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Antagonist camper spawn script - file location


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Hey guys,


this morning I was curious and tried to find the Antagonist camper spawn lines in the Epoch server files. I was drinking coffee and.. ok.. I was tired and just had one eye opened :D I didn´t find the file, where it´s located.


I know, it´s not permitted to change the files, but I want to know how they´re built.


Where do all these drones and sappers spawn for players who do NOTHING??


Can somebod help here?



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looking in the wrong place mate - its in the client files, @Epoch\Addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\Epoch_masterloop.sqf

		if ((EPOCH_playerSpawnArray select (EPOCH_spawnIndex find "Epoch_Sapper_F")) <= 0) then{
			_sapperChance = 5 + (EPOCH_playerSoiled / 2);
			if !(EPOCH_nearestLocations isEqualTo []) then{
				_sapperChance = _sapperChance + 5;
			// 5% - 55% if soiled (+ 5% if in city) chance to spawn sapper every 5 minutes
			if (random 100 < _sapperChance) then{
				"Epoch_Sapper_F" call EPOCH_unitSpawnIncrease;
		// test spawning one antagonist every 5 minutes
		_spawnUnits = [];
			if (_x > 0) then {
				_spawnUnits pushBack (EPOCH_spawnIndex select _forEachIndex);
		} forEach EPOCH_playerSpawnArray;
		// select one unit at random to spawn from available
		if !(_spawnUnits isEqualTo []) then{	
			(_spawnUnits select(floor random(count _spawnUnits))) call EPOCH_unitSpawn;

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not that i've come up with no... was hoping when i went looking for it that it called something serverside... :'( only thing i can think of to reduce it is to run a seperate loop that deleted all ai, uav and antagonists say from plotpoles or safezones... thus reducing the number dramatically across the server

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