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Looking for a good 50 player host.

A Pollo

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Hey guys,


I'm new to the forums and I have a question about your favorite hosting sites.

I know many of you love Dayz.st but I was wondering if any of you have played around with the Vilayer KVM VPS-5 virtual private servers?

For the past 5 days I have been playing around with configuring a server on my local host and have gotten very familiar with a lot of the setting's scripts etc.

I like being able to change everything and anything I want on my server so a VPS sounds pretty good.


Vilayer boats VPS specs of:


4 X 3.2GHZ+
Disk Space:
300 GB
Network Port:
All for around $55 a month. I would like to use the vps to host a 50 Man Epoch Server, TeamSpeak and even a small website for our players.
If anyone has any experience with any of Vilaers' hosting please let me know.
If anyone has any better suggesting please feel free to post them haha.
Thanks for your time.
A Pollo
The Rainbow Republic
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Thanks for the quick reply. I didn't think that through i guess. Would I be able to upload all my files and run it like that or do I have to use their tools?


Also would you recommend Vilayer or should i look elsewhere?

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i personally use vilayers clan package and its not to bad at all.


i get a game server, webspace and a teamspeak server



Thanks for the response. That right there looks to be a winner!


I just WISH they had 50 slots instead of 48 >.> gahh it looks so silly with only 48 slots lol.


Also does Vilayer let you upload your own files? I have a server going right now on a home machine and I don't really want to deal with all their GUI setup things.



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