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Cannot place Plot pole with J0ker5 stats script



Hi, I've gone through all the posts on OpenDayz regarding J0k3r5 Stats script for a custom debug monitor to no avail.  I fixed the gear problem while in vehicles by changing the toggle key.  Changing the toggle to <Home> fixed the gear problem whether in or out of a vehicle. But I cannot place a plot pole. It comes up with the communications menu instead of placing the pole when I hit the space bar. I tried mapping the toggle to other keys. Made no difference. I also tried putting the line if (!isDedicated) then {[] execVM "custom\stats\j0k3r5_stats.sqf"}; as the very last line of the folder. I also tried placing {[] execVM "custom\stats\j0k3r5_stats.sqf"}; in the existing If(!isDedicated.... section as the last entry in that section. Also made no difference.

Another thing to note, I do use Infistar and don't want to modify the Infistar files so I just toggle his debug monitor off and use this one. I much prefer this one. Problem is that I've tried all but one of the suggestions in the OpenDayz thread but nothing seems to allow me to place a plot pole. The only one I haven't tried is a custom dayz_spaceInterrupt.sqf called from my compiles.sqf. I already have a compiles.sqf with one line in it. It's the one for Krixes selfblood script. Can I just add another line into that one? Problem is that being new to this, I'm on new ground here.  And I really want to leave the option to toggle it off and on in-place. 

Any advice? Suggestions?


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It's because that debug script is not adapted for DayZ Epoch. It calls for _handled, which is already used by epoch to remove the menu you're seeing. You can circumvent it by removing _handled from the script, however I'm not sure if the debug toggle works then.
I have the toggle function working on my servers. I could probably post a how-to etc when I get home.

P.S This topic is abit old

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