[ADMIN] (XXX.XXX.X.XX:XXXX) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - #3 "PVDZE_plr_Characters" = <NULL-object>

    removed personal info

    any help on creating the exception and adding it is greatly appreciated its now 05:30am so I must give up for now.

    Thanks guys

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