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Players connecting for a few seconds than disconnecting.





Been running an EPOCH server for a few months.  No major issues to report of any kind that I didn't inflict on it myself.


My question concerns my player log.  For every player that connects and actually enters the game world, I have 3 or 4 that only connect for a few seconds.


The history looks like this (I've made up a generic name, GUID and IP)


[2014-03-02 | 10:00:53]  Player #1 Generic Name ( connected
[2014-03-02 | 10:00:53]  Refreshing players...
[2014-03-02 | 10:00:55]  Player #1 Generic Name - GUID: 1234567890abc1112131415efg16171819hij202122 (unverified)
[2014-03-02 | 10:00:55]  Verified GUID (1234567890abc1112131415efg16171819hij202122) of player #1 Generic Name
[2014-03-02 | 10:00:56]  Player #1 Generic Name disconnected



As I said, I have a solid server population so I'm curious if its just various players with client side problems? Player error? Choice?


It happens often enough that I thought I'd ask the community.


Feel free to yell if this is in the wrong thread.





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So I can confirm that this happens to my server ALL the time. I would also like to know what is the root of this.  


I saw a regular of mine attempting to connect, and disconnect multiple times. He finally got in a few hours later and told me something corrupted when he updated his Epoch to the new version and he had to reinstall everything....


But could this really be happening to 100's of players that are trying to connect? I doubt it.

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It's almost always a version issue. They are running 1031 and your server is 1042 for example. Mostly it's people who don't really understand the mod scene and they see your server in the browser and click to join. They connect then get kicked by the server for wrong/incomplete gamefiles.

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