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The version that Gorsy and crew made should be able to have any models used that are legal and have a crash/wreck model i believe.


would that not be any model then as epoch has removed the illegal vehicles etc? finding a crash/wreck that looks close would do as well.

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Pretty much this.. you could even have cars drive around and "Crash" if you want, adding in survivors/bandits or military trying to "Guard" what they were carrying. Then writing in a conversation menu on said survivors for profit on Helping them get to their destinations or if your a bandit blowing their brains out and taking what you want.


Merging some of these additions like Sarge AI and Animated Crashes..  the possibilities are epic to say the least.


Its all just clever programming and praying to the mighty BE monster in the sky.


However in saying that Dayz I feel was meant to be a more open sandbox with the survivors telling their stories. AI, Spawns and Crash sites.. can become very linear unless you work in a great dynamic system like the Epoch Team are doing.

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I would also like to see the skins reworked to allow squad logos on the backpacks.


Would this even be possible with out any client side edits? I dont know how the skins etc work but im guessing that they need to be on the client side and if you made it in game where you select a logo for your squad, anyone could just pick the same logo etc.

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Squad or Team logo's show up on vehicles and I am pretty sure player skins when you register them.


There is a website for it I think, will dig it up.


On pack backs however is a different story as they would need a point built in as default.

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Squad or Team logo's show up on vehicles and I am pretty sure player skins when you register them.


There is a website for it I think, will dig it up.


On pack backs however is a different story as they would need a point built in as default.


im interested in this as didn't even know it was possible.

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That is not what I was talking about. I talking about the Dev team reworking the Skins and placing the Clan P3D To the backpacks so they will show up on the packs when  you run the Squad.xml . Right now they show up on the cars that allow Clan P3D and Skins that Allow Clan .. You have to set it up in the model .. To do this you have to use Ox 2 . It can be done. Just have to redo all the backpacks  models to support The clan LOD.

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Looks like I posted this and all my ideas in the wrong spot.. All this was for the Devs to add to Epoch ..


That's what this post was for.... not necessarily for them just to straight up add.. just so they don't run out of ideas of stuff to add.. (Not really possible)

I was also hoping for other players to add their thoughts and ideas as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Soo totally necroing this thread but i felt it was needed.

It seems that a lot of these ideas you had in here Bungle youve added to your custom server pack.

So for that reason..necro.


Sorry for the bombardment, I am sure you have probably seen a lot of it this is just to gauge some discussion and appeal.


Kamaz Skins

More Skin Variants to the Kamaz (Love the sound that thing makes when driving!)



Chinook Skins

Once again just some variants on the Chinook. Maybe not all of them but the Rust and Camo ones look pretty nice.


Those kamaz skins look horrid, but the chinook ones look epic.


Hi Guys,


Instead of creating multiple threads I will post in here some consolidated suggestions and questions I have if that's ko?




I am yet to try but how many arrows do you get out of a woodpile and a razor? 

If its 1 would it be possible to change it to 2/3? Or even a quiver if you have 2 woodpiles, metal scrap and piece of Burlap?


Whats the possibility of a torch modeled like the hatchet, small flame with light radius? Woodpile and Canvas to create and once holding (Primary Slot) matches to light on fire/put out.

Perhaps a timer on the fire set similar to the Flares. From there you can perhaps also "Drop/Deploy" Steak it into the ground.


Considering Metal Scrap is a 3 Slot Item and Tank traps 1 could you "Smelt" 1x Metal Scrap for 2x Tank Traps.


Traps - One of my favorite ideas would be a range of traps you can create to trigger events or just do damage. ( Not sure if even possible if you believe/code hard enough anything can be :) )


Spike Traps - 2x Metal Scrap or even 6x Tin Cans (Toolkit Required) Deploy like a bear trap but instead of breaking legs just causes bleed.

Flare Alarms - 1x M203 Flare, 1x Burlap (For the Ropes), 1x Scrap Metal (Knife and Toolkit Required) Deploy as an invisible area or even "Small Grass Cutter Building", players who walk over set off the flare..


More to follow.. 



Wrecks (Love Em!)

I heard in the grape vine somewhere about cleaning up of wrecks producing sometimes a random vehicle part. What about if they spawned with "Dynamic" loot with chances to salvage like cars. But always yielding scrap metal in volumes depending on the size/type of the wreckage. Once all parts removed the wreck removes.



Dayz 1.7.7

Will you guys be looking at re-building around the new developments coming in? Or continue running in Parallel?

I am liking the rolling change logs posted on the forums by Razor. Especially the [NEW] Sections...



[NEW] - 2 new stash sites. (tools required = Etool or Shovel. Items required = 1 sandbog for small 2 for medium)

Small = 8 objects slots, no weapons, no bags.

Medium = 16 Objects 1 weapon , no bags



[NEW] - 2 New Melee weapons.(Bat,Shovel)

[NEW] - 2 New Bat variations used in crafting. (NailedBat,WiredBat)



 [NEW] - Crafting is now added.

[NEW] - Attachment Crafting is the only way to upgrade weapons. (Attachments are found they need other objects to be crafted before being applied to weapons)



Will post more in here, but now I need sleep.





The stashes. Personally origins has better looking ones, but yeh,..stashes.


Could this be an answer to towing? I know its a little Thin for some vehicles, but maybe limit the class to only smaller vehicles, towed vehicle goes up on back. Needing maybe a toolbox and a new toolbelt item - Tow Ropes.

Animation can be worked on some more to perhaps include a ramp later and the need to drive up onto it with tow option only available at very limited distances. 






Whole pack actually has some other options as well if you check it out.


I love vehicle towing as a lone wolf a lot of the time I can keep my "Main" vehicle and tow the ones I find.. not needing to be on foot so much.

That made me cream.


Loving it.

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