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Safe code change script



Was curious if there was a way to give the players a pop up box to change their safe combo.  It is really annoying trying to remember 15 safe codes and door codes in a large base.. Even more annoying for server admins being asked to change codes for players so they dont have to remember so many

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so... http://pastebin.com/dicpFAkb is player_changeCode.sqf which I am calling from http://pastebin.com/ntu2kCVD codeChangeUI.hpp ... it is not actually changing anything though... anyone wanna look at it and see if there are any errors here?  I'm sure I am just missing something stupid but not getting any RPT errors or anything... its just pasting all of my HINTS to screen (except for one that isn't showing up which is probably the issue) and making it so I can't access the safe anymore until I hit "change code" and change it back to the original password...

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Well that is from where I added the discrepancy for lock boxes. They take a 3 digit combo while a safe takes 4. The format will still put in the first two numbers it's just not putting in the last number until u get down to the if is safe section. The hint later displaying the new combo is showing the correct code that was entered

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If I am not mistaken your issue is going to be updating the charcaterid feild in the database.  As far as I know there is no database call to update that field on on an object.  I really really wish there was.  So you have to capture the old object delete it and recreate it with the new safe combo in the id field. 

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What about this post here? I cannot test it as my linux version does not support this kind of call yet. Need to adapt that before (and figure out how ;) ):

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At first I do that for the linux version. Devd already added a custom sql stament for me into the parser to change the characterID for objects.

I mean you had nearly everything already in place...the only thing missing I guess is time to do it. That's also my problem :(

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