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Trader Cities to Trader Posts and other changes


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I am new to Epoch administration stuff, used to have a Taviana 2.0 server. So I want to change the traders on my server.

Specificly, I want Trader Posts instead of Cities, I just like it more and get people out of their comfort zone.

I noticed a couple things:

- traders in the database ... "server_traders" seems to be the old setup with Sven's, Slav's, Murdock's, ... etc. together with "traders_data" which holds all the info about what to buy and sell at the specific traders

- missionfile "server_traders.sqf" seems to be the new config for the traders, basically same info as in the database

- dayz_server.pbo/missions/.. configures all the trading cities how they appear and stuff, good way of placing stuff, avoids dumping everything in the missionfile, yay .. do want

- dayz_epoch_b/CfgServerTrader/Category/.. seems to be the same info as "traders_data" in the database

So my question, what is actually relevant and what is customizable of this?

Can I change it somewhere (pointers to where would help alot) that it will take notice of the database instead of the dayz_epoch_b.pbo file or can I change the stuff in this file to be loaded through the missionfile or server.pbo, kinda like how customloot works?

Hopefully someone will enlighten me :)

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I'm pretty sure you can forget the database completely, thats the old system I think.
It would be nice if it were possible to change all that, because for example I want to have combo locks buyable (ridiculous overpriced but still) and there's no trader that sells them.
That's basically all I wanna do, the different trader posts instead of trader cities is a no brainer pretty much, just edit the mission and trader config files in the server.pbo and thats about it, tidious rewriting but managable.
The things the trader sell however seems to be clientside in the dayz_epoch_b.pbo. I really do not like it this way or MAYBE the answer is so simple that no one wants to tell me how dumb I'm to have overlooked that ;)

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to move the traders around you just need to modify the mission.sqf which has the trader locations and then you can download the php here and run it off of xammp



Its what I've been working with and I find it very useful to do changes to personalize each trader.

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to move the traders around you just need to modify the mission.sqf which has the trader locations and then you can download the php here and run it off of xammp



Its what I've been working with and I find it very useful to do changes to personalize each trader.

Exactly what I was saying, moving traders is easy, but changing what they are selling is not, since that information seems to be in clientside files, which you can't edit - without having to devise your own version of the epoch mod.

Gonna try out that tool anyhow, gonna see if it works the way I need it to be.

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