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Posts posted by DangerRuss

  1.  I was having trouble getting this to run. I followed everything in the tutorial, but I could not get HALV's weedfarms.sqf to load up. Went ahead and added the weedfarm.sqf to my Missions inside my Scripts folder. Then added          [] execVM "Scripts\weedfarm.sqf"; in my init.sqf. Started showing on my map (Chernarus). I am using Vilayer server hosting. Maybe you can add that to the tutorial for those who get stuck like I did when using HALV's script? Unless I am the only one who ran into situation.

    I think adding his script to the mission pbo and calling it in the init.sqf is pretty standard stuff man. People who are stuck are just gonna have to do it the old fashioned way and read the comments. Kudos to you for detailing your specific problem and the solution you found, this will help anyone who is lost.

  2. My biggest problem with infiSTAR is the be filters. For epoch they work no problem, for vanilla and Overwatch they cause tons of kicks and constantly need filtering. I can't keep up because it's just me

    Otherwise this antihack has helped me infinitely and I would recommend it. Christian is s good guy and very helpful always

  3. There's an accelerated time script out there somewhere. Search opendayz.net. look for my user name and search my post history. The only small problem with it, is it syncs every ten minutes. So if you die, it'll be daylight for you for ten minutes before re- syncing with you and instantly turning to night again (assuming it's night time).

  4. this isnt related to my script ...


    not exactly sure what the problem is for you, but iirc the fa_hiveMaintenance error was in overwatch even before the new patch ... i cant remeber what it was and why tho.

    alright maybe it was there and just buried because my RPT is suddenly over a mb in size and im pretty sure I had most of the errors sorted. I'll keep looking for other errors but Im not seeing anything related to your script.


    Just did another look through and im only seeing the above errors, a small error in my loot table, and an error in the playerdied.sqf.

  5. TBH there are a couple of new errors in my RPT that Im not sure where they come from. I think the one is related to my kill messages as it deals with

    14:12:55   Error position: <_victim removeAllEventHandlers "MPHit";

    but theres this which I haven't seen before until just now.

    10:19:28   Error Undefined variable in expression: _type
    10:19:28 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fa_hiveMaintenance.sqf, line 267
    10:19:28 Error in expression <j" from 0 to (count _vehcat-1) do {
    if (_type == ((_vehcat select _j) select 0))>
    10:19:28   Error position: <_type == ((_vehcat select _j) select 0))>

    Heres a bit of that block from the fa_hivemaintenance.sqf

    	// check the amount of vehicles of each kind
    		_type =	_x select 2;
    		for "_j" from 0 to (count _vehcat-1) do {
    			if (_type == ((_vehcat select _j) select 0)) then {
    				_count = ((_vehcat select _j) select 1);
    				if (_count > 0) then {
    					(_vehcat select _j) set [1, (_count-1)];
    					if ((_x select 8) >= 1) then { 
    						(_myArray select _forEachIndex) set [8, 0.9] ; // damage = 0.9 so this veh will me respawned

    Im not really sure if this is related, do you know?


    just spotted this one too. Another fa_hivemaintenance. Im pretty sure I didnt have these in the RPT before... Im gonna remove the script and see if they're still in the RPT

    _type =	_x select 2;
    for "_j" from 0 to (count _>
    10:19:28   Error position: <_x select 2;
    for "_j" from 0 to (count _>
    10:19:28   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
    10:19:28 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fa_hiveMaintenance.sqf, line 265
    10:19:28 Error in expression <j" from 0 to (count _vehcat-1) do {
    if (_type == ((_vehcat select _j) select 0))>

    I removed the execVM calling the script and these are still in my database so Im stumped as to what these are.

  6. it does sound wierd tho, this is only supposed to be running serverside, so it shouldnt be blocked by antihacks and i dont see anything in the script that could possibly be blocked for a good reason anyways.


    ill see if i can think of a diffrent way to do this tho (god i hope a new working beta will be availible soon)

    Is there a way to run it in the server PBO instead of the mission PBO or wont that even make a difference? 

    Maybe if I click my heels together 3 times infiSTAR will pop in and tell us how to whitelist this? lol

  7. ok, check again, that the script is identical to the one here, there was a minor error around line 19, which could be the reason its not cleaning for you


    also note that it waits 5min (was 10min) before it actually starts cleaning

    alright I will retry, but to make sure Im being clear, the script is only working for me, and no one else. Which is why I originally suspected an antihack conflict.


    Yea the script is the exact same you posted above. I checked the server after several hours and there were tons of parachutes still floating around, but mine disappears when I land, so perhaps I need to whitelist it somehow? Not sure how though.

  8. called it HALOcleanup.sqf.... slapped it in my fixes folder with the other HALO stuff. Called it at the bottom of the init.sqf above the halo script.

    [] execVM "fixes\HALOcleanup.sqf";
    MC_BIS_halo_spawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\haloInit.sqf";
    _mkr = "spawn" + str(round(random 4));
    if (!isDedicated) then {
        [] spawn {
            waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_animalCheck") and
    !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000 and
    typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ") and
    !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -2000 and
    (typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ" or
    typeOf player == "SurvivorW2_DZ") ) and
    !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 0 and
    (typeOf player == "Bandit1_DZ" or
    typeOf player == "BanditW1_DZ") )
            if (PVCDZ_plr_Login2 select 2) then
                _pos = position player;
                _mkr setMarkerPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1];
                player spawn MC_BIS_halo_spawn;
    			_nul = [] execVM "custom\altimeter.sqf";

    ill change it to check for both types, but im cautious about using parachutebase, cause it will delete my airdrop parachutes aswell, since they dont have any passengers


    meanwhile try change this:

    }forEach (entities "ParachuteWest");

    to this:

    }forEach (entities "ParachuteC");

    try this:

    	//start timer, time before script starts ... could be adjusted
    	sleep 300;
    	[] spawn {
    		while {true} do {
    			_allPWest = (entities "ParachuteWest");
    			if(count _allPWest < 0)then{
    					if(count (crew _x) < 1 and _x distance [0,0,0] > 250)then{
    						//comment this log out, when it seems to work
    						diag_log format["ANTIPARA: '%1' '%2' - (%3) %4",typeOf _x,_x,mapGridPosition _x,getPos _x];
    						_x setPos [0,0,0];
    						_x setDamage 1;
    						deleteVehicle _x;
    				}forEach _allPWest;
    			_allPC = (entities "ParachuteC");
    			if(count _allPC < 0)then{
    					if(count (crew _x) < 1 and _x distance [0,0,0] > 250)then{
    						//comment this log out, when it seems to work
    						diag_log format["ANTIPARA: '%1' '%2' - (%3) %4",typeOf _x,_x,mapGridPosition _x,getPos _x];
    						_x setPos [0,0,0];
    						_x setDamage 1;
    						deleteVehicle _x;
    				}forEach _allPC;
    			//more time here, the longer inbetween cleanup cycles but will save server resources
    			//less time will clean faster, but might have impact on server performance
    			sleep (5 + (random 15));

    No joy, same problem as the last one I believe. Deletes my parachute, no one elses.

  10. ah yea I spoke too soon on that first one man. I think the antihack is blocking the script. It deletes my parachute just fine but no one elses. Any idea how I'd whitelist it, assuming thats the issue?


    Edit- also, Im using the latest version infiSTAR sent me and the fix server fps does not seem to be deleting parachutes as someone said earlier.


    When I go to delete one of the parachutes manually its parachuteC if that makes any difference

  11. Ah nvm I got on my work pc. here they are



    scriptName "modules_e\Functions\objects\fn_HALO.sqf";
    	File: fn_HALO.sqf
    	Author: Karel Moricky
    	High Altitude Low Opening
    	_this:	ARRAY	- starts HALO jump directly
    		OBJECT	- waits until unit in array is out of vehicle
    sleep 0.01;
    //--- HALO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (typename _this == typename objnull) then {
    	_unit = _this;
    	//--- Eject!
    	waituntil {(vehicle _unit) iskindof "ParachuteBase" || !isnil {_unit getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_now"}};
    	if (!local _unit) exitwith {};
    	//--- Delete parachute
    	_parachute = vehicle _unit;
    	if (_parachute != _unit) then {
    		deletevehicle _parachute;
    	//--- Init
    	_dir = ([[0,0,0],velocity _unit] call bis_fnc_dirto);
    	_unit setdir _dir;
    	_unit switchmove "HaloFreeFall_non";
    	//--- Key controls
    	if (_unit == player) then {
    		//--- PLAYER ------------------------------------------------
    		_brightness = 0.99;
    		_pos = position player;
    		_parray = [
    		/* 00 */		["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 12, 13, 0],
    		/* 01 */		"",
    		/* 02 */		"Billboard",
    		/* 03 */		1,
    		/* 04 */		3,
    		/* 05 */		[0,0,-200],
    		/* 06 */		wind,
    		/* 07 */		0,
    		/* 08 */		1.275,
    		/* 09 */		1,
    		/* 10 */		0,
    		/* 11 */		[100],
    		/* 12 */		[
    		/* 13 */		[1000],
    		/* 14 */		0,
    		/* 15 */		0,
    		/* 16 */		"",
    		/* 17 */		"",
    		/* 18 */		player
    		bis_fnc_halo_clouds = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos;  
    		bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleParams _parray;
    		bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleRandom [0, [100, 100, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0, 0, [0, 0, 0, 0], 0, 1];
    		bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleCircle [00, [00, 00, 00]];
    		bis_fnc_halo_clouds setDropInterval (0.4 - (0.3 * overcast));
    		//--- Effects
    		bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur = ppeffectcreate ["RadialBlur",464];
    		bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.01,0.01,0.3,0.3];
    		bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectCommit 0.01;
    		bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectEnable true ; 
    		bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop = time;
    		playsound "BIS_HALO_Flapping";
    		bis_fnc_halo_action = _unit addaction [localize "STR_HALO_OPEN_CHUTE","fixes\fn_HALO.sqf",[],1,true,true,"Eject"];
    		bis_fnc_halo_keydown = {
    			_key = _this select 1;
    			//--- Forward
    			//if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliForward')) then {
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveForward')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_vel < +bis_fnc_halo_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel + bis_fnc_halo_velAdd};
    			//--- Backward
    			//if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliBack')) then {
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveBack')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_vel > -bis_fnc_halo_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel - bis_fnc_halo_velAdd};
    			//--- Left
    			//if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliCyclicLeft')) then {
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnLeft')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_dir > -bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir - bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd};
    			//--- Right
    			//if (_key in (actionkeys 'HeliCyclicRight')) then {
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnRight')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_dir < +bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir + bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd};
    		bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_keydown;"];
    		//--- Loop
    		bis_fnc_halo_vel = 0;
    		bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = 0.2;
    		bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = 0.03;
    		bis_fnc_halo_dir = 0;
    		bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = 1;
    		bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = 0.06;
    		[] spawn {
    			_time = time - 0.1;
    			while {alive player && vehicle player == player && isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}} do {
    				//--- FPS counter
    				_fpsCoef = ((time - _time) * 60) / acctime; //Script is optimized for 60 FPS
    				_time = time;
    				bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = 0.2 * _fpsCoef;
    				bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = 0.03 * _fpsCoef;
    				bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = 1 * _fpsCoef;
    				bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = 0.06 * _fpsCoef;
    				//--- Dir
    				bis_fnc_halo_dir = bis_fnc_halo_dir * 0.98;
    				_dir = direction player + bis_fnc_halo_dir;
    				player setdir _dir;
    				//--- Velocity
    				_vel = velocity player;
    				bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel * 0.96;
    				player setvelocity [
    					(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * bis_fnc_halo_vel),
    					(_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * bis_fnc_halo_vel),
    					(_vel select 2)
    				//--- Animation system
    				_anim = "HaloFreeFall_non";
    				_v = bis_fnc_halo_vel;
    				_h = bis_fnc_halo_dir;
    				_vLimit = 0.1;
    				_hLimit = 0.3;
    				if ((abs _v) > _vLimit || (abs _h) > _hLimit) then {
    					_vAnim = "";
    					if (_v > +_vLimit) then {_vAnim = "F"};
    					if (_v < -_vLimit) then {_vAnim = "B"};
    					_hAnim = "";
    					if (_h > +_hLimit) then {_hAnim = "R"};
    					if (_h < -_hLimit) then {_hAnim = "L"};
    					_anim = "HaloFreeFall_" + _vAnim + _hAnim;
    				player playmovenow _anim;
    				//--- Sound
    				if ((time - bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop) > 4.5) then {
    					playsound "BIS_HALO_Flapping";
    					bis_fnc_halo_soundLoop = time;
    				//--- Effects
    				bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.02,0.02,0.3 - (bis_fnc_halo_vel/7)/_fpsCoef,0.3 - (bis_fnc_halo_vel/7)/_fpsCoef];
    				bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur ppEffectCommit 0.01;
    				sleep 0.01;
    			//--- End
    			player removeaction bis_fnc_halo_action;
    			(finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh];
    			ppeffectdestroy bis_fnc_halo_ppRadialBlur;
    			deletevehicle bis_fnc_halo_clouds;
    			bis_fnc_halo_clouds = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_vel = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_velLimit = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_velAdd = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_dir = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_dirLimit = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_dirAdd = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_action = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_keydown = nil;
    			bis_fnc_halo_keydown_eh = nil;
    			if (!alive player) then {
    				player switchmove "adthppnemstpsraswrfldnon_1";
    				player setvelocity [0,0,0];
    	} else {
    		//--- AI ------------------------------------------------
    		while {(position _unit select 2) > 100} do {
    			_destination = expecteddestination _unit select 0;
    			if (_destination distance [position _unit select 0,position _unit select 1,0] > 10) then {
    				_vel = velocity _unit;
    				_dirTo = [_unit,_destination] call bis_fnc_dirto;
    				if (player distance _unit > 500) then {
    					_unit setdir _dirTo;
    				_unit setvelocity [
    					(_vel select 0) + (sin _dirTo * 0.2),
    					(_vel select 1) + (cos _dirTo * 0.2),
    					(_vel select 2)
    			sleep 0.01;
    		//--- Open
    		[_unit] spawn bis_fnc_halo;
    //--- PARA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (typename _this == typename []) then {
    	_unit = _this select 0;
    	if (!local _unit) exitwith {};
    	//--- Free fall
    	if (count _this == 2) exitwith {
    		_alt = _this select 1;
    		_unit setpos [position _unit select 0,position _unit select 1,_alt];
    		_unit setvariable ["bis_fnc_halo_now",true];
    		_unit spawn bis_fnc_halo;
    	_para = "ParachuteWest" createVehicle position _unit;
    	//_para = "BIS_Steerable_Parachute" createVehicle position _unit;
    	_para setpos position _unit;
    	_para setdir direction _unit;
    	_vel = velocity _unit;
    	_unit moveindriver _para;
    	//_unit moveingunner _para;
    	_para lock false;
    	bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs = direction _para;
    	//--- Key controls
    	if (_unit == player) then {
    		_para setvelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),(_vel select 2)*1];
    		bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur = ppeffectcreate ["DynamicBlur",464];
    		bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectEnable true;
    		bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectAdjust [8.0];
    		bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectCommit 0;
    		bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectAdjust [0.0];
    		bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur ppEffectCommit 1;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = 0;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = 0.5;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = 0.01;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = 0;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = 1.5;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = 0.03;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown = {
    			_key = _this select 1;
    			//--- Forward
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveForward')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_para_vel < +bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = bis_fnc_halo_para_vel + bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd};
    			//--- Backward
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'MoveBack')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_para_vel > -bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit*0) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = bis_fnc_halo_para_vel - bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd};
    			//--- Left
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnLeft')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_para_dir > -bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir - bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd};
    			//--- Right
    			if (_key in (actionkeys 'TurnRight')) then {
    				if (bis_fnc_halo_para_dir < +bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit) then {bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir + bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd};
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time = time - 0.1;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ = velocity _para select 2;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_loop = {
    				if (!isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}) exitwith {};
    				if (time == bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time) exitwith {}; //--- FPS too high
    				_para = vehicle player;
    				//--- FPS counter
    				_fpsCoef = ((time - bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time) * 20) / acctime; //Script is optimized for 20 FPS
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_loop_time = time;
    				//_fpsCoef = _fpsCoef / 3;
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = 0.3 * _fpsCoef;
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = 0.002 * _fpsCoef;
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = 1.5 * _fpsCoef;
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = 0.03 * _fpsCoef;
    				//--- Dir
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = bis_fnc_halo_para_dir * 0.98;
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs = bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs + bis_fnc_halo_para_dir;
    				_para setdir bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAbs;
    				_dir = direction _para;
    				//--- Crash
    				_velZ = velocity _para select 2;
    				if ((_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ) > 7 && (getposatl _para select 2) < 100) then {player setdamage 1;debuglog ["Log::::::::::::::",(_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ)];};
    				bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ = _velZ;
    				//--- Pos
    				_para setposasl [
    					(getposasl _para select 0) + (sin _dir * (0.1 + bis_fnc_halo_para_vel)),
    					(getposasl _para select 1) + (cos _dir * (0.1 + bis_fnc_halo_para_vel)),
    					(getposasl _para select 2) - 0.01 - 0.1 * abs bis_fnc_halo_para_vel
    					(-bis_fnc_halo_para_vel * 75) + 0.5*(sin (time * 180)),
    					(+bis_fnc_halo_para_dir * 25) + 0.5*(cos (time * 180))
    				] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["mousemoving","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_loop;"];
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["mouseholding","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_loop;"];
    		sleep 4;
    		ppeffectdestroy bis_fnc_halo_DynamicBlur;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh = (finddisplay 46) displayaddeventhandler ["keydown","_this call bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown;"];
    		//--- End
    		//waituntil {vehicle player == player};
    		player setvariable ["bis_fnc_halo_terminate",nil];
    		waituntil {(position vehicle player select 2) < 2 || !isnil {player getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_terminate"}};
    		(finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["keydown",bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh];
    		(finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["mousemoving",bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh];
    		(finddisplay 46) displayremoveeventhandler ["mouseholding",bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh];
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_vel = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_velLimit = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_velAdd = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_dir = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_dirLimit = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_dirAdd = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_loop = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_keydown_eh = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_mousemoving_eh = nil;
    		bis_fnc_halo_para_mouseholding_eh = nil;


    player spawn bis_fnc_halo;
    player action [ "eject", vehicle player];
  12. I believe I followed user TorturedChunk's fix and followed option numbe 2. I can't be 100% sure since Im not in front of my files but here it is.



    to save you the trouble this is at the bottom of the init.sqf. I can't download and paste the actual HALO script(s) from my phone sorry I know the init isnt much help. But the first page of that link should be the files. When I get home I'll paste mine.

    MC_BIS_halo_spawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\haloInit.sqf";
    _mkr = "spawn" + str(round(random 4));
    if (!isDedicated) then {
        [] spawn {
            waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck") and
    !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000 and
    typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ") and
    !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -2000 and
    (typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ" or
    typeOf player == "SurvivorW2_DZ") ) and
    !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 0 and
    (typeOf player == "Bandit1_DZ" or
    typeOf player == "BanditW1_DZ") )
            if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
                _pos = position player;
                _mkr setMarkerPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1];
                player spawn MC_BIS_halo_spawn;
  13. Alright when I get home from work I'll have a look at this and give it a shot. I don't mind teleporting them out to debug as they don't really cause lag on the server. It's just insane when there's 100+ empty parachutes around. They have also on occasion collided with and killed players, which is actually kind of funny but yea.. Thanks gentlemen, I really would be lost if it wasn't for this awesome community and all the help that had been provided over the last year or so.

    I wonder if infiSTAR could modify his "fix server fps" to delete these. I do use that from time to time and it does appear to be deleting objects.

  14. So I run halo respawns on my server, but because of the new arma beta version, The parachutes don't delete once the player lands. This causes hundreds of parachutes to be floating around the map.. you should see Balota.. anyways I can't seem to find any information on how to get the server to clean these up. This is literally the only issue I'm having with the new beta. The only suggestions I've received so far are to roll back to the previous beta but that's not really an option for me. So does anyone have a way I can fix this? It would be much appreciated. For the record I'm running Overwatch if that matters. Thanks!

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