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[Vilayer] Epoch, where do I add scripts



Hello all,


I recently installed my DayZ Epoch Server on VIlayer. (I installed the MySQL Database and Epoch). That is where I stand.


Basically I want to add basic "standard" scripts to the server. The first script I have is the fn_selfActions.sqf script. After reading some of the code, I understand this script is for Self Blood Bag, Deployable Bike and Maintain Area. Where in Vilayer do I add these script files? 


I am under the impression that once I know where to add these things, everything can become easier. 

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I've watched a number of their videos and they do a great job of going over the ACP, but don't exactly tell you where to plug in scripts, unless I totally missed it...


I know the Vilayercodecustom folder is my go to folder, but within that folder, I couldn't tell you where a script goes to make it work. For example, I thought I had this right... I added the fn_selfActions.sqf script into the vilayercodecustom\dayz_epoch\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\ and it doesnt work. I removed it and placed it in the vilayercodecustom\missions\dayz.chernarus\ and it still doesn't work.


Do I need to add a line of code in one of the init.sqf files to make it work?

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unless you change the location of the fnc_usec_selfActions and the call to it. it will use the default fn_selfActions.sqf in the dayz_code

in  init.sqf you need to call your custom compiles...............

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "compiles.sqf"; //Compile custom compiles

in compiles you need to call you custom fn_selfActions.sqf

fnc_usec_selfActions = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\fn_selfActions.sqf";            // fnc_usec_selfActions - adds custom actions to dayz code

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I know the Vilayercodecustom folder is my go to folder, but within that folder, I couldn't tell you where a script goes to make it work. For example, I thought I had this right... I added the fn_selfActions.sqf script into the vilayercodecustom\dayz_epoch\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\ and it doesnt work. I removed it and placed it in the vilayercodecustom\missions\dayz.chernarus\ and it still doesn't work.

I've been using vilayer a while now

The first folder you will want to go to for adding custom scripts is


this is your base mission folder, (mission.pbo) scripts will be added here so players who join your server can download the content you add to your server.

The second folder you will want to know about is


this is your server folder, (server.pbo)

some scripts will requuire adding lines to files in this folder or adding new folders in here

Once you know where these folders are adding scripts will become quite straight forward. Just follow the instructions that come with the release.

If you would like any help getting started setting up send me a pm.

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