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Posts posted by grafzahl

  1. The old a2 epoch loot spawner is available here somewhere as I have had it on my server from day 1 or close to.. gives normal a3 epoch as normal but with extra loot defined in that config.. loot that spawns laying on the ground a2 styleee:)

    To be true: i have already ported the A2 Lootsystem to my A3 Epoch Dev Server (Not the script from wasteland that everyone uses here, the old A2 one with full nested loottable control, more balancing options and so on), thats why i was hoping i could just disable the A3 Epoch Loot completly by setting lootMultiplier = 0;

  2. There is a loot multiplier option inside the epochconfig.hpp :

    lootMultiplier = 0.5; // 1 = max loot bias
    loot.h is for per item spawning, loot multiplier is for everything


    I also like the idea of the CfgBuildingLootPos, so we can define what spawns where :)

    From my POV, lootMultiplier should effect the amount of dropped lootContainers, while the loottable in loots.h will effect whats spawns when you click "Search". So Zero should mean "No Loot at all" and 1 "Lootcrates everyhwere" - But currently the value doesnt do anything.

    Would be great if a dev would take a look on it :)

    CfgBuildingLootPos would be cool, even when i know its a lot harder to get the right coordinates for all the types of boxes... a bed blocking a doorway wouldnt be nice ;) But it would be great for now have the ability to just delete all the weapon-blackboxes from all other houses then baracks and let 50cals only spawn inside the weapon-cases... so we can create some kind of "all-time-hotspots" like in A2 Epoch.

  3. Hi Guys,

    i noticed the new lootMultiplier Option inside the epochconfig.hpp - To give it a try i lowered the number to 0.0001 and restarted my dev server. I didnt notice any change in loot-drop... the loot-containers dropped like normal, the loot inside it also wasnt lowered. Then i changed it to 1, same... not more or less loot then before.

    Then i looked into the client-side code (masterLoop), and i couldnt find any code that requests the actual lootMultiplier. Is it possible that the variable isnt used yet and is just a placeholder?

    Another question: Would it be possible to allow us our own version of the CfgBuildingLootPos class like in A2 Epoch, so we can change/add which typ of containers are possible to drop in which type of houses? Because i want to bring back the old epoch feeling (HC-Weapons only in baracks and stuff like that), but because nearly every type of loot container can drop anywhere, this currently isnt possible. Also its not possible to add loot to not yet configured house-classes on new maps.

  4. We disabled Hexagons completly :)

    Its just another fail-easymode-thing. We didnt had them in A2, they are totaly unrealistic and take the tactical disadvantage large groups normaly have. Leads to Servers where 20 guys are in one TS Channel/Group, bashing anyone else on the server without having to ask who is who in a fight.

    Its so much more tactical gameplay :)

  5. So to clearify: There wont be any Update till epoch 0.3 is out?


    What a shame :( This is the only real mission-system currently on the market, A3EAI is cool, but its not a real "mission", SEM ist for derps... the AI is so dump, the missions are so easy... you could also shoot chickens, no real thread.


    VEMF is not overblowen, slim, easy to install... but it crashes my server from time to time with "Join to another group" rpt-spams, then there are "disappearing AI", that wont let missions be completed... when the completion chance is at 80%.


    PLEASE make a hotfix or something, i dont think that 0.3 will waste your complete framework... ive seen you already did a lot of work on the next version, please pop it out :)

  6. Oh wow... another 5,56 gun in the game that has all the same stats like all other stanag rifles if you put the same attachments on it o.0


    What we reeeealy need are guns like the mosin, enfield and stuff like that, no more High-as-fuck-military-all-the-same guns...


    cool model, but no one would use the L85 when there is a MK18 in the next weaponcase...

  7. Prove it

    Take your Missionfile, create a init.sqf, write following code in it:


    diag_log format ["CODE EXECUTED @ %1", time];
    Save it, start your Server... look how often your Server and your client throws this line in the rpt-log. In your theorie the server should spam the log now every few seconds, in reality your client will write the log once every time you get from the lobby into the game, your server rpt will show the line once or twice when the server starts, then never again till the mission restarts.
  8. The mission file is running about 100% of the time.

    Player logs in? Load mission file.

    Player disconnects? update mission file


    Player makes a new base? (Database AND Mission file are updated)


    Performance issues? Too large of a mission file


    Mission file should NOT be changed, unless the mission.sqm file is being changed itself for addressing addons.

    This Sir, is BS :) The Missionfile is Read-Only and is downloaded by every client(and server) on connect, then executed once, the missionfile doesnt get "updated" by the server or any client, there are only JIP-Requests, but these have nothing todo with code inside the missionfile.

  9. Thats not completely true, you can add pbos to a custom servermod... loading those bases by mission is a huge performance eater

    Why should it be a performance-eater unless you make sure its only executed by isServer and only done once? There should be no difference - Only the Missionfile gets a few KB bigger.
  10. DONT put anything inside the a3_epoch_server.pbo, the devs want to protect us from making misthakes ^^ and do a CRC check on the PBO if we changed anything, if the PBO was customized, the server will crash.

    The only thing you can change is the mission.pbo. Put your Custom Bases inside the Mission-Folder and call the script there, should work.

  11. Well, i only wanted to change some variables like the spawnchance of the antagonists and stuff like that... Actually Epoch feels good, but on the completly wrong map. Without 60+ people on the server you can loot for hours without getting into action, because you can loot everything everywhere... wanted to create some hotspots (they are actually completly missing), and create more of the random antagonist events.


    I understand that you want clean feedback, but feels bad to not be able to touch the code at all...

  12. I asked this a few months ago, and i remember that it cant be turned on again via Missionfile... the Display has been removed in the Mods config.bin, and so i gues you arent able to get it back.


    What you could do is to build a new dialog with some stats and display that when they hit "i", but that would be a lot of work ;)

  13. Hey Guys,


    i dont know if its an Infistar-Issue or just a Epoch-Thingy. When my players use Satchel Charges or fire an RPG... it only destroys the Houses/Vehicles around the Player, but the player doesnt get any damage at all, even if the other player stays right on the satchel charge, he doesnt get any damage... if he parks his car on the satchel, the cars blows up but the player can just jump out of the car and run away.


    Anyone of you already had a look at this?

  14. Can you post your fixed code?  Having the same problem sporadically.  People can now sell gems at traders so more people are mining. 


    Insert this to the client-only part of your init.sqf or put it in an external sqf-file and execute it via execVM-Call:


    "dayzEpochRmvWreck" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
    	_iType = (_this select 1) select 1;
    	_iPos = (_this select 1) select 0;
    	_list = nearestObjects [_iPos, [_iType], 3];
    	{deleteVehicle _x;} foreach _list;

    I gues you already use a customized remove.sqf? Then here are my changes...

    Find the line that says "sleep 0.1;", BEFORE this line you add the following:

    _notNearestPlayer = _obj call dze_isnearest_player;
    if (_notNearestPlayer) then {
    	cutText ["Another player is to close - Canceled deconstruction", "PLAIN DOWN"];
    	r_doLoop = false;

    Now search for the line that says

    if (_isMine) then {

    and after it you insert:

    dayzEpochRmvWreck = [getPos _obj,_objType];
    publicVariable "dayzEpochRmvWreck";

    I hope i havent forgot anything, ah... you need to adjust your publicvariable.txt of battleye... just add !="dayzEpochRmvWreck" to the first kick-line.

  15. It depends how you structured your economy, my server has very harsh settings - Most Cars and Weapons are Expensive, selling cars is maxed at 10 gold, and choppers are maxed at 20 gold... Most of the Weapons dont give you more then 3-5 Gold, also we lowered the general loottable-weapon-output. We are aiming for long-term and realistic fun, not the 2 DMRs in every Barrack, 10000 Vehicles, 4 Briefcases for everything-fun-server-stuff.

    So in my case, mining the veins is one of the best jobs to earn gold... also we have a gem-trader with randomized prices each restart, so you have to check when it is the best time to sell your earned gems... each gem can give you up to 12 gold.


    It depends, but yeah, on most servers out there there are better ways to earn gold.

  16. We had this issue on many servers, and i know servers that also say "we fixed the vein-duping-bug", so it seems to be a standard-epoch-issue that not only me has faced before. I also played on other servers before and had the same bug with ruins of destructed buildables.


  17. Ok, nevermind, solved it myself...


    If anyone wants to know: I added a check for nearestplayer inside the remove.sqf, so only one player at a time can deconstruct something. Then i added a new publicvariableHandler that fires when you finished to deconstruct a vein, it searches for the veine wreck on every client and deletes it on all clients. In my tests everything worked fantastic, no duping or glitching when removing anything... the wrecks are instantly gone on all clients, and the deconstruction process stops if another player gets to close on the veine wreck.


    Still dont know why no one every adressed this bug, because as i said... its the most popular duping bug which can bring groups a nearly infinite amount of gold.

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