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Posts posted by scender


    I had a script error in my variables.sqf causing a similar issue after the upgrade. Try starting with a clean RPT file and scan for errors, I am sure you will find one :) Also, try running the HC from a new instance of dayz epoch;

    Find the @Dayz_Epoch folder
    Copy it
    Paste it
    This should make a folder called @Dayz_epoch copy(1)
    Rename it to: @Dayz_Epoch_HC
    Change your HC launch params to -mod=@Dayz_Epoch_HC


    Thank you for the reply :) I have no custom variables currently, so I have ruled that out. I have also tried reinstalling the beta, making a second epoch folder with _HC appended. The disconnects still happen, and the HC is getting stuck in debug.


    Here is from the client RPT when it happens:

    (*the "no speaker given" line changes, its a new name each time)

    No speaker given for Anthony Hirasaki
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup
    Network simulation, time = 0.372
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup
    Group B 1-1-A (0x1aed9900) - network ID 2:11847
     - no main subgroup

    Here is the Server RPT lines with UID replaced by XXXXXXX:

     7:10:10 "get: STRING (XXXXXXXX), sent: STRING (XXXXXXXX)"
     7:10:10 "DISCONNECT: HeadlessClient (XXXXXXXX) Object: B 1-1-A:1 (HeadlessClient) REMOTE, _characterID: 0 at loc [20387,-5039.4,145.094]"
     7:10:10 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character HeadlessClient as no characterID"
     7:10:10 Client: Remote object 2:19 not found
     7:10:10 Client: Remote object 2:20 not found
     7:10:10 Client: Remote object 2:21 not found

    Those are the only indications of any errors within the RPT or other log files.


    Disabling mods 1 by 1 but nothing has effected it. I was under the impression the Remote object not found errors were network related, but I don't know really what the error messages mean. These messages are the same for connecting to the server via localhost, and remote via another admins PC/my PC.


    Not really sure what changes were made between 1.0.4 > that would affect the connectivity of HC. Looking at the files didn't turn up much of an answer, i'm really at my wits end here.

  2. Hello there!


    I am having some issues ever since upgrading the server to


    We run a headless client to offload the AI on our server, and after updating it seems to be getting kicked to lobby repeatedly. This only happens for our HeadlessClient, or any dedicated client we have connect to the server. I should add that the following lines are the only indication of these disconnects, there is no BE kick or connection loss.


    12:19:01 "DISCONNECT: HeadlessClient (XXXXXXXX) Object: HeadlessClient, _characterID: 0 at loc [13612.1,3064.58,0.00120544]"
    12:19:01 "ERROR: Cannot Sync Character HeadlessClient as no characterID"
    It appears that the HC is not fully loading into the server, so gets kicked to lobby. The problem with this is every time the HC reconnects after being kicked, the AI spawns are ran again and it degrades server performance immensely as the HC offloads ownership to the server.
    I have applied a CA folder fix posted on the git, as well as removed the folder. Doing both of those allowed regular players to connect and load in fine, just not our HC. The HC can be seen in game when he loads in to spawn the AI, he just doesn't stick around...
    Still trying many things like vanilla server install with HC as the only addition, I will report my findings if any.
    Any help or guidance would be much appreciated, as I have exhausted much resources trying to fix this. Thank you!
  3. Hmm, I too own the CO retail box set, and I don't experience the errors, thanks for the info. it helps :)


    Edit: okay I think I got it, if you don't mind testing this (i don't get errors with it on my test rig).


    So, replace the contents of the file init.sqf in CA\modules\functions\init.sqf with the contents of this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/AQJ1gSAV


    Next create a file called fn_initCounter.sqf in the same folder as init.sqf, use this pastebin for it: http://pastebin.com/8z02LfiM



    Thank you, this fix worked for me!
  4. In dayz_server/init/server_functions.sqf 

    server_checkHackers = {
    	if (DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd > 3) then { DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil; DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = 0; };
    	if(!isNil "DZE_DYN_HackerCheck") exitWith {  DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd = DZE_DYN_AntiStuck2nd + 1;};
    	DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = true;
    		if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["Sarge",0] !=1)) then {
    			diag_log ("CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER " + (name _x) + " " + str(_x) + " IN " + (typeOf vehicle _x));
    			(vehicle _x) setDamage 1;
    			_x setDamage 1;
    			sleep 0.25;
    		sleep 0.001;
    	} forEach allUnits;
    	DZE_DYN_HackerCheck = nil;

    Change Sarge to whatever variable you are using

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