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unlootable ai?


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In DZMSAIKilled.sqf, find this line at the bottom:

//Dead body timer and cleanup

And direcly ABOVE it, you have two options.


You can make the AI be deleted as soon as they are killed, by adding this line:

deleteVehicle _unit;

Or you can remove all their gear by adding these lines:

removeBackpack _unit;
removeAllWeapons _unit;
	_unit removeMagazine _x
} forEach magazines _unit;
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In DZMSAIKilled.sqf, find this line at the bottom:

//Dead body timer and cleanup

And direcly ABOVE it, you have two options.


You can make the AI be deleted as soon as they are killed, by adding this line:

deleteVehicle _unit;

Or you can remove all their gear by adding these lines:

removeBackpack _unit;
removeAllWeapons _unit;
	_unit removeMagazine _x
} forEach magazines _unit;

could this be used to spawn AI without the loot that their skin gives them (like gps and radio) and after that give them their intended gear?

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