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Adding Skins



Hi all !


I would like to add skins for my players but not only with wardrobes or other similar tools.

I would like to be able to have the real skin, by that I mean the item : 




I tried to add for example : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14070&highlight=FORCE%2BRECON%2BBLACK%2BRESKIN

So I created a custom variables.sqf to add these skins in AllPlayers. I can use it but I cannot change the skins as there is no existing item like for classic skins (Skin_xxx_DZ").


So could someone can help me to make it and item ? I know that it is possible as for exemple those skins were used in Overwatch !


Many thanks in advance.


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If you use surviver servers  their admin panel has alot of skins you can download and then seed the server manually.   I also do some of that with gold and items for treasure spots and hidden tents with briefcases of gold to help noobs get started.


Not as good as scripts but much easier to do.

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It's an addon so just launch it like a normal addon :)


You will need to have the addon in your OA director, place the BIKey in your keys directory and change your launch parameters to suit.

Clients need to do the same thing apart from the BIKey, clients don't use keys.

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