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Posts posted by Kroenen

  1. Whether or not the traders are empty or 'pre-stocked' will only ever help when the server 1st opens it's doors. Within 24 hours, most likely all of those materials will have been bought by the first few people able to rustle up enough vehicle sales to be able to buy them.


    In all likelihood, the end results will be the same - early players will get a head start because they played enough to buy all the materials, so all subsequent materials will have to be looted.


    As second_coming points out, it will likely be configurable, but I reckon whatever way it goes, you won't find building supplies for sale very often after they first sell out.

  2. Epoch server settings would be changed every patch, so not the best place for these changes.


    Surely an even better place for it would be creating an atms.sqf inside a custom pbo in @Epochhive\addons\ - I run all my map edits from there, and it seems to work quite well :)


    Like so;

    private ["_objs"];
    _objs = [
    	["Land_Atm_01_F", [13326.2,14498.5,0],248,[0,0,1],true],
    	["Land_Atm_01_F", [6199.3,16847.2,0],56,[0,0,1],true],
    	["Land_Atm_01_F", [18468.7,14268.9,0],86,[0,0,1],true]
    	private ["_obj"];
    	_obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    	if (_x select 4) then {
    		_obj setDir (_x select 2);
    		_obj setPos (_x select 1);
    	} else {
    		_obj setPosATL (_x select 1);
    		_obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
    } foreach _objs;

  3. Hey!

    When players are eating Sweetcorn or other cooked meat of any kind the statusbar dissapears and wont come back until the player disconnect and connect again to the server, anyone experienced the same? What causes this Oo

    I'm experiencing the same random disappearing of the bar...didn't notice if it was caused by eating though. Will keep an eye on that.


    I have have player reports of when it disappears, it causes issues with trading too though, possibly due to the krypto indicator also disappearing.

  4. I'd contacted my GSP (GTX Gaming) for support prior to reading this thread regarding BEC not working.


    After reading this thread, and nulls post on BI forums, I sent my GSP the link and explained BEC had been terminated.


    The response I got was "I would do a full reinstall as there is obviously some problems here" :D

  5. I dont see any errors, but i do see that the pbo is loading. here is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/r8uNyLFC

    Check your init sqf. If you copy/pasted directly from the install instructions, it's missing a semi-colon.

    [] execVM "start_blck.sqf";

    I also had some BE filter issues, which were only resolved once I added the following;

    7 setMarker !="Local" !"setMarkerColor" !"setMarkerShape"
    7 createMarker !="__CUR_MP.Altis\custom\debug\addmarkers.sqf" !="_CUR_MP.Altis\custom\debug\addmarkers2.sqf" !="_CUR_MP.Altis\custom\debug\addmarkers75.sqf" !="_CUR_MP.Altis\custom\debug\addmarkers752.sqf"

    However, I still haven`t seen a mission spawn, and no errors in the RPT...

  6. OK, I'll concede that point. However, until the anti-hacks are at such a stage where they actually block current hacks, is it not preferable to share information on potential problem players? I mean, you can take the advice, or leave it, but you shouldn;t try to dissuade others from adding the people to their own ban lists. It should be up to the server owner, and server owners alike should be sharing this information.


    As an example, in A2 there's been a hack around for months where everyone gets teleported and killed, and entire bases can be deleted at will. This 'hole' still hasn`t been plugged.


    Now in A3, we're already seeing people reporting the same hacks....should we wait patiently for BE to recognise the problem?

  7. Comparing BE global bans to a random admin's ban list?. Slightly different different case there.

    And how is it any different? The end result is exactly the same. You end up with a list of banned people from your server, who in all likelihood, have never even been on your server. This is the point I'm making.

  8. Thanks so much Robio, that sorted it out. Thanks also to Knight too. I grabbed the addon names from Chernarus but that didn't fix it. The fix above from Robio worked great though.


    Now that's gotten rid of the main errors, it seems the same objects still throw up a 'No owner' error as the server starts too. I can live with those though.

    15:23:21 "Starting Custom Content PBO"
    15:23:21 c:\w\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!
    15:23:21 No owner
    15:23:21 No owner
    15:23:21 No owner
    etc etc...
  9. Thanks again, but sadly that didn't cure it either. Unless I'm mistaken, surely changing the mission.sqm wouldn't affect the server as it's starting up, only when the mission is initiated by a player connecting?


    Really hoping I don't need to create this map edit from scratch again. There was no indication in the M3Editor vehicle lists regarding what addon the objects came from, so I have no idea if they`re part of AiA or not :S

  10. Not sure if anyone can help with this, I spent a few hours creating an AI Stronghold/Base/Thingy on Altis using the M3editor, and packed it into a pbo. No problem at all, and a fantastic easy tool to use!


    Problem is, I think I may have accidentally added in some invalid map objects as the server starts up with the following errors; (PLEASE NOTE: This is server side and not the client RPT)

    Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.
    Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.

    My server is running the latest AiATP pack ( and has been for a while) with the start parameters;


    The AI Base I created looks fine, nothing missing, but the errors still spam the RPT when it starts up. I could just ignore them, but I'd rather fix the problem. I'm assuming whilst building the area, I've used old objects from an old pack or something?


    Is there an easy way to figure out which objects they are and fix the errors?


    Many thanks in advance!

  11. I'm probably missing something staring me in the face here, but is there no way of turning on player nametags? This occurred to me last night when I was in a group of 3...I literally have no idea which player is which.

  12. Thanks Ghostrider - I've been using the files exactly as they are in the installation guide. I tried setting the battleye switch to 0, which didn't appear to do anything at all, and I've tried both with the default BE filters, and the ones which are running on my live server.


    However, since then, I've managed to get connected on a Chernarus map with BE enabled, so I'm guessing it has something to do with the map (Napf) I was testing. That said, even though I can connect to the Chernarus map wthout problems, it still initiates a map vote every time I connect, which is frustrating. The relevant configs are detailed below;

    // VOTING
    voteMissionPlayers	= 200;    // Prevents Votes.
    voteThreshold		= 2; // Prevents Votes.


    // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) epoch.Altis epoch.Stratis epoch_noZ.Altis
    class Missions
    	class Epoch {
    		template = epoch.Altis; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS, IT WILL BREAK YOUR SERVER
    		difficulty = "veteran";    // difficulty settings: veteran == NORMAL, mercenary == HARDCORE
  13. Like a lot of the users above, I have followed this excellent tutorial to the letter, and the server starts and seems to run fine. However, I still can't join thanks to damn Battleye.


    1 - I've tried loading into game numerous times, then going into the scripts.txt and changing the kicks I get to '1'. It stops the kick, but then I just get a different one. Now I'm stuck with one that won't go away no matter what I do.

    MPEventHandler RemoteExec Restriction #0

    2 - Like Dishner above, I get vote map coming up every time (which adds another 50 secs to the logging in process). 

  14. You can grab the aif_napfobjects from the same link as you get the Napf Island from...it's linked halfway down, but this should work; (looks like armaholic doesn`t like linking externally)

    Arma 3 usage:
    You can use this island in Arma 3 when you use ArmA 3 Map Pack - A3MP.
    However, you need to replace the aif_napfobjects.pbo or the game will crash on start. The fixed pbo can be downloaded here: 
    Napf Island Arma 3 compatible.


    I assume once all is downloaded and the correct files updated, we can just upload the @Napf folder to the server and alter the start.bat?


    Would love to get Napf running, but I'm assuming there must be more that needs altered, such as ATM positions etc?

  15. If you read my post u would see , no RPT errors .. and I have tried the custom folder, in the root where the @folders are as the instructions say, as well in the server pbo, 

    I see what you're saying, but if you've installed as per the instructions, you have to make sure the relevant files are called correctly.


    When I put P4L on, I already had a pretty custom server, so I manually merged the server files with my existing ones inside the pbo. This involves comparing the server monitor, compiles etc to ensure everything is referenced correctly, then packed everything up in the server pbo.


    If your RPT shows no errors and it's stuck on wait for host, I'd assume that means the server isn't starting correctly.

  16. No One has answer on mine ?? nothing .. not where to point me to resolving this above post

    That custom folder will do nothing where it is. I haven`t looked at the install guide lately, but I'd guess that the contents of the server folder should get packed up inside the server pbo. Perhaps have a read through the installation again.


    Checking your RPT for errors is usually a good place to start.

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