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Out of date client


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So my servers restarted (forcefully because reasons) and now a lot of clients, including myself are unable to connect to the server.

We are getting the Bad version, server rejected connection error.

I've tried the beta thing in DZC and I never run the game through steam, but somehow this once.. it did and now I cannot join. Anyone have any solutions?

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So my servers restarted (forcefully because reasons) and now a lot of clients, including myself are unable to connect to the server.

We are getting the Bad version, server rejected connection error.

I've tried the beta thing in DZC and I never run the game through steam, but somehow this once.. it did and now I cannot join. Anyone have any solutions?

In your Bliss/config.cfg you will see something like this

requiredBuild = 103718; // Require clients joining to have at least build 12345 of game, preventing obsolete clients to connect


Thats mine up above atm I currently am having sme people have issues connecting as well but I am trying to figure out the new beta patch # but im stuck at work. You can always change the number to the new one and see if it works.

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Yea, I did that and reinstalled the game - it works now. Seems like the client auto updated for some reason. Thanks for the help.

I also found out that you can reverify your steam files for arma 2 oa and then you launch arma 2 oa and see if you can install the latest patch through dayz commander. I just helped someone with that issue just now and it worked for them.

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