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Time of day messed up



I'm not sure if this a 1.0.4 thing, but I haven't noticed it until 1.0.4


Everytime i log out of the game, the ingame clock resets to a standard time. This is kind of a pain since i have some players that log in at night and its sunny while its dark for others.


I've tried the hive.ini as local -7gmt and Custom -7 gmt.



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I had this same issue and could only pin it down to when I extracted and recompiled the dayz_server.pbo. It didn't matter if I added any custom scripts, the act of recompiling the PBO seemed to cause the issue. I tried using the source code from the epoch github and again I got the same result. I was using PBO manger 1.4 beta at the time. I installed the BIS dev tools and used their pbo creator and again it seemed to do the same thing, but next day after getting shouty at the computer I tried it again and the time stayed correct, no time reset on reconnection to the server. I was then able to add the custom scripts to our server and all is good.


My advice would be to use the source code for the latest released version of epoch and use the BIS pbo compile tool. Other than that I can't really recommend anything else to fix the problem.



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