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Posts posted by FoamysWorld

  1. Hey Foamy!

    I have to say this is propably the best missions system I've ever used. It's so simple to use and yet it has so much in it. I've used it only for about 24 hours and made 4 working missions. I still have a few questions/problems:


    When I'm creating a wreck in a mission the lootbox would spawn inside the wreck. This really isn't that big of a deal as you can still loot it but how could I make it so it would spawn next to the wreck?

    And the other question which is in my opinion more important. Would it be possible to remove the mission marker from the map as soon as  you've completed the mission. Let's say that you have a stash house and it has 6 AI's. I'd like the marker to get removed when those 6 AI's are killed. How would I do it?

    Last question: How would I clean up the dead bodies?

    Thanks for the kind words, I am glad you like the system. Ok on to your questions.

    1. To combat the wreck issue you can get a loc from the wreck and then set a new loc that is say 3-5 meters in any direction from the wreck and spawn it there.

    2. On the first page of this thread there is a link to a very detailed youtube tutorial on how to create missions using my system and I cover every aspect of FMission, including markers. I think that video will answer your marker questions. If after watching that video you still have questions just post and I will help you further. I usually check this forum every few days so my response may not be immediate.

    3. Cleanup is handled by the mission script, again that is all covered in the tutorial video.

    Let me know if you have any questions after watching the video.

  2. You should just Fork it so you can keep working on it in your own repo (if you want to keep working on this) since I don't have time to review code to do pull req's into my repo anymore. Any dev time I have is devoted to my Arma 3 projects so have at it, just make sure my credits remain in all files related to FMission.

  3. See, this is exactly what I was hoping for when I did this. Seeing you guys work together to make it better. LOVE IT!


    I wish I had time to devote to FMission since my coding skills have increased dramatically (about 3000 hours) since I wrote this system and I could make it super wicked now but alas I am committed to my new projects for Arma 3 and need to finish those before doing anything else. Perhaps once I get those up and running I can come back to FMission and make it the best missions system for epoch hands down.


    I am re-doing my master dev server next week so maybe I will setup an A2 Dev environment and finish up the last of those other missions I did.


    For those interested in my other projects here is a bit of info.


    CQ - ETA Summer 2015

    "Closed Quarters" is a Team DM platform for Arma 3 that will be a fast paced COD style of game play with kill streaks, perks, levels, achievements etc etc. We are going all out on this with great visuals, sounds and level design. There is nothing like this out there for Arma. 


    We changed forums and services for our new games so here is the new link to the main community.


  4. Hi, thanks for pointing out all that :)

    In my case, I decided to reduce the markerRadius and so far it's been working fine.


    Another question:

    What if I want to spawn a mission on a static location?

    What would be the right sintax to modify the line:

    _spawnMarker = 'center';

    Can I use coordinates there?


    Yeah to do static locs just put coords in after _pos = blah blah, then reference that pos in your call.

  5. Thank you very much for your answers. I tried to add it again from cero and it worked, and as you said, the AI with RPG only attack vehicles, but it's exactly what I wanted :). I had to create a different Loot SQF file called "FLoot_RPG.sqf" with the proper content to do so, and call it this way:

        if (_unit_type == "RPG") then 
    		_chance = .50;
    		_diceroll = random 1;
    		if (_diceroll < _chance) then 
    		"BanditW2_DZ" createUnit [_aispawnpos, _aigroup, "_aiunit=this;",1,"PRIVATE"];
    		"Bandit1_DZ" createUnit [_aispawnpos, _aigroup, "_aiunit=this;",1,"PRIVATE"];
    		_null = [_aiunit] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FLoot\FLoot_RPG.sqf";


    :) Thanks





    Another question, I've noticed that the Mine Fields remain after Missions Clean Up...... so, I tried to assign it a name, without having too much knowledge about it, this way:

    _minefield = [_loot_pos,east,.50] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FMinefield\FMinefield.sqf";


    And then add it to the Clean Up Process:

    deleteGroup _minefield;
    deleteVehicle _minefield;



    And guess what?... I didn't work :D :D ...


    How can I Clean Up the Mines after missions?

    {if (typeof _x == "MineE" or typeof _x == "EmptyDetector") 
    then {deletevehicle _x; };} foreach (NearestObjects [_pos, [], 180]) ;	

    As posted a few posts back you have to delete the detectors as well.

  6. Not sure how you would get them to use them, they usually only attack vehicles with them when they do anyway. But this thing still works??  It's like 4 versions outdated or so =P (according to the readme.md)

     As oSo said, the AI usually only shoot at vehicles with RPG's. As far as FMission still working despite being written a few versions ago, I designed it that way. I wrote it in a way that it should continue to function through Epoch upgrades. It's a self contained system that uses Arma functions so it's technically independent of Epoch, it just runs from the scheduler, which is super convenient.


    Not to say anything against the other mission systems as they all have their merits, but this one was designed because I found the others less flexible and independent than I was looking for. Short of it is, FMission is extremely flexible, you can make just about any kind of mission your brain can conjure up, and it should continue to function until Arma changes the functions I used.


    I did a video on how to make missions with FMission for anyone interested in making missions, it's linked in the first post.

  7. Any way to make the mines stronger? So far the best they do is break your legs or take off a little blood (sometimes then do nothing, they'll explode, the guy makes a moaning noise but no blood loss or broken bones!!). They do nothing to stop vehicles. I'd like them to at least knock a guy to the ground, leave him half dead and for vehicles, just blow a wheel or two off :)


    You could do one of two things, use a slightly larger explosive or code it to do specific damage when activated. Could even get fancy and make random damages, etc.


    Hey, thanks for this, I need to use with my treasure and Military epoch events.


    Quick question, do I need to add _markershape, _markercolor, _missiontype & _refreshmarker to the private array at the top of my events?


    Currently, they have _event_marker in the private array and the marker block looks like this:

    _event_marker = createMarker [ format ["loot_event_marker_%1", _start_time], _position];
    _event_marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
    _event_marker setMarkerColor "ColorYellow";
    _event_marker setMarkerAlpha 0.5;
    _event_marker setMarkerSize [(_markerRadius + 50), (_markerRadius + 50)];

    Sorry if I'm asking a daft question but, I'm not savvy with coding.... :/




    You should always put private variables in the private scope.

  9. Megaz,

    Sorry I haven't had time to work on the kinks in my missions. hope to get back to it soon. Will def post when they are working.


    my biggest issue is with map marker cleanup. Can't seem to get them to go away.


    The markers showing or not is dependent on the variable EPOCH_MISSION1_RUNNING so make sure your mission is setting this to true at the start and false at the end, launch the marker script after you have declared that variable true.

  10. Hey guys, glad to see you all still using this. I updated my other missions but I can't release them just yet. The gaming community I am part owner of is almost done tweaking our Overpoch server and it will be running my missions for a bit before I make them avail to everyone. Honestly I am surprised there are no missions posted that people have created with this. It appears some of you have made them? Anyways, I know the community would appreciate your contributions and as I have always said, if the mission is good I will include it in the missions pack and give you credit so let's see em guys!

  11. I can't take it anymore.. you guys are not formatting your files correctly. I made a post that spells out how to do a proper server side map addition http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10759-need-help-adding-custom-buildings-impossible/?p=75425 go read it and you will see that all you need are the basics, and make sure to pay attention to what I wrote about the bldobj myth. 


    Hopefully you guys won't have any further formatting questions after you read that post. I just can't stand to watch you guys struggle when the info is right there.. all you have to do is read it.

  12. I still lurk guys, I am just very busy coding for a Top Altis Life server. We are about to release the project I have been working on for the last month or so. Word is the community I am now part owner of might be doing an Epoch server as well after we get the new Altis Life version out.


    That means I will probably update FMission a bit around that time as well. I still have a few missions that weren't released yet so I will also most likely finish the first mission pack and fill it out with the other missions, I think in total there are 6 or 7 missions.


    Don't forget I updated the main post with a tutorial video on how to make missions with FMission.


    If you guys are curious where I am at here is the link to our community.


  13. Then someone else says this:



    I don't know what to believe, I think many people including myself would appreciate some proper documentation of how the events work. (if that already exists, please link me to it) Have searched around and couldn't find anything about this yet.




    It's system time, I was really tired when I replied. My bad. I should sleep more. I updated my original answer...

  14. Well I was testing FMission with Arma 2 Beta versions 1.63.122555 and 1.63.124802, the latter of which will soon be required for Epoch 1.0.5, and it was throwing up undefined variable errors.   Using your default Missions and my own missions in seperate tests.


    Just thought I'd help you with porting your Event System over to the latest beta patches, but oh well no loss to me.  I'll keep my fixes and my files to myself then. 


    From my GitHub:

    "(NOTE: All scripts tested and scripted for and No, I will not be upgrading to the latest Epoch Version)"


    Sorry but I have no intention of keeping up to date with Arma 2 patches or Epoch updates. I have moved on to coding for a top Altis Life server. I don't play Epoch anymore so it makes no sense for me to keep developing for it. If you want to update the files be my guest, I just have no interest in doing it.

  15. They are the default files from your github :)


    Obviously I run my own missions with your system which I won't be publishing anywhere, they are coded correctly :)



    All the EPOCH_MISSION1/2/3_RUNNING's are all in upper case in all the files they are present in, I dunno why it's spitting them out as lowercase in the rpt file :D



    All errors have been created via these files:






    If you won't post your mission then I am afraid I can't help you. I can assure you the issue is NOT with FMission. FMission has been thoroughly tested so unless you have altered the files contained within my system, which I clearly state on my Github to NOT do, it is a problem with your mission script.


    If you would like to post the script I will take a look, otherwise... good luck to you. 

  16. Hey Foamy, I'm getting undefined variable errors with Fmission using the latest beta 112555 and the dev branch beta 124802.

    17:10:04 "FMission Launcher 1: Spawn Chance Succeeded with 0.279454 it needed to be lower than 0.7"
    17:10:04 Error in expression <ion_type == "M1") then
    { deleteVehic>
    17:10:04   Error position: <EPOCH_MISSION1_RUNNING)
    { deleteVehic>
    17:10:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: epoch_mission1_running
    17:10:04 File z\addons\dayz_server\addons\FMission\FAI\FAI_Create_Unit.sqf, line 178

    These happen with FAI_Create_Unit.sqf, FAI_Create_Heli.sqf and FAI_Create_Vehicle.sqf


    Errors fill the RPT file when a mission runs.


    Got a fix? :)


    Post the entire mission file that is causing the error and I will look at it.


    "17:10:04 Error Undefined variable in expression: epoch_mission1_running" <---- not supposed to be lowercase for one thing.


    my question is how to do it?


    this is the location of my character where i abored : [64,[4627,16680.1,0.002]]



    Do I just change this :


    // This sets the global position coords the mission needs to run, do not change.
    _position = [getMarkerPos _spawnMarker,0,_spawnRadius,10,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    _loot_pos = [_position,0,(_markerRadius - 100),10,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    to this:
    _position = [64,[4627,16680.1,0.002]];
    _loot_pos = [_position,0,(_markerRadius - 100),10,0,20,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    Thanks in advance


    _position = [xxxx.xxxx, xxxx.xxxx];
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